Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 267: Lies under Lies (1)

As the days passed, Zhao Youlin now repeats the pattern of running at four o'clock in the hospital company’s kindergarten every day. It can be called hard work. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

Fortunately, since the two broke up in the hospital on the day of the fight, Qin Huai never appeared in front of Zhao Youlin again, which made Zhao Youlin a sigh of relief.

With Mu Tingfeng's injury getting better day by day, the police also started investigating the case of Zhao Youlin being hunted down this time.

The first step in the investigation was to find out about the situation with the client, Zhao Yulin.

Mu Tingfeng was injured that day, Zhao Yulin directly left a few people and took Mu Tingfeng away in a hurry, leaving Xiao Jingyao alone to deal with the police.

But Xiao Jingyao was the last to follow the police, except for the scene in which Mu Tingfeng blocked his gun for Zhao Yulin. He didn't know anything else. Therefore, his words do not provide much useful information at all.

When the police came to the door, Zhao Yulin was drinking afternoon tea with Duan Yarong.

Hearing Uncle Zhao’s announcement, Zhao Youlin raised her eyebrows, put down the black tea in her hand and asked, "How many people are here?"

"Just two young male police officers."

"Two, um, I see, let them wait for me in the living room, I will come here."


"Mom, I'll go over and take a look."

"Well, remember to tell me and your dad if you have any circumstances." Duan Yarong frowned. The things of the day have not had any eyebrows, and it has become a knot of Duan Yarong's heart.

Duan Yarong couldn't be at ease without picking out those people who were hiding in the dark and ready to be disadvantaged to Zhao Yulin at any time.

Zhao Yulin naturally knew this, so she nodded and said, "Well, I know, don't worry."

As soon as Zhao Yulin walked into the living room, she saw two figures with their backs to her.

As if hearing the sound of footsteps behind them, the two turned their heads at the same time, and the faces in front of them made Zhao Yulin stunned on the spot.

Mu Chen was also taken aback when he saw Zhao Youlin, his eyes widened and exclaimed, "Why are you?"

"Well, that's right, it's me. It's been a long time since I saw you, Mu Chen." It was really unexpected for Zhao Youlin to see Mu Chen in this situation.

But now that they have already arrived, there is no way to hide now, they can only bite the bullet and greet them.

Li Yan next to Mu Chen was also taken aback when he heard the conversation between the two of them. He looked back and forth on the two of them, and asked tentatively: "You two... know each other?"

The smile on Zhao Yulin's face remained unchanged, and she answered truthfully, "I saw one in the cemetery."

Hearing the word cemetery, Li Yan's expression instantly became a little subtle, and when he thought about the name of the person in front of him, the gaze at Zhao Youlin became more complicated.

Mu Chen ignored Li Yan's questioning at all, and Wu said to Zhao Yulin: "Speaking of which, why are you here, Miss Zhao?"

"This is my home, where can I be if I'm not here?" Zhao Yulin laughed, turning around the two of them without a trace, her eyes moved slightly.

It seems that her cute little brother doesn't seem to deal with this police officer Li! That being the case, she doesn't need to be too enthusiastic to meet this person in the future.

"Your home?!" Mu Chen's eyes widened, his unbelievable dullness, it is really hard to believe that this kid is now a person with a family.

Zhao Yulin smiled slightly: "Why? I'm from the Zhao family, so that surprised you?"

Mu Chen also realized his gaffe, and quickly remedied: "No, no...but, didn't you say that you were not from this city last time? Why now...could it be that the things you said last time were all scams? mine?"

Oops! Zhao Youlin cried out secretly in her heart. The last time she met Mu Chen in the cemetery, Zhao Youlin lied casually and told him that she was not from S City.

I thought that encounter was just an episode, and it would be difficult to meet again in the future. Unexpectedly, it was only a few months before the two met again, still in this kind of embarrassing situation.

"Um... of course... of course not! How could I lie to you? Although this is my home, I did not live here before, and I just moved back recently. So, it's not surprising that you see me here. ."

Zhao Yulin's words were vague, but they made people unable to make mistakes.

It is true that she has just moved back to Zhao's house recently. She has always lived in Mu's house before. After moving out of Mu's house, she also lived by herself for a period of time.

But no matter whether you live in Zhao's or Mu's, you can't escape from the city, so the sentence she said before is inherently problematic.

Today Ruo Ruo asked her the person who knew about the past between her and Mu Tingfeng, who was afraid it would have been exposed long ago.

It's a pity that it was Mu Chen who asked her this. How would Zhao Yulin, who had been with Mu Chen for more than ten years, know that this kid lacks a root in his head. Although she likes to watch entertainment gossip on weekdays, she never remembers it. Days can be forgotten.

Even if I read the rumors about her before, I am afraid I would have forgotten to go to Java Island.

As she expected, after listening to her explanation, Mu Chen's face was faint, and he easily accepted the explanation, nodded and said, "That's it."

However, just because Mu Chen believed it didn't mean everyone believed it. At least Li Yan, who was standing next to Mu Chen, didn't fully believe it, and looked at Zhao Youlin a little more inquisitively.

Zhao Yulin saw Li Yan's strangeness in her eyes, but she disagreed. To her, Li Yan was just a stranger who had nothing to do with her, and his mood was not within her consideration, especially since this person still talks to Mu Chen didn't quite deal with it.

After greeting Zhao Yulin, Mu Chen finally remembered the main purpose of coming here today, and looked up at Zhao Yulin: "Oh, yes, since you are from this family, then you should know that there is someone in your family who has the same name and surname as Sister Lin. People, right? We are here to find her, can I trouble you to rush her again?"

"Hurrying her? Are you in a hurry?" Zhao Youlin raised her eyebrows when she heard Mu Chen talk about herself, and she suddenly gave birth to the thought of teasing the person before her.

Mu Chen didn't know that the person in front of him was the one he was looking for, and smiled awkwardly: "Yes, you can go back to the game if you finish things early."

"I want to go back to the bureau earlier because of work? Or is it because someone in the bureau is waiting for our Jiang Da police officer?"

Hearing the teasing in Zhao Yulin's words, Mu Chen's face suddenly blushed, and he was embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

Li Yan was watching the interaction between the two and suddenly felt very uncomfortable somehow. He frowned and stepped forward and inserted between the two: "Miss Zhao Youlin, if there is nothing else, we can first Talk about business?"

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