Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 273: Male Gods and Remnant Fans (1)

"Xiao Li. (((Mobile reading visit

Zhao Yulin's sudden utterance made Xiao Li on the side startled. After reacting, she hurriedly said, "General Manager, what's your order?"

Zhao Youlin handed out the newspaper in her hand: "Take this newspaper to the president's office, and by the way, tell the president that the company's accountant doesn't even notice this kind of thing that others can easily find out. There is no need to stay in that position anymore."

Xiao Li took the newspaper handed over by Zhao Yulin, glanced roughly, and his face became a little ugly.

She was about to turn around and leave the office, but she saw another newspaper that Zhao Yulin was holding with her sharp eyes.

"Hey, why does this newspaper look so old? Is it also today?"

"Ah, that!" Before Zhao Yulin's words were finished, Xiaoli leaned forward with a blushing face and hurriedly leaned over to get the newspaper back. She was ashamed of being found doing bad things. Zhao Yulin was surprised. .

Take it for granted, little Li girl wanted to grab something from Zhao Yulin's hand or owed it so little.

Zhao Yulin just leaned to the side casually, and gently avoided the hand she extended, raising her eyebrows: "Is there anything shameful on this newspaper?"

"" Xiao Li blushed, and said at a loss, "General manager, that...that is the newspaper two months ago. When I just sorted it out, I didn't pay attention to accidentally and today You are in the same place, please return it to me."

"Last month's newspaper?" Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows, and the expression on her face was a little bit more teasing again. "Last month's newspaper was hidden and still reluctant to throw it away. Why don't you say nothing? Let me have a look. What's the secret?"

"Ah, don't..." Xiaoli still wanted to dying to fight for a while, reaching out to grab it, but was often avoided by Zhao Youlin.

As soon as Zhao Yulin opened the newspaper, the big headlines came into view.

"The capital chain of Shengshi Group Co., Ltd. is broken, and the whereabouts of President Han Yichen is unknown." Zhao Youlin whispered out the content of the newspaper, her eyebrows twisted unconsciously, always feeling that Han Yichen's name was unfamiliar.

Han Yichen...Han Yichen...Han Yichen...Wait, the name Han Yichen...


"Han Yichen."

Zhao Yulin only felt that a thunder suddenly struck down above her head, which made her froze on the spot.

Taking advantage of the gap in Zhao Yulin's daze, Xiaoli quickly snatched the newspaper back into her hand, blushing, and wanted to run out, but Zhao Yulin was drunk first.

"and many more!"

Xiaoli froze, staring wide-eyed and looking at Zhao Youlin very innocently, and said timidly, "Well, what else is the general manager?"

Zhao Youlin walked out from behind the desk and pulled the newspaper back again under Xiaoli's nervous gaze. After making sure that she had read it correctly, she coughed softly, "Well, Xiaoli, do you know the president of Shengshi Group? ?"

Xiao Li nodded, then shook his head hurriedly.

"...Do you recognize it?"

"...I know him, he doesn't know me."

Zhao Yulin looked at Xiaoli, wishing to immediately dig a hole in the ground and buried herself in a shy look. She moved slightly in her heart and asked tentatively: "Xiao Li, don't you like this? President Han? "

If so... if this Han Yichen is really the one in his store, judging from the weird atmosphere between him and An Yue that day, Xiao Li might be...

As soon as Zhao Yulin’s words came out, Xiao Li immediately retorted: “No, no, I don’t like him, I’m just a little obsessed with him, it’s the kind of fan’s obsession with idols! President Han is my male god. I am his fan!"

Zhao Yulin: "..." Well, she seems to be worried for nothing.

Zhao Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Since you are a stupid fan of others, you should have a picture of President Han in your hand? Show me a look and let me see what this President Han looks like. In this way, it can be favored by our secretary Xiaoli."

Xiao Li was still a little bit twitched at first, but after another thought, he was discovered anyway, so he simply broke the jar, took out his mobile phone, and enlarged his Weibo portrait and said: "General manager, look, this is the person. The male god!"

"..." They all used the jade photos of people as their heads, and it was indeed your male god!

Had it not been for Zhao Yulin to know that there is still a strange creature called Brain Remnant Fan in this world, I am afraid that she would really doubt whether Xiao Li was a crush on her.

Zhao Yulin followed Xiao Li's hand and looked at the familiar figure on the screen.

The man in the photo is wearing a straight suit. There is not much expression on a handsome face, but it is more vivid than anyone else, especially... those eyes.

The moment he saw the eyes, Zhao Youlin was sure that the man in this photo, the former president of Shengshi Group, was the man in her shop who was picked up by An Yue accidentally.

"No wonder I always think that Han Yichen's name is familiar, it turns out it's because of this."

Zhao Youlin, a company of Shengshi Group, has heard of it before. It is an emerging financial bond company. It has only been established for two or three years but has developed very rapidly. Moreover, it is said that the boss of this company is two partners, but in his early twenties, he has a very strong hand, especially the powerful President Han.

So for a while, all major magazines in S city were vying to report on Han Yichen. When Zhao Yulin was in the police station, he had spotted a magazine with him as the cover several times. I did not expect such a figure sitting high on the altar one day. Suddenly fell into the mortal dust, but fortunately, he was picked up by the people in his store.

"General Manager, General Manager..." Zhao Yulin was sighing with emotion. Xiao Li on the side realized that Zhao Yulin had been staring at the photo for a long time without responding, and couldn't help but whispered several times.

Zhao Yulin regained her consciousness abruptly, and replied perfunctorily: "He looks pretty good, no wonder you like him so much."

When Xiaoli heard Zhao Yulin's praise of her male god, she became excited at the moment: "Yeah, right? My male **** grows up like this. It's really annoying. Look at this face, it's 360 degrees without dead ends. I feel so perfect, and this figure is straight and slender. The net height alone is 1.88.015. Let alone this golden ratio figure which is similar to a clothes rack. I really have a lot of international supermodels. street."

"..." So, how on earth did you get such a figure of net height, it is accurate to three decimal places!

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