Zhao Yulin's eyes passed a trace of panic, but she quickly calmed down, raised her eyes to meet Qin Huai's burning gaze, and said with a light smile: "What kind of joke is this Mr. Qin, this name is my name. Of course, I’m familiar. Who in this world would be unfamiliar with my own name? Mr. Qin said so many words, is it just to ask me if I’m not familiar with my name?"

"You know what I'm trying to say is not this..." The dodge in Zhao Yulin's words made Qin Huai's heart more and more anxious, and the words could not help but bring a bit of impatience, "Zhao Youlin, this is a few months Earlier, the name of a female police officer in the city police station who unfortunately died on duty!"

As soon as Qin Huai said this, not only Zhao Yulin, but Xia Zetao who was eavesdropping in the corner was also stunned. What did this man say? There is a female police officer in the city police station with exactly the same name as the former president's wife. The most important thing is that the person... died in the line of duty? !

As early as when Qin Huai started speaking, Zhao Yulin had vaguely felt ominous. It was only expected that it was the same thing, and it was another thing to be cut open and questioned in such a real way. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance www.hjw.tw)))

Since her rebirth, Zhao Yulin never thought that someone would connect herself to her at the beginning, but now, this person has actually appeared, with a frightening question.

Too unprepared, Zhao Yulin's head was blank for several seconds, and it took a long time to be considered a reaction, pretending to be calm, "There are more than tens of millions of people with the same name and surname in this world. It's no big deal that my name is the same as a female police officer." What is Mr. Qin so excited for?"

"It's not a big deal?" Qin Huai's complexion darkened, and a somewhat compelling seriousness appeared on that face that had always been gentle. "Miss Zhao, this female police officer with the same name and surname as you was unlucky a few months ago. She died in public service. Coincidentally, when she died in public service, the colleagues who followed her were the same people Ms. Zhao asked us to check before."

Qin Huai stared at Zhao Yulin with his eyes fixedly: "Besides, if my investigation is correct, the biological mother of the eldest of the Zhao family has died young. After that, Miss Zhao has been bullied by her stepmother and younger sister in the Zhao family. , Developed a cowardly and cowardly temper, and later married the eldest of the Mu family who had no affection for her. The married life of the couple was very discordant, but this is how Miss Zhao was born with the Mu family. The young master has been entangled for four years and refused to let it go."

Speaking of this, Qin Huai's eyes suddenly became hot: "How can such a person have a sudden change in temperament overnight, suddenly divorced from her husband who has been obsessed for four years, and suddenly have such a difference? Ordinary skill? Even dare to fire a gun!"

Speaking of the end, Qin Huai's whole body was pressed on Zhao Yulin's body, and his face was even more excited.

The heartbreak a few months ago, the first encounter with the person in front of me afterwards. At that time, the small movements of the person in front of him that almost overlapped with that person had caused him to doubt, but at that time he had not thought so far-reaching.

Until recently, I stumbled across lace news about this client on TV. When I saw the name on the screen, Qin Huai only felt that something had exploded in his brain.

Zhao Yulin... She was also called by this name, exactly the same, without any deviation.

After the death of that person, Qin Huai had such a strong desire for the first time, eager to find someone, to understand someone, even if it was just a momentary impulse, even if he might return without success in the end, he still did it without hesitation.

Zhao Yulin's background is not difficult to find out. It only took Qin Huai a few days to get all of her information.

The eldest lady of the Zhao family, the former young lady of the Mu family, is now the general manager of the Zhao Group, and there is a lovely child, but all this is not what Qin Huai is concerned about. What he is really concerned about is the difference between Zhao Youlin before and after.

A person who was so cowardly before, but after committing suicide once, his temperament changed drastically, as if...like becoming another person.

Another person...the seeds of suspicion had already been planted in Qin Huai's heart, but he dared not rush to Zhao Youlin recklessly to confirm her guess.

He was scared, afraid that all of this was just an illusion and conjecture caused by missing that person too much.

But he didn't expect that even if he didn't do it himself, he would still encounter some things.

He never thought that his meeting with Zhao Yulin would be in such a situation, and he did not expect to see Zhao Yulin shooting under that situation.

At the moment the gun fired, Qin Huai only felt that the blood in his whole body was stagnant at that moment, and there was a voice in his heart that kept clamoring, telling himself... it was her, it was her, it was her!

As an eyewitness and a person reporting the crime, he forced himself to calm down and followed the others back to the police station to take notes.

After dealing with that group of people, he rushed to the hospital eagerly, hoping to get an answer here, an answer he had already faintly identified!

Every time Qin Huai said something, Zhao Yulin's heart trembled. She never thought that her fortune would one day be exposed.

What do ordinary people think about this kind of weird thing? Do you think it is an adventure or a fate?

The most important thing is, what would Duan Yarong and others react if they knew? The daughter who finally got it is just a fake. The genuine one is dead long ago. Lele's favorite mother is gone. That child will be sad, right?

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Yulin only felt cold all over, and the expression on her face became extremely gloomy in an instant: "You check me! You actually check me!"

Qin Huai didn't care about Zhao Youlin's anger, nor did he respond directly to Zhao Youlin's questioning. He only fixedly looked at her, stubbornly wanting to get an answer.

Zhao Yulin looked at him like this, only feeling that she could not disperse her breath in her chest, and she stretched her right hand forward, clasped Qin Huai's hand against her, and pulled him to her side, looking directly at him. His eyes sneered and said: "You want an answer, right? Okay, I'll give you an answer!"

Qin Huai's eyes flickered slightly, and his gaze at Zhao Youlin suddenly became a little expectant.

"You just said that you are asking me as a friend, so now I will answer you as a friend. The reason for divorcing Mu Tingfeng is because four years have been too long. I think even if it’s a stone, it’s time to be covered by me. But he didn’t. Even if I died for him once, he would not pay attention to me, and even had a woman outside, so I gave up No. He can't give me happiness, I can't stick to him like a skinny face, it's too cheap!"

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