Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 250: Anti-extortion (2)

"Hmm..." Li Hongyu sighed slightly when he saw that Zhao Youxi did not continue to question. (((Cartino Novel Network

I was about to send Zhao Youxi downstairs, but Zhao Youxi gave a sudden stop before turning around and asking Li Hongyu: "By the way, mom, do you know something?"

"...What's the matter?" The smile on Li Hongyu's face became slightly stiff.

"That little **** Zhao Yulin had an accident today."

"Yes...Is it?" Li Hongyu's face turned pale, and said stiffly.

Fortunately, Zhao Youxi's attention was not on her at the moment, and she didn't notice at all: "No, she was chased and killed outside in broad daylight. It was a big noise. I heard that in the end even the police were alarmed."

Zhao Youxi did not realize that Li Hongyu's face became even more ugly when he was talking about the police.

"Mom, why did you say that the little bitch's life is so big? It was all chased and killed, and in the end it was still intact. The most important thing is...It also hurt President Mu and his mother. I really don't know. She is a blessing that she has cultivated in a few lifetimes. She is obviously a disaster star... Hmph, it is best to let President Mu and Madam Mu know her physique for disasters after this time, and how far away from her in the future!" Zhao Youxi became more and more angry as she talked about it, her barely beautiful face had long been distorted by jealousy, and it looked particularly scary.

Li Hongyu's face was blue and white, and with trembling lips: "You just said President Mu and Mrs. Mu? Didn't those people chase and kill Zhao Youlin? How could they hurt President Mu and Mrs. Mu?"

"I heard that it was because that little **** Zhao Youlin happened to meet Madam Mu on the road, so he let Madam Mu ride in her car. Humph, what is President Mu's initiative to ask for remarriage? That little **** was clearly against Mu. The president's lingering feelings are not there yet! Encounter with Mrs. Mu? Oh, there must be such a coincidence, she must have designed it a long time ago, and want to please President Mu through Mrs. Mu. This is really..."

Zhao Youxi gritted her teeth and cursed, while muttering in her heart why she didn't expect to please Mu Tingfeng through Madam Mu's direction, and missed the opportunity for nothing!

"Those people outside are rumoring that President Mu was to save Zhao Youlin from being injured. I can't think about it anymore. This news must have come from that **** Zhao Youlin himself. To me, President Mu must be because of Mu. The wife ran over there without worry. In order to protect Mrs. Mu’s injury, Zhao Yulin was also there, so she took the facts out of context and said that President Mu was injured because of her, which is really shameless!"

Zhao Youxi complained comfortably, she didn't realize that Li Hongyu beside her was already a little shaky, but she didn't wince at this moment and said the last startling sentence, which almost stopped Li Hongyu's heart from beating.

"President Mu is injured and hospitalized right now, which is when someone needs to take care the most. Mom, you ask Aunt Fu to cook more supplements tomorrow morning. I'm going to the hospital to visit President Mu."

"No!" Before Zhao Youxi's voice fell, Li Hongyu interrupted her with a loud scream, which frightened Zhao Youxi.

Zhao Youxi realized that Li Hongyu's appearance was not right, her eyes widened, and she was surprised: "Mom, what's the matter with you? His face is so ugly."

"Mom, I'm fine, I just feel a little dizzy. Just lie down for a while, just lie down."

"Oh, mom, take a rest early, I'll go down and let someone come up and clean it up, and by the way, tell Aunt Fu to prepare supplements in advance."

Zhao Youxi got up and was about to leave, but Li Hongyu held her hand: "Wait a minute, you can't go tomorrow."

"Why?" Zhao Youxi turned around abruptly, staring at Li Hongyu with a look of incomprehension.

"Hey, listen to my mother. The hospital is a place where people and snakes are mixed and smells great. Didn't you hate going to the hospital the most before?"

"It used to be before, and now there is no one in the hospital..." Zhao Youxi's face was reddened, and the corner of Li Hongyu's eyes twitched as she looked like a young girl.

"Then President Mu must have a lot of people taking care of him when he is hospitalized. What can you do?"

Zhao Youxi didn't do anything when he heard this: "Mom, how is this the same? Those people should take care of him. I took care of him but I was able to show my thoughtfulness and enthusiasm to win his favor. Why don't you understand? "

Seeing that Zhao Youxi was really angry, Li Hongyu said hurriedly: "Mom is not against you to visit President Mu, but now President Mu is still in the hospital and there are so many people in the hospital. In case you encounter the little **** Zhao Youlin, you should go alone. It is inevitable that we will suffer, or we will wait until he is discharged from the hospital."

"Mom, what's the matter with you today? What happened to that **** in the hospital? Why can't I go if she can go? Besides, what's the use of waiting until President Mu is discharged from the hospital? I don't care, I will tomorrow. You must go!" Zhao Youxi broke away from Li Hongyu's hand and ran outside, ignoring Li Hongyu's shout from behind.

Li Hongyu shouted several times and couldn't call back Zhao Youxi, the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more obvious, biting the **** lips that had already faded, and the bottom of his eyes flashed a little bit of unwillingness and disappointment.

However, at this moment, Li Hongyu couldn't tell whether this unwillingness and disappointment was for Zhao Yulin or his daughter.

Early the next morning, after Zhao Yulin and Duan Yarong sent Lele to kindergarten, they rushed directly to the hospital where Mu Tingfeng was located.

After a night of dissuasion, Duan Yarong still did not let go, insisting on going to the hospital with Zhao Yulin.

In her words: "After all, this President Mu was injured because of our daughter. As a parent, I should visit my daughter's lifesaver, and thank him in person."

This understatement, a reasonable sentence successfully silenced everyone in the family, including Zhao Yulin.

Zhao Yulin listened to Duan Yarong's words, silently twitched the corners of her mouth, and secretly said, if you go there and don't hurt people, that guy should be grateful and thank you...

Zhao Yulin glanced at Duan Yarong who was sitting next to her, and sighed. From the bottom of my heart, she could only hope that the two guys would not be too surprised when they saw Duan Yarong, but this was obviously a luxury.

As expected by Su Ruixin, Mu Tingfeng was really feverish last night.

For this reason, the hard-pressed Secretary Xia failed to close her eyes all night, and looked forward to Zhao Youlin's arrival with two panda eyes early the next morning.

After finally getting people to look forward to it, Xia Zetao's drooping eyes suddenly lit up, and he was about to pounce, but he completely froze in place when he saw the person behind Zhao Youlin.

Who can tell me that the mother of the former president Mao’s wife also came with him? Is this different from the original script? Hey, who can tell me, what should I do now? Wait online!

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