Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 255: Feeding continues (1)

The two looked at each other like this, one murderous and the other as calm as water. (((Mobile reading visit

In the end, Mu Tingfeng took the lead to break the silence, and leisurely spit out a sentence that made Zhao Yulin very familiar: "You promised my mother, you must take good care of me."

"..." Dude, use the same reason every time, you are not tired, I am tired!

But for such a simple reason, Zhao Yulin found that she had no way to refute, so she had to eat this dumb loss with anger, and snorted coldly: "I know."

Mu Tingfeng looked at Zhao Youlin in anger and turned away. Only unwillingness and irritation were left in those eyes that were full of pride and confidence. The corners of his lips slowly curled up, feeling such Zhao Youlin for no reason. ……so cute!

That's right, it's cute. If the usual Zhao Youlin is a coquettish, bright and poisonous snake that may rush to give you a lethal bite at any time, then at this moment, Zhao Youlin is simply a cat that is easy to blow up after teasing... Cat, very cute.

If Zhao Yulin knew what Mu Tingfeng was thinking at the moment, she would definitely shake the bucket in his hand directly on his face, with a curse: Old pervert!

However, at this time, she concentrated on putting the empty bucket into the bag she had brought, while cursing Mu Tingfeng's prowess in her heart, she didn't realize how explicit the eyes of the people on the side looked at her.

Zhao Yulin finally finished cleaning up, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Mu Tingfeng's next instruction followed.

"I want to eat fruit."

The smile that had not yet been fully raised on Zhao Yulin's face suddenly froze, her eyes widened and she turned her head to look at Mu Tingfeng in a daze: "What did you just say?"

Mu Tingfeng looked at Zhao Yulin's wicked expression, and wrinkled her brows, not understanding what she had said wrong.

"I want to eat fruit."

Damn it, I didn't make a mistake, this person really wants to eat! Just finished eating such a big bucket of porridge, and immediately wanted to eat fruit, how does this man's stomach grow, it is more edible than pigs!

"Eating fruit immediately after a meal is not good for your health." Zhao Youlin twitched her mouth, hesitated for a long time before finding a more pertinent reason.

Mu Tingfeng's eyes flickered a few times when he heard the words, and after a long while he uttered a word: "I want to eat."

What Zhao Yulin hates most now is Mu Tingfeng's words, her face is dark, her eyes are folded, and Mu Tingfeng continues to fight with Mu Tingfeng's eyes.

Mu Tingfeng was not in a hurry, just staring at the person in front of him silently, motionless.

Silence once again spread in the ward, and at this time, I am afraid that even the sound of a needle falling on the ground will be extremely clear.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yulin was the one who lost the battle this time.

But Zhao Yulin would not admit that she was afraid of Mu Tingfeng, she just didn't want to care about so much with a patient. That's right, that's it.

With a sigh, Zhao Yulin resignedly glanced at a few fruits on the table and asked, "Say, what do you want to eat?"

Mu Tingfeng's eyes flashed a faint smile, and after a glance, he froze on the yellow crystal pears on the table.

"Pear, you peel it."

Zhao Yulin: "..."

This guy really used her as a nanny! Zhao Yulin grinds her teeth, picks up the fruit knife with a gloomy look, and turns her anger towards the innocent fruits on the table.

Eat, eat, eat to death, forget it, anyway, with the Mu family's financial resources, it won't be a problem to feed a few such big stomach kings.

I wish this guy would eat the Mu Family down soon, and then disappear in front of him sooner!

Thinking like this, Zhao Yulin stabs the biggest crystal pear on the table with a brutal knife.

With a chuckle, the pear full of moisture fully demonstrated its good quality at this moment, and the splashed juice directly splashed on someone on the hospital bed...face.

Jo Yoon Lin, who is still holding a fruit knife: "..."

President Mu, who was sprayed with pear juice on his face: "..."

"Puff...hahaha..." Zhao Yulin held back for a long time and finally couldn't help it. She dropped the fruit knife in her hand and pointed at the embarrassed Mu Tingfeng and laughed.

Mu Tingfeng felt the stickiness on his face, his face sank suddenly, and he was about to let off the air, but at this moment, he heard Zhao Youlin's laughter.

Raising her eyes in surprise and looking at Zhao Youlin, Mu Tingfeng's face rarely appeared a little bit of astonishment.

This is the first time that Zhao Yulin smiled so happily in front of him. In the past, Zhao Yulin faced him with either a sarcastic ridicule or a distant sneer. Never before had she smiled unfettered and arrogantly.

Mu Tingfeng looked at Zhao Yulin like this, he was a little silly, and even the discomfort on his face became less unacceptable: "So happy?"

"Ahem..." Mu Tingfeng's question finally made Zhao Youlin stop smiling, coughed twice, and found that she seemed a bit too much. After all, the reason why Mu Tingfeng had become like this seemed to have nothing to do with herself.

With a guilty conscience, Zhao Youlin hesitated for a while and wiped the juice on Mu Tingfeng's face by herself.

I don't know that the more I want to laugh, the more patience, the arc of Zhao Youlin's lips and the gloating that can't hide her eyes still reveal her good mood at the moment.

Mu Tingfeng looked at the person in front of him almost fascinated. This was Zhao Youlin, who he had never seen before, with the lazy, arrogant Persian cat-like, and a little bit of pleasing cleverness, unexpectedly... enticing.

Mu Tingfeng found that the more he gets along with the person in front of him, the more he can discover another side of him that he has never noticed before. It is dazzling, fascinating, and makes people more and more... addictive.

Before Mu Tingfeng could recover from this accidental discovery, Zhao Youlin had already stood up straight, and threw the tissues in her hands into the trash can and said, "Okay."

Mu Tingfeng woke up like a dream, but Zhao Yulin's mood improved slightly because of this episode, and she took the initiative to retrieve the fruit knife and began to peel the pear that had done a lot of work.

Mu Tingfeng looked at Zhao Yulin's appearance as she lowered her head to cut pears seriously, her cold expression gradually softened, and the corners of her lips were also subconsciously aroused, which was a miracle.

It is a pity that the only witness who might have witnessed this miracle at this moment is struggling with the thin pear skin at this moment, not paying attention to the changes on the side at all.

Zhao Yulin was peeling her skin and vomiting.

This guy is also a failure enough. The president of Mufeng Group and the only heir of the Mu family, he has been hospitalized for a day. Except for her, his secretary and Su Ruixin's mother accidentally, not even half of them came here to visit. he.

Even the few pears in her hand seemed to have been bought by Xia Zetao himself yesterday. One can imagine how bad this person was before.

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