Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 268: Lies under Lies (2)

The embarrassed smirk on Mu Chen's face froze completely because of Li Yan's words. He suddenly raised his head and pointed at Zhao Youlin with trembling fingertips and asked: "You, you, you...what did you call her just now?"

Li Yan looked at Mu Chen's extremely shocked appearance, his eyebrows were slightly twisted, and he said coldly: "This is Ms. Zhao Youlin Zhao. (((Cartino Novel Network

Mu Chen was still stunned and stupid: "You are the person we are looking for today? Zhao Yulin?"

Zhao Yulin resisted the urge to touch someone's dog's head and smiled and said, "If there is no other person in the Zhao family by this name, then it should be me."

"You, actually have the same name and surname as sister Lin!"

The smile on Zhao Yulin's face froze for a moment, and then became more brilliant: "Oh? Didn't I tell you before? The reason why your sister and I met online and became friends is because we happen to have the same name. The same surname, what a wonderful fate, isn't it?"

When Zhao Yulin said this, a flash of light flashed quickly under her eyes, a wonderful fate? Who said no!

Although there are so many people with the same name and surname in this world, but I have been reborn in such a person with the same name and surname. Who can say that this is not a kind of fate?

"...No, you never told me about this." Mu Chen said with a look of {arcbr/>

Is it his illusion? Wei Mao just had such a moment, he felt as if he had seen in this person exactly the same...bad taste!

Sure enough, the name determines the temperament, this person is definitely deliberate! on purpose!

Again! Li Yan looked at the two people who were chatting happily with a sullen face, and clenched his hands hanging beside him without a trace.

This uncomfortable feeling, as if only oneself is excluded, and the feeling of having no choice but to look on, is really uncomfortable and annoying!

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's get back to the topic." After bullying enough of someone, Zhao Yulin wisely pulled the topic back, leading the two to walk to the side of the sofa and said, "Sit down."

Li Yan and Mu Chen sat on one side of the sofa, and Zhao Yulin sat on the other side of the sofa.

As soon as he was seated, Li Yan took the lead and said: "Miss Zhao, in order to cooperate with our investigation, we now hope you can give us a specific explanation of what happened that day."

"That's okay." Zhao Yulin readily agreed, "It was probably ** in the morning, because I happened to send my child to kindergarten on the first day. After sending the child, I was worried that the child would not be comfortable in the kindergarten, so I stayed back and forth After nearly half an hour, I got in the car and prepared to send an elder home. Not long after the car was moving, my driver noticed a car following us behind. Soon after that, the car following us started hitting us from behind. Car."

"Are there anyone else in the car besides you and your driver?"

"There is another elder." Zhao Yulin raised her eyes and glanced at Li Yan. "I just said that we were preparing to send this elder home, and this person was also seen by Officer Li that day, and she was also injured. Knocked his head."

Li Yan tried his best to recall the scene that day when he heard the words, and made sure that he had an impression of the woman with a broken head before he said again: "What happened later? How did you go to the grove by the sea?"

"When I noticed something was wrong, I called my secretary. He was surprised and flustered. Let us delay the time and wait for his rescue. At that time, we were just near the bay, so we thought Using the complex terrain on the beach to delay time, unexpectedly made a mistake in his busy schedule. My driver accidentally got into a small car accident on the bay side and drove the car into the grove."

When Zhao Yulin said this, Uncle Zhao came over with the tea, put the tea in front of a few people, and walked away.

"After the accident, my driver was injured and unconscious, and I and the other person in the car were also slightly injured. At this time, those who hit us behind were still chasing after us. In desperation, we could only hide in. The grove, use the terrain in the grove to delay time and protect yourself..."

Li Yan glanced at Mu Chen next to him, groaned, and asked again: "I take the liberty to ask, when we found you that day, the gentleman who was with you was..."

"Oh, that was the elder's son who was sitting in the car at the time. He happened to be nearby at that time. He heard that his mother and I were in danger and ran over. Before you found me, we just met on."

"In this way, what is the relationship between the person who reported the case and Miss Zhao?"

"Friendship. He was on the same road where I was attacked. He recognized me in the car and called the police."

Zhao Yulin's answer was perfect. Li Yan and Mu Chen looked at each other, nodded, and asked the most critical question: "There is one more question, about Miss Zhao shooting and hitting people that day..."

coming! Zhao Yulin's eyes shrank slightly, and the gesture of serving tea under her was also a pause.

As early as after the shooting that day, Zhao Yulin had expected that these people would definitely ask about this in the future, and she... was already ready to say something.

"This is actually nothing. The two police officers should know that there are so many people like us because people want our lives. This time is the best example. So, generally speaking, our elders want us to stay here. This kind of thing, at least a little self-protection ability, will let us learn something to defend ourselves. This is the same as many girls now learn something like taekwondo karate to prevent perverts and protect It’s the same thing to not hurt yourself."

Li Yan was silent for a moment, but it was somewhat difficult to accept Zhao Yulin's explanation, and said with a calm face: "The precision of the marksmanship shown by Ms. Zhao that day is not at all like the fist and kung fu practiced for self-protection."

Zhao Yulin chuckled softly and said Cong Shan Ru Liu: "Inspector Li's words are wrong. If you don't learn this fist, how can you protect yourself? If you can't protect yourself, then what is the use of learning them? What's more, Officer Li saw the situation very clearly that day. The reason I fired was entirely to protect myself. As for the accuracy, you saw that at the time, my friend was shot by the pursuer in order to save me. As someone who has been rescued, shouldn’t he be sad or angry when he sees his friend because he was injured? Officer Li, you should know that when a person is dazzled by anger, he is very likely to do Something that can’t be done normally, right?"

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