Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 272: Escalation of contradictions (2)

Zhao Youxi's loud yelling shocked everyone in the house. After reacting, one by one hung their heads in a hurry, pretending to hear nothing, and silently stepped out, for fear that one would become a father and a daughter if they were not careful. Victims of Rush. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Shuncheng was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, his face was so gloomy that it was as if a pool of stagnant water, which made people look timid.

However, some people still insisted on moving up, "I said you...uh..."

As soon as Li Hongyu heard Zhao Youxi's mouth, he knew that he was going to suffer. He wanted to cover Zhao Youxi's mouth, but he was too far away, so he could only stop her when Zhao Youxi collided with Zhao Shuncheng.

"You Xi, shut up." He whispered a warning with his daughter, and his face became dark after receiving her disdainful snort.

When I turned my head and looked at Zhao Shuncheng, she quickly adjusted to the weak look she was best at. Ewha said with the rain: "Shuncheng, don't care about You Xi, she's still a child, ignorant..."

It’s a pity that after the unhappy noise last time, coupled with this farce, Zhao Shuncheng’s connection between her and Zhao Youxi is almost gone now: “She’s still a child and ignorant? It’s because of you. Protect her like this all the time, and she will become what she is today! How miserable a loving mother, she is still used to you today!"

Listening to Zhao Shuncheng's unceremonious accusation, Li Hongyu's eyes widened suddenly, with tears in his eyes, looking at Zhao Shuncheng in disbelief.

Zhao Shuncheng seemed to be not enough, he snorted coldly and cursed: "My own children can't teach well. I really don't know how I fell in love with you in the first place!"

People are like this. When people are rare, the other party is always good in his eyes no matter what they do, but once they start to feel disgusted, no matter how good the other party is, it will be a defect in his eyes. This is true for Li Hongyu and Zhao Youxi for Zhao Shuncheng.

At the beginning, he could kick away the bored Zhao Yulin mother and daughter, and straighten Li Hongyu's mother and daughter, so now Li Hongyu's mother and daughter, who is now despised by him, can still be kicked to the side without wrinkling.

Li Hongyumu stared at Zhao Shuncheng blankly, forgetting the tears in his eyes.

Zhao Shuncheng frowned, only feeling terribly annoyed, and snorted at the two of them, and dropped a sentence: "I won't have a daughter like you in the future. Get out of here right away. I don't want to see you again." ." Turned around and wanted to leave.

The resoluteness of the tone is really shocking, it seems that he has made up his mind to draw a clear line with Zhao Youxi.

Zhao Youxi finally realized the seriousness of the matter after hearing Zhao Shuncheng’s words, and she was flustered, choked up and called Li Hongyu: "Mom..."

Li Hongyu woke up like a dream. Seeing Zhao Shuncheng's unrelenting back, he was worried. Without thinking about it, he rushed to the feet of Zhao Shuncheng and hugged his thigh.

Before Zhao Shuncheng kicked her away in anger, he screamed miserably: "Shuncheng, I know that You Xi has lived up to your expectations, but after all she is your daughter. I didn't teach her well, and I was not qualified to intercede with you. But you can count on you. If you don’t look at my face, you should also think about it for Yoo Ming. You can’t just die like this."

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Shuncheng heard the word Yoo Ming, his struggling strength suddenly became much smaller.

Li Hongyu knew that there was something in his heart, so he was busy and continued to encourage him: "Shuncheng, You Ming is your only son, he is so good, he shouldn't be criticized for this kind of thing. He will be back in a few days. When he returns home and finds that his own sister has been kicked out of the house because of this kind of thing, how chilling should he be?"

Li Hongyu’s tearful pleading finally made Zhao Shuncheng a little bit shaken. He looked back and forth on Zhao Youxi and Li Hongyu a few times, and finally relaxed his words: "I have been staying at home for a few days, and I’m not allowed to go anywhere. ."

After he finished speaking, he pulled his leg out of Li Hongyu's hands, and left without looking back.

Zhao Shuncheng took it back and did not drive Zhao Youxi out directly, which greatly relieved the mother and son.

Zhao Youxi crawled to Li Hongyu's side with lingering fear. After the tossing just now, Zhao Youxi looked even more embarrassed.

It was a piece of meat that fell from my body, no matter how irritated I was, I still couldn't bear to be too harsh.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, there is a mother here, don't be afraid."

Looking at her tear-stained daughter in her arms, Li Hongyu felt extremely tired for the first time.

She has spent so many years teaching her daughter all the manners and qualities that the wealthy eldest lady should have, so as not to let her go on her own way. Whoever thinks it is, the last thing After going around, she still lived up to her expectations.

Fortunately... Fortunately, she also has an excellent son, a son who will not lose to anyone!

Thinking like this, Li Hongyu's dead eyes burst out with dazzling light once again.

What Li Hongyu's mother and daughter didn't even know at this moment was that this anti-inflicted farce soon reached someone who is now paying close attention to their dynamics.

Since the rumors of Zhao Youxi began to fly in the sky in S City, there have been more small activities that Zhao Youlin spends time in her free time. That is... Collect all kinds of news reports about Zhao Youxi. By the way, let people pay attention to the various reactions of Zhao Shuncheng’s family. Announce.

Zhao Shuncheng's reaction after receiving the news was exactly what Zhao Yulin expected. Zhao Shuncheng is so happy, vain and snobbish. To put it bluntly, he wants to save face.

Zhao Youxi gave him such a big stain this time, it would be strange if he could really swallow it down.

Therefore, after learning that Li Hongyu moved out of her son, Zhao Shuncheng changed her mind and did not drive Zhao Youxi out of the house, Zhao Youlin became more interested in this "brother" who had no impression.

"General Manager, this is today's newspaper." Zhao Youlin was bored after finishing today's work. She saw Xiaoli push the door in, holding the latest newspapers in her hand.

Zhao Youlin's eyes were shining, and she smiled faintly as she took the newspapers from Xiaoli's hand, and flicked them one by one, and finally saw some content that was completely different from those unsightly pornographic photos and Zhao Youxi's photos that were big in recent times.

"The illegitimate daughter of the Zhao Group's development department director is suspected of embezzling public funds..." Zhao Yulin's eyes suddenly dazzled, and she grabbed the bottom of the newspaper and read it carefully. After confirming that the evidence of the magazine was conclusive, her lips softened. Slowly hooked up.

She didn't believe it anymore, this time Zhao Shuncheng could still protect Zhao Youxi, in other words, there is still more power to protect Zhao Youxi!

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