Zhao Yulin was anxious to take Lele to kindergarten early this morning, so she didn't lift the lid to see what was in the bucket. Unexpectedly, there was such an oolong!

At this moment, Zhao Yulin really wanted to dig a pit and bury herself, she didn't dare to lift her head and snorted: "I don't know if you like sweet or salty, just ask the cook to make it whatever you want. If you really don't want to eat this I don’t want to. I’ll go down and buy another one for you later. ---End of this book, the romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan www.hjw.tw)))

As soon as Zhao Yulin's voice fell, she heard the person next to her replied: "You feed me."

"Huh?" Zhao Youlin suddenly raised her head and looked at Mu Tingfeng in surprise.

Mu Tingfeng actually didn't like sweet and greasy things. It was just that he had a high fever all night and consumed too much energy. He hadn't eaten anything this morning, and he was already hungry.

Smelling the scent of red dates and lotus seed porridge, the body has already made the most honest response.

The most important thing is that this porridge was brought by Zhao Yulin. Although it seems a little bit different from what he expected, it does not affect his good mood at the moment.

"I said, you feed me and eat."

This time, Yulin Zhao really understood Mu Tingfeng's words, and her face suddenly became a little more subtle: "Is President Mu a three-year-old child? Someone has to feed him for a meal?"

In the face of Zhao Yulin's irony, Mu Tingfeng didn't feel ashamed at all. Yang Yang Yang himself was still in a plaster, wrapped in a mummy-like hand, and said confidently: "My hand is hurt."

The corner of Zhao Yulin's eyes twitched: "...If I'm not mistaken, you seem to hurt... your left hand."

"Yeah." Mu Tingfeng nodded calmly, "Left-handed."

"..." Mu Tingfeng, can you be more shameless?

Suffocating the spit out of her heart, Zhao Yulin said stiffly: "Actually, if you don't want to eat..."

"I want to eat." Zhao Yulin was interrupted by someone before she finished speaking.

Mu Tingfeng's deep eyes locked Zhao Youlin's eyes tightly, and said very seriously: "You promised to take care of me."

The implication is that it is something you promised yourself, and now that you are unwilling to satisfy even such a small request, it is simply unbelievable.

Zhao Yulin had an old blood stalk in her throat, and she couldn't wait to spray Mu Tingfeng on the spot.

After taking a few deep breaths in silence, Zhao Youlin was able to suppress the anger in her heart. She picked up the spoon beside her angrily, and no matter whether the porridge was hot or not, she would dig up a spoon and stuff it into Mu Tingfeng's mouth.

Mu Tingfeng didn't open his mouth, so he looked at Zhao Youlin so determinedly, only to see that Zhao Youlin felt that she was a little bit unreasonable, then she looked down slightly and swallowed the spoonful of porridge with her mouth open.

Zhao Yulin was stunned, then took another sip and handed it to Mu Tingfeng.

Compared to a three-year-old child, Mu Tingfeng is obviously much more obedient. He eats as much as Zhao Youlin scoops, quietly...looks very well-behaved.

Puff...Zhao Yulin smiled in her heart. If Mu Tingfeng knew that someone had put the word "behave" on his head, he didn't know what his expression would be. Thinking about it, it would be inexplicable... funny.

Mu Tingfeng's cooperation quickly reduced the gruel in the thermos bucket by more than half, and at this time, the spoon that Zhao Yulin stretched forward was also hindered for the first time.

"Are you full?" Zhao Yulin looked at Mu Tingfeng, who was no longer opening her mouth, and asked suspiciously.

Mu Tingfeng shook his head, took a deep look at Zhao Youlin, and asked, "Are you eating?"

Zhao Yulin was stunned, staring blankly at the spoon in her hand and the gruel in the bucket. Somehow, the first thing that emerged in the head was...

Eat together = share a spoon, eat a bucket of rice together = indirect kissing!

The inexplicable sense of shame swept over Zhao Youlin without warning, and she couldn't help but blush, and coughed dryly: "No, I ate it when I was at home, and I am not too hungry now."

"Oh." Mu Tingfeng's tone was inexplicably lost, but the loss only lasted for a moment, and he continued to swallow the remaining gruel with peace of mind.

The rosy lips were steamed by the heat of the gruel, the Adam's apple that slipped from swallowing mouthfuls, and the tip of the tongue that unconsciously slipped over the edge of the silver spoon when he finally took the spoon out of his mouth.

Looking at Mu Tingfeng like this, Zhao Yulin felt that the inexplicable sense of shame had reappeared, and she cursed secretly, **** it, don't you just have porridge? What kind of trouble is it to show such a seductive look!

Mu Tingfeng was not conscious of the male hormones that he unconsciously exuded. While eating the porridge that Zhao Youlin handed over, he carefully observed the expression on Zhao Youlin's face.

After being irritated and irritated by Zhao Yulin, she still felt very inexplicable. Did she do anything to upset her? Wasn't it okay just now? The woman's mind...It's hard to guess.

Time passed slowly as the two of them fed and swallowed. When Zhao Yulin recovered, the bucket of porridge had already bottomed out.

Zhao Yulin was stunned at the empty insulated barrel. Although the insulated barrel is small, and it seems that the barrel is only three-quarters filled just now, it is a barrel at any rate!

This guy Mu Tingfeng ate up all this bucket of porridge in such a short time, it was a veritable rice bucket!

But Mu Tingfeng didn't know Zhao Youlin's shock at the moment, staring at the empty thermos and frowned unhappy, as if dissatisfied with how the rice in this bucket was so small, he still wanted to enjoy it for a while. The pleasure of feeding.

However, President Mu, who had not eaten two meals, was a little bit support after eating such a big bucket of meals, and had to give up: "I'm full, put it away."

Zhao Yulin's mouth twitched, and she thought, even if you are not full, what can you do if you eat up such a big bucket of rice, OK?

Zhao Yulin put away the bucket with a face full of food. Before she could sit down, she heard Mu Tingfeng say: "I don't like sweet food."

"..." If you don't like to eat, you still eat so much, so you die!

"Also, tomorrow, I want to eat something you made by yourself."

"...I don't cook as delicious as the cook." And, why should I cook for you such a bastard?

"It's okay, I don't dislike it."

Zhao Yulin only felt an arrow in her knee, and she felt so painful that she wanted to grab the collar of the person in front of her and shouted: "You don't dislike my old lady, my old lady dislikes you!"

"I don't want to do it." The unceremonious four words fully expressed Zhao Youlin's depressed mood at the moment.

Mu Tingfeng turned his head and glanced at Zhao Youlin calmly, then pursed his lips and said, "I want to eat."

Zhao Yoorin is angry, what makes you want to eat? Do you have to make it for you if you want to eat it? Do you think too much of yourself!

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