Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 249: Anti-extortion (1)

It is the first time that Xu has met so many playmates of the same age. Lele today is extremely excited. Just like opening a chatterbox, he kept talking to Zhao Yulin about all kinds of things that happened to him in the kindergarten along the way. (((Mobile reading visit

Zhao Yulin listened patiently, echoing a few sentences from time to time, until the voice around her became smaller and smaller...

When Zhao Yulin heard the sound around her suddenly disappeared, she turned her head and took a look, and found that Lele had fallen asleep some time ago, her small head was close to Zhao Yulin's arm, her bright red mouth was slightly open, and she was breathing carefully. .

Zhao Yulin laughed, she was still a child, and she should feel tired after playing for a day.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Yulin stretched out her hand and said that the child was put in her arms, so that he could sleep more comfortably.

Lele in her sleep seemed to feel the warmth and familiar atmosphere around her, and spontaneously hugged Zhao Youlin's waist, rubbed her fat little face into Zhao Youlin's arms, and fell asleep again contentedly.

Zhao Yulin's eyes softly indulged the child's series of actions, and she bowed her head and kissed his smooth forehead, but there was a little worry in her eyes.

What happened before has left her lingering fears. If those people's goals are just for themselves, if they are still focusing on their children...

No, it is necessary to find out the master behind the scenes quickly, otherwise her heart will not be stable for a moment.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Yulin couldn't help holding the child tighter.

The familiar soft, familiar breath in her arms relieved Zhao Yulin's nerves after a day of tension. The exhaustion also surged in an instant, causing her to close her eyes uncontrollably.

Xiao Jingyao drove a distance and found that the conversation behind him had disappeared. He glanced at the rearview mirror at the moment of the traffic light.

After seeing the two closely hugging and extremely harmonious figures in the back seat, he was taken aback, and the corners of his lips unconsciously pulled up a faint arc.

Start the car and continue to move forward, but if someone carefully observes it, you will find that the speed of the car is significantly slower than before.

Zhao Yulin's side is rare to be clean, and at the same time, in a villa on the other side of the city, it is a completely different scene.

The mottled shadow of the tree slipped into the swaying window sill of the tulle with the hazy moonlight, and a black figure standing by the window could be vaguely seen.

"What, failed? What do you do for food? So many people can't succeed in encircling one person, so I am embarrassed to ask me for money?" The woman's voice was deliberately lowered and blurred, but this did not hinder others. Hear the anger and resentment in his words.

The person on the other end of the phone reacted quickly, and it seemed to be affected by the sharp voice of the woman, and the tone of the person on the other end of the phone suddenly became uncomfortable: "Mrs. Zhao, you can’t say that. , We also did our best. But you didn’t tell us in advance that the person you let us kill would use a gun! Several of my brothers were all cheated for this, and one of my brothers was caught by a sliver. Now it’s still alive or dead. You can't settle this account without paying you."

"What are you talking about! Someone has been arrested!" The woman's voice was inevitably raised because of the person on the phone. After reacting, she hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand, looked around with a guilty conscience, and continued to lower her voice. , "What's the matter? How could someone be arrested? What if that person confessed to you?"

"Mrs. Zhao Er is worried that he will confess you." The person on the other end of the phone smiled slightly, Mrs. Zhao Er, don't blame us for not telling you, we all have life licking blood. Already put life and death aside. You are not the same. You are a famous lady, but you hired desperadoes to help you kill the younger generation of the same family. If this matter is known to those outside, what would you say will be the consequences? "

"You are threatening me!" The woman's voice was still low, but she gritted her teeth a bit more than before.

"Don’t be angry, Madam Zhao. I’m just discussing matters. I believe Madam Zhao doesn’t want to make trouble until the end. Everyone is unhappy. Therefore, this time, please call Madam Zhao Er on the previously agreed card and treat it as me. The medical expenses and sealing fees for the brothers are gone. That's it. Goodbye."

The person on the other side of the phone didn't wait for the person on the other side to respond, so he hung up.

The woman listened to the beeping busy tone on the phone, subconsciously squeezed the hand holding the phone, and finally couldn't restrain it. With a strong wave, she directly smashed the phone onto a vase next to her.

There was a loud bang, and the sound of the broken vase echoed in the room along with the sound of the cell phone cracking, and even the gauze curtain at the window was affected.

As the window screen swayed, the moonlight slid in with the needles, which can reflect the face of the person in the house that was distorted by resentment.

"Mom, what's the matter? Such a big movement? Mom, open the door!"

The knock on the door suddenly came in from outside the room shocked everyone in the room. He quickly reduced the expression on his face, took a deep breath, and walked towards the door.

As soon as the door opened, Zhao Youxi rushed in from the door with a worried expression on his face. After seeing the scene in the room, he was taken aback, turned on the light with one hand, and asked with the other: "Mom, why don't you turn on the light? It's so dark. Huh, oops, what is it?"

The light illuminates the whole room all at once, and Zhao Youxi feels as if he has stepped on something, and almost twisted his foot with a lump.

Fortunately, Li Hongyu gave her a hand with a sharp eye on the side: "Be careful."

Zhao Youxi finally managed to gain a foothold and saw the mess in the house at a glance. After a moment of stunned, he turned to look at Li Hongyu: "Mom, what are you..."

"Oh, I was lying down just now and suddenly seemed to see a mouse running by the side. I was scared for a while..."

"Mouse?!" Zhao Youxi was startled, clinging to Li Hongyu and stepping back subconsciously, staring at the surroundings with a guarded face.

"Maybe I'm dazzled. Don't be afraid. I'll let Fu Bo ask someone to clean the house up and down tomorrow. I will never let a mouse go."

"Yeah." Zhao Youxi felt a little relieved when he heard Li Hongyu say this, and turned his eyes to the shattered mobile phone on the ground, "This..."

"Oh, this, it turned out to be a mobile phone. I was so flustered when I saw the mouse just now. I picked up the things on the side and threw it there. I didn't think it turned out to be a mobile phone. Now I have to buy another one."

"That's it..." Zhao Youxi always felt something was wrong in her heart, but couldn't tell for a while, so she nodded and said, "Then I will go down and let people come up to clean up, so that mom can rest earlier."

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