Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 256: Feeding continues (1)

However, this time it was really Zhao Yulin who was wrong. No matter how bad Mu Tingfeng was, it was also the fifth and most powerful diamond king in city s plus the richest. (((Mobile reading visit

Since I heard that something happened to him, so many ladies and even small companies in the business community that want to build a relationship with Mu Feng and cooperate with Mu Feng feel that their opportunity has come, and they want to come in this hospital and ask Mu Tingfeng. sentence.

In response to this, Mu Tingfeng had already prepared to let people guard the gates of the hospital to stop those who were plotting wrongdoing. But even so, there will still be one or two fish that slip through the net...

Peeling a pear is not a difficult task. Zhao Youlin quickly solved the layer of skin, looked at the white and tender flesh, thought for a while, still cut it into small pieces, and held it directly in front of Mu Tingfeng. .

She didn't notice the effort for just such a while, she had learned to take care of Mu Tingfeng's inconvenient hand.

Mu Tingfeng watched Zhao Youlin's subconscious behavior, a pleasant ripple appeared in his eyes, lowered his head and bit the pear, and when Zhao Youlin was about to withdraw his hand, his tongue slid across Zhao Youlin's fingertips without a trace.

Zhao Yulin: "!"

"You, you..." Zhao Yulin suddenly drew her hand back and looked at Mu Tingfeng dumbfounded.

"What's the matter?" Mu Tingfeng asked back after swallowing the pear pieces in his mouth.

Xu Shi's expression on Mu Tingfeng's face was too magnanimous, and Zhao Yulin couldn't help but wonder if it was her illusion just now. Well, to be precise, it should be an accident.

Zhao Yulin tried to see something strange on Mu Tingfeng's face, but found that someone's expression hadn't changed, and she was very calm.

Could it be... I really read it wrong? Zhao Yulin twisted her eyebrows and followed Mu Tingfeng's eager eyes to look at the pear in her hand.

Without entanglement in this matter, Zhao Yulin cut a small piece of pear and handed it to Mu Tingfeng.

This time Mu Tingfeng ate in obediently, very obediently.

Such as feeding a few pears, just when Zhao Youlin really wanted to believe that it was just a momentary illusion of herself, Mu Tingfeng’s tongue slid over Zhao Youlin’s fingertips again, and this time when his tongue was retracted, it was still He licked his lips very violently, with an unsatisfactory look.

Although this expression lasted for less than a second before and after, Zhao Yulin still saw it!

Zhao Yulin was petrified on the spot, and even the stretched out hand froze in place and forgot to take it back.

After a while, it seemed as if the switch was activated, and he got up from the chair with a whistle, stepped back several steps, gritted his teeth and said: "Mu! Ting! Feng!"

Zhao Yulin looked at the man who looked calm and composed, as if she didn't know what shocking behavior she had just done, and she almost broke her silver teeth.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Mu Tingfeng turned his head, his eyes were calm, his complexion was as usual, it really made people unable to see the slightest guilty conscience of being caught from his face.

Zhao Yulin just got stuck in a mouthful of old blood, what's wrong? This **** dared to ask her what's wrong? How could he have the face to ask! Damn it, this guy's face is not made by the wall!

"Be aware of what you just did! Mu Tingfeng, don't take an inch!" Zhao Youlin only felt that the string of reason in her mind was completely broken at this moment!

Mu Tingfeng tilted his head and looked at Zhao Yulin's angry appearance, with slightly raised eyebrows, and a little bit of evil and joking was born at the end of the eyes.

"You said the one just now..." Mu Tingfeng groaned, and under Zhao Yulin's glaring eyes, faintly spit out a word, "I like it."

Zhao Yulin almost vomited blood on the spot. What makes me think you like it? How could she like this kind of perverted thing? She is not perverted!

Bastard! How could she not discover that there was such a perverted rascal inside under the man's noble and glamorous appearance before her eyes!

If this is seen by those nymphomaniac girls who are obsessed with him outside, how disillusioned it might be!

Zhao Yulin looked at Mu Tingfeng's old god, as if she expected how relaxed she would not dare to look at him, grind her teeth fiercely, and tighten the fruit knife in her hand.

He forcibly resisted the urge to poke seventeen or eight holes with the knife in his hand, and instead used his eyes to delay him.

Reluctantly, Mu Tingfeng didn't have the slightest fear of Zhao Yulin's eye-knife that flew towards him, but he seemed...very happy.

Mu Tingfeng stared closely at Zhao Yulin's suffocated appearance that was so angry that he couldn't attack on the spot, and the smile in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

He found that compared with Zhao Yulin's cold words and ignorance to him before, now this kind of bullied and resentful look... more cute.

Perhaps he can do more things like this in the future, so that he can see more such vivid expressions on her face.

As soon as this thought came to the surface, even Mu Tingfeng himself was shocked. He had never known before that he would have such a...bad side.

The two confronted each other like this, one sitting on the bed and the other standing on the side, looking at each other.

Just when Zhao Yulin felt that she was about to start beating someone, a familiar shout suddenly came from outside.

"What are you stopping me for? I came to the hospital to see the patient, and I didn't come to do anything harmful to the world. Why are you stopping me?"

"Miss, of course we can't stop you from entering the hospital to see patients. It's just embarrassing that our boss has already taken care of this floor, and no one is allowed to come or go. It disturbs him to rest. Please don't embarrass us."

Zhao Yulin heard the sound of the bodyguard's dissuasion in the ward, her face suddenly became a little weird, and her eyes looked at Mu Tingfeng with a bit of ridicule.

As expected to be the wealthiest diamond king in s city, he lives in a courtyard, and even covers the entire building. It is really so rich that there is no place to use it!

Mu Tingfeng always felt that after hearing the noise outside, Zhao Yulin's eyes began to look weird, but he couldn't say what was wrong for a while.

It was not until a long time later that President Mu thoroughly understood Zhao Youlin's temperament, and then realized later that Zhao Youlin was looking at a nouveau riche when he saw his eyes lively!

Generally speaking, this eldest bodyguard is all about it. If the person is a smart person, even if he feels unhappy, he should know that the person who can cover such a whole floor is by no means a simple role, and he will leave wisely.

But the one outside is obviously not among the smart people. After hearing the words of the bodyguard, instead of leaving, he got even more energetic.

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