Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 252: Come to the rescue (2)

Realizing this, Zhao Yulin hurriedly wanted to get up, but her hand was held at this crucial moment. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

The closed eyes opened suddenly because of this sudden change, and they suddenly widened, looking at Mu Tingfeng who had woke up in disbelief.

The deep, sea-like black eyes are like a whirlpool, which may draw people into them at any time, forever.

Xu is that everything happened too suddenly, and Zhao Youlin couldn't react at all, so she kept her up position and stared at Mu Tingfeng at close range until there was another annoyed whisper behind her.

"President Mu, what are you doing? Let go!"

The two woke up like a dream, Zhao Yulin pulled her hand out of Mu Tingfeng's hands like an electric shock, and stepped back a few steps before hitting Duan Yarong behind her.

At the same time, Mu Tingfeng also sat up from the bed, Canruo Xingchen's eyes stared at Zhao Youlin, and never left.

Zhao Yulin only glanced at him, then quickly looked away.

There were too many emotions in those eyes that she couldn't understand or dared to understand, making her subconsciously just want to hide, and always felt that if she didn't hide, the consequences would be beyond her control.

Duan Yarong didn't know the entanglement in Zhao Yulin's heart. At this moment, she felt more and more that her decision to come with Zhao Yulin was correct. This Mu family kid really tried to mislead her daughter!

She is still standing here, this guy dared to do something to her daughter, if she wasn't here today, this guy would be pretty good!

Mu Tingfeng didn't know that he had once again lowered his impression of his future mother-in-law when he met in the first year of the first year, and he pretended to be calm and greeted: "Auntie..."

President Mu said that he actually wants to call his mother-in-law more, but the time is obviously not yet ripe, but he believes that one day will happen soon.

Duan Yarong is a very well-educated wealthy lady. Even if she is dissatisfied with Mu Tingfeng in her heart, it is difficult to say anything nasty in Mu Tingfeng's left hand, which is still in plaster.

She took her daughter back a few steps, and said indifferently: "Listen to Yeorin saying that you were injured yesterday to save her. Today, I came here to thank you. Thank you, Young Master Mu, if you need any help from Young Master Mu in the future. Yes, Zhao will definitely help."

There is only one thing I want, but you may not be willing to hand it over. Mu Tingfeng watched Duan Yarong's movements, a swift light flashed through his eyes, but his face was still expressionless.

"Auntie, you are polite. With the current relationship between me and Yeorim, this is all I should do."

As soon as Mu Tingfeng said this, Duan Yarong and Zhao Yulin's lips twitched.

What do I (Yorim of our family) have to do with him? Why don't I know? The two mother and daughter thought very tacitly.

Zhao Yulin rolled her eyes helplessly. She knew that Mu Tingfeng had a very thick skin before, but she didn't expect this person to have such a thick skin!

It sounds like I really have a leg with him, God knows they have nothing to do with him!

The thicker-skinned President Mu didn't care about the opinions of others at all. The close contact with Zhao Youlin just now made him feel very good at the moment, looking at his face. Jun Junbr/>

Duan Yarong was stunned, glanced at the two chairs that were less than 20 centimeters away from the bed, and turned her eyes slightly.

Under the astonished gaze of the two of them, they stretched out their legs and slowly hooked the chair in front of him.

Zhao Yulin: "..."

Mu Tingfeng: "..."

After finally hooking the chair to the front, Duan Yarong secretly calculated the distance between the chair and the bed, and determined that even if Mu Tingfeng leaned out, he could not reach Zhao Youlin before coughing softly: "Okay, sit down. "

Zhao Yulin: "..."

Mu Tingfeng: "..."

Zhao Yulin sat back in an awkward manner. It was really difficult to adapt to the almost weird atmosphere in the ward, so she had nothing to say: "I heard that you had a fever last night and tossed it all night. How do you feel now? Do you want to call? The doctor will come over to check you up again?"

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, Mu Tingfeng's eyes lit up. Is she...caring about herself?

This recognition made President Mu, who had been tossed with a fever all night, couldn't help feeling a little fluttering.

He was about to say that it was okay. This little illness and pain could not trouble him, but the same methods of chasing people that Su Ruixin taught him yesterday appeared in his mind again, and the words that came to his mouth instantly changed his style of painting.

"No, you can just pour me a glass of water." The slightly drooping eyebrows combined with the voice that became a little hoarse from the dryness of the high fever overnight, which made people feel a little distressed.

Sure enough, Zhao Yulin frowned upon hearing Mu Tingfeng's words, got up and poured a cup of warm boiled water for him and handed it to his hand.

When Mu Tingfeng reached out to take it, Zhao Youlin's fingertips unconsciously reached Mu Tingfeng's hand, causing his eyes to become deeper and deeper in an instant.

In this regard, Zhao Yulin herself was not conscious at all. Looking at Mu Tingfeng's "weakness" looking down and drinking water, she disagreed and said: "If you are unwell, it is better to have a doctor come over for examination. Gunshot wounds are not a trifle. "

Mu Tingfeng held back the joy in his heart, calmly replied: "Well, good."

Seeing that the two people's getting along mode was developing in a more and more weird direction, Duan Yarong's heart sounded a long alarm. I always feel that this meticulous man in front of me is just pretending to be weak and abducting her baby girl, and his skill is almost comparable to the most powerful scheming bitch. No, she must take measures and can't just watch this guy. I abducted my daughter in front of me!

Duan Yarong was about to insert her mouth between the two, but one of them stopped her first.

"Oh, isn't this Mrs. Zhao? It's been a long time, how are you doing recently?" The woman's delicate voice suddenly came in from outside the ward, attracting the attention of everyone in the ward.

"Mom." Mu Tingfeng's eyes moved slightly after seeing the appearance of the person outside the door.

Duan Yarong was also taken aback when she saw the people coming. Although she had heard Zhao Yulin talk about this Mrs. Mu yesterday, she didn't expect to meet so soon, and she was still in such a place.

Su Ruixin didn't want to come over today. After all, this is the two-person world of her son and future daughter-in-law that she has finally created. If she runs to mix things up, she will be pricked to death by her son's eyes!

Who ever thought, not long after having breakfast this morning, I received an emergency call from my son's secretary, saying that my future daughter-in-law took the future mother-in-law to the hospital and asked me to rush to the rescue!

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