Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 269: Not worthy of mentioning her (1)

Li Yan opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but found that he was so blocked by Zhao Youlin that he couldn't say anything to refute her, so he was unwilling to silence her. (((Cartino Novel Network

Zhao Yulin had no intention of continuing to entangle with Li Yan, put the teacup in her hand back on the table, and said lightly: "Do the two police officers have any other questions?"

"As for the people who chased Ms. Zhao this time, does Ms. Zhao remember their faces?"

Zhao Yulin looked up at Li Yan and chuckled: "Officer Li, I think you shouldn’t ask me this question. As far as I know, there is still a suspect in the police station. Compared to me, I miss that. The suspect should be much more impressed with the companions he gets along with each other day and night."

Li Yan was speechless, but soon he found another reason: "Miss Zhao was right, but Miss Zhao also said just now that the suspect is an accomplice of those people. In that case, who can guarantee that he will not False reporting of those people’s information delays time, so it’s better to ask other witnesses to be on the safe side."

"Sergeant Li's words are indeed reasonable, but how to make the prisoners tell the truth, shouldn't it be your duty?"


"Of course, the most important reason is because I...forgot."

Li Yan was stunned, staring at the person on the other side in surprise: "Forgot?"

"Yeah, I forgot." Zhao Yulin admitted that she was not burdened at all. "Even if you didn't personally experience the situation at the time, you should be able to imagine that so many big men with guns surrounded me, a weak woman, and I could run for my life. It’s too late, how can there be leisurely feelings to remember each of them’s faces?"

Mu Chen: "..." Hey, how do you look like a weak woman like you! Besides, if you are really a weak woman, don't shoot someone in the shoulder blade!

Mu Chen shuddered inexplicably when he recalled the suspect who was still bedridden in the intensive care unit.

Once again, Li Yan was blocked by Zhao Yulin and wanted to get angry, but as soon as he saw Zhao Yulin's pretending face, he always felt like he was bullying a girl. It felt like he was too heartbroken. Up!

In the end, this question could not be settled. Li Yan pondered for a moment and asked unwillingly: "The last question, has Miss Zhao conflicted with or offended anyone recently?"

Zhao Yulin groaned, "Have a conflict with someone? This is really a lot to say."

Li Yan's eyes were shining, and he chased after him: "Miss Zhao, please be more specific."

Zhao Yulin frowned for a moment and said in a low voice: "Well, Officer Li should know who I am now. In addition, I have just recently entered the family business as the general manager. It is inevitable to make enemies in a high position. This is beyond my control. Got it. As for disputes, I'm not easy to roll out the names. If Officer Li is interested, he should check it out by himself. I believe that with the abilities of the officers, it shouldn't be difficult to check such a little thing."

Now it is not clear who the person who wants to kill her is, she will not be so stupid as to dig a hole and bury herself.

There are a lot of people who have had conflicts with Zhao Youlin. Since she joined the Zhao family, Zhao Yifei, Sun Fengzi, Zhao Shuncheng, Zhao Youxi, who has never had a conflict with her?

Especially when Sun Fengzi's mother and son made a sensation, it spread throughout the company.

But Zhao Yulin also understood that there was still a person standing behind Sun Fengzi. She had to call her name at this time. If it wasn't her, it would not be impossible for her to be accused of a false accusation.

Therefore, it's better to be vague about this kind of thing, and let some people check the safest thing for themselves.

Li Yan heard the perfunctory in Zhao Yulin's words, and wanted to ask again, but he heard Zhao Yulin spit out a sentence: "Officer Li, you just said that, that's the last question."

Li Yan got stuck when he reached his mouth and sat back angrily.

A trace of sarcasm flashed across Zhao Yulin's eyes, and she turned her gaze to Mu Chen, who had been silently taking notes on her side. The indifference and sternness that was hidden under her eyes disappeared a lot in an instant. She smiled and asked, "What more can Officer Jiang Did you ask?"

Li Yan was stiff when he heard that, as if he wanted to hint to Mu Chen, but was chopped off by Zhao Yulin's cold eye knife.

Mu Chen was stunned. He looked up at the woman in front of him who was inexplicably familiar with him. He saw the tolerance and deep impatience in her eyes. He knew that he should seize the opportunity to ask a few more questions at this time. Shook his head.

Zhao Yulin happily twitched her lips: "In this case, Officer Jiang just said that there are other things to be busy, so I won't leave two more officers."

Li Yan pursed his lips unwillingly, closed the transcript he had made, and stood up and stretched out his hand: "Then we will go first. Thank you Miss Zhao for your cooperation today. If you have any other news, we will notify you as soon as possible. "

However, Zhao Yulin ignored Li Yan's hand stretched toward her side, and she shook Mu Chen's hand without a trace, and smiled: "Well, then I'll take care of you."

Li Yan's outstretched hand froze in the air like this, and it took a while before it seemed to wake up from a dream, and slowly put it down, hanging by his side, silently clenching.

Zhao Yulin didn't ask Bo Zhao to send them out, but she personally sent them out, just to get along with Mu Chen for a while.

"I remember I heard Sister Yeorim mentioned before that you are all from the special police force? Is it possible that the current special police force has changed to take care of us?" Taking advantage of Li Yan to pick up the car, Zhao Yeorin finally asked. Seeing Mu Chenqi, he has been entrenched in questions.

Mu Chen was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately raised his head with embarrassment and smirked a few times: "No, I am no longer a special police, but an ordinary policeman."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows. She didn't forget how determined the brat was when she was in the military academy. No matter how her mother persuaded her, she had to be a special police officer. She was stubborn. The cow can't be pulled back, why is it suddenly modified now?

When Zhao Yulin asked, Mu Chen became even more embarrassed, and he hesitated to tell the truth.

"Well, you also know that Sister Lin died of her job for doing our job. After that, I wanted to understand a lot of things. Although I like this profession very much, I am no longer the way I was before. I’m alone. Even if it’s not for myself, I have to live well for my family. I didn’t want my family to suffer the pain when I lost sister Lin, so I killed them when I caught them. After Sister Lin’s escaped criminal, Xiaoxin and I submitted an application and transferred to our current position."

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