Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 251: Come to the rescue (1)

When Zhao Yulin saw Xia Zetao's sluggish look, she drew a trace of her face, sighed and coughed lightly, trying to regain somebody's sense of wandering. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

"Ah..." Hearing Zhao Yulin's cough, Xia Zetao woke up like a dream, and greeted the two with a dry smile, "Miss Zhao, Madam Zhao, you are here."

"This is..." Duan Yarong looked at Xia Zetao who suddenly appeared in front of her and Zhao Youlin to stand in the way, and looked at Zhao Youlin inquiringly.

Zhao Yulin smiled awkwardly, and said truthfully: "This is President Mu's assistant and secretary, Xia Zetao, Secretary Xia."

"Oh, it turned out to be President Mu's secretary." When Duan Yarong heard that the person in front of him was Mu Tingfeng's person, his face instantly pulled down.

The atmosphere in the world suddenly became a little weird.

The corners of Xia Zetao’s mouth were almost stiff, and he had to stalk her neck towards Zhao Youlin on the side to ask for help. Hey, the mother of the former president’s wife was indeed a bad visitor. When he came up to see his little secretary, he looked like this. Then I will see that the president is not more... the former president's wife, save me!

Zhao Yulin quickly received Xia Zetao’s gaze for help. She also knew that her mother was complaining about the house and the black. The person in front of him was really innocent lying down and shot, so she just interjected: "Secretary Xia, Where is President Mu?"

Seeing that someone finally broke the silence, Xia Zetao's eyes lit up slightly: "The president is still asleep."

"It's been three poles in the day and still sleeping. It seems that President Mu is too tired on weekdays. It is rare to have this kind of opportunity to be brazenly lazy." As soon as Xia Zetao spoke, Duan Yarong couldn't help but hummed against him.

Zhao Yulin looked at the mother, who was completely different from usual, and she was a little bit dumbfounded. Mu Tingfeng seemed to have inspired the other side of her mother that was not known to others. I really don’t know if I should be grateful to him or mourn for him. .

Xia Zetao choked and reacted extremely quickly. He soon discovered that he was in trouble. With the mind that the disaster could be rescued, he quickly explained: "That... not like this. The president is still very strict. The reason why I got up late today is because I suddenly had a high fever in the middle of the night last night, and I tossed it all night."

"Mu Tingfeng had a fever last night?" Zhao Youlin frowned, but she was relieved after another thought.

A gunshot wound is not a small injury or pain, but the copper wall and iron wall can penetrate, not to mention that he is a man of flesh and blood.

As a conscientious chief secretary and assistant, how can he easily let go of the opportunity to brush up his sympathy for the president in front of the former president's wife?

Xia Zetao said sternly: "Yeah, the fever is so severe that it has alarmed several major doctors in the hospital. It was only a little bit of control after a busy night. I went to bed again when it was dark this morning, and it has been up until now. There are also some low-grade fevers. When Miss Zhao goes in, remember to let the president take anti-fever medicine."

Zhao Yulin nodded, and replied, "Well, I see."

"Then now that Miss Zhao is here, I will go back to the company first. The president is not in the company, and many things have to be handled."

Zhao Yulin glanced at Xia Zetao's slightly embarrassed appearance, and sighed: "Well, go, I'll just look at it here."

Xia Zetao was amnesty, bowed to Zhao Yulin and Duan Yarong, and left in a hurry.

Zhao Yulin and Duan Yarong didn't pay much attention to Xia Zetao's departure and pushed open the door of the ward that was half open.

What they didn't know was that Xia Zetao swished and hid when he walked to the corner that they couldn't see.

After carefully soothing his frightened little heart, Xia Zetao said with great loyalty that the president is in trouble. As his right and left hand, he must not help him. He must...remove soldiers!

However, the candidate for the rescuer... After thinking about it, Xia Zetao felt that no one except the mother of his own boss could handle this difficult task, so he decisively picked up his mobile phone and began to inform.

Xia Zetao was busy looking for someone to lead Duan Yarong away, and Mu Tingfeng on the other side was also rarely worried.

He who has always been in a light sleep, actually woke up as early as the moment Zhao Yulin and two of them appeared, but when he heard Xia Zetao yell Madam Zhao, his heart trembled, and he closed his eyes subconsciously. Chu, began to pretend to sleep.

President Mu Da, who has become accustomed to being cool and tyrannical, will not admit that this is a subconscious escape behavior that he suddenly thought of facing the nervousness of his mother-in-law.

Therefore, what Zhao Yulin and the other two saw when they wanted to go down the door.

In the clean, tidy and wide single VIP ward, the man was wearing a light blue medical suit that did not match his handsome face, lying on the snow-white hospital bed.

The expression of the man in his sleep was calm and calm, a bit more peaceful and calm than usual, and a bit less indifferent and serious.

After seeing Mu Tingfeng's meticulous appearance, it was the first time that Zhao Youlin saw such a different side of him. She moved slightly in her heart and put the things she had brought on the table next to the hospital bed, pulling Duan Yarong to sit aside in silence.

Although Duan Yarong had seen Mu Tingfeng several times before, it was the first time to observe it at such a close distance.

The man on the bed cannot be said to be a full-fledged experience, but the three-dimensional facial features that look like a knife cut, even if you can feel the explosive golden ratio figure hidden underneath, plus this person is born with The temperament of the superior who came, and the family background that ordinary people can only look up to...

Duan Yarong had to admit that this man did have the capital to make people crazy about him. No wonder her daughter would have liked him at first, but it's a pity...

Because of Mu Tingfeng's faceless pretending to sleep, the atmosphere in the bed was temporarily stagnant.

Zhao Yulin looked at Mu Tingfeng's profile for a while, and suddenly remembered Xia Zetao's instructions before leaving, got up and glanced at the table next to the hospital bed, looking for a thermometer to measure the temperature.

Unfortunately, she didn't find the thermometer for a long time, so she had to reach out and touch Mu Tingfeng's forehead.

After touching it, I still felt unsure, so I subconsciously pushed my forehead up and tested Mu Tingfeng's body temperature in person.

When Lele had a cold before, Zhao Youlin often tested whether he was still having a fever in this way, so she took this action for granted.

As everyone knows, what kind of scene her possession looks like in the eyes of others, and how much shock and surprise she brought to the people in the hospital bed.

"Yorim, what are you doing?!"

Duan Yarong's exclamation came from behind, and Zhao Yulin was shocked. Only then was she shocked that the person who was now against her forehead was not Lele, but...

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