Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 241: Surprising but not dangerous (1)

Secretary Xia Da, who was listening in silence on the side, covered his face in a terrible way and said in his heart: President ah President, you have a lot of history, are you tragedy now? Although the little one knows that the so-called Xiaosan has another secret, it seems that you will never escape the complaint of the former president's wife for the rest of your life, Amen!

"As for the so-called cowardice, huh, I think Mr. Qin should know more about the situation in my family now than myself. Under the circumstances at that time, the stepmother was not kind, the younger sister was unrighteous, and the biological father was even more right. I turned a blind eye, trying to survive in such a home, if I didn’t pretend to be weaker, I wouldn’t know how many times I would be killed before I really grew up and was able to compete with them. (((Mobile reading access m.

"But..." Qin Huai wanted to speak, but Zhao Yulin didn't give him this opportunity.

"In fact, during the years when my mother died in Zhao’s family, I always thought that one day I could return to that place, get everything that belonged to me, and avenge my dead mother. So I endured the humiliation. He showed his weakness and pretended to be pitiful to protect himself, but secretly followed a very powerful master to learn various self-defense techniques, including the use of firearms and various weapons, so that one day he would leave the Zhao family without being manipulated by anyone."

Zhao Yulin raised her chin arrogantly, and tried her best to make her words sound more credible: "Facts have proved that my dormancy over the years is valuable. Now I am the most likely inheritor of the Zhao family. The heir to the family business has become the general manager of the Zhao family, who is no longer subject to any control or threats. This is my answer, Mr. Qin, are you satisfied?"

Zhao Yulin's reason is really a bit of a silly, because she was in the Zhao family at that time, it was still difficult to get out, let alone avoid the surveillance of Li Hongyu and others, and find someone to teach her these self-defense techniques.

But some things in this world are like this. If you don't believe it, it may not be false, and if you believe it, it may not be true.

Qin Huai wanted to give him an explanation. She gave it, whether it was true or not. Believe it or not, it was his own business, and she had nothing to do with her.

"But these things..." Qin Huai greeted Zhao Youlin's decisive eyes, and there was a bit of shake and struggle in her eyes.

"But what? Do you think I'm lying, or do you think that these things don't exist in the reports you found?"

Facing Zhao Yulin's aggressiveness, Qin Huai, the person who was still vowing before, flinched insignificantly: "I...I didn't mean that."

"Oh?" Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows. "What does Mr. Qin mean by this? Mr. Qin keeps pulling me with the dead Police Officer Zhao. Does he think I am like her or think I am her?"


"Mr. Qin..." Zhao Youlin yelled, interrupting Qin Huai's explanation, "I don't care what your relationship is with the police officer Zhao, and no matter what the reason is, you have the illusion that I have something to do with her. , I just want to tell you that people die when they die. Don’t make unrealistic illusions. I am me, not anyone else. I hope Mr. Qin can keep this in mind. Since Mr. Qin wants to be me My friend, don’t make such low-level mistakes in the future, otherwise, this friend will not do it."

As Zhao Yulin said, she slammed Qin Huai's hand that was pinched in her own hand, and pushed Qin Huai back with her backhand, pushing Qin Huai back a few steps.

Then he tidied up some of his scattered clothes and said contemptuously, "Is there anything Mr. Qin has to say? If not, I will leave first. I have encountered so many things early in the morning. , It's really terrible."

Qin Huai finally stood firm, but as if losing her soul, Zhao Yulin didn't seem to hear clearly what she said.

Seeing that he did not respond, Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows, said nothing, turned around and left without looking back.

Standing in place, Qin Huai looked at Zhao Yulin's fading back, only to feel that all her strength was emptied in an instant.

When he bent his body, his back hit the wall behind him so fiercely. He looked up at the white ceiling above his head with a blank face.

For a moment, Qin Huai deeply realized that the barrier that was finally rebuilt in his heart collapsed and collapsed.

The eyes that had always been filled with tenderness and anger dropped slightly, silently telling of distressing loneliness and sadness.

At this time, Xia Zetao, who had successfully listened to the corner in the corner, frowned, hesitated for a moment, turned and ran towards Mu Tingfeng's ward.

Zhao Yulin tried her best to keep her pace steady, but no one knew how nervous she was at the moment she turned around. She was afraid that she would show her feet at the last juncture and make her life suspicious, and even more afraid that Qin Huai would stop herself at this time and say something. What an amazing language. Fortunately, Qin Huai never spoke again until she walked out of that corridor.

After walking forward almost numbly for about ten minutes, after confirming that Qin Huai had not followed, Zhao Yulin took a stop, her figure flashed, and she hid directly in the corner, leaning against the wall, and let out a sigh of relief.

God knows how nervous she was just when she said those seemingly confident and compelling words.

Fortunately...Fortunately, this kind of thing is a bit shocking at first, and fortunately, although Qin Huai looks aggressive, but in fact she has no bottom in her heart. She roared like that, but fooled it over, otherwise she didn't know how end.

After she calmed down, Zhao Yulin began to think back slowly, did Qin Huai know this person before? Or... Have you met?

After thinking about it, Zhao Yulin didn't remember the intersection between herself and Qin Huai before, so that Qin Huai was so sensitive that she would connect the two who had never been related to each other.

Just when Zhao Yulin was thinking about it for a long time and couldn't find out where the problem was, she was so distressed, a familiar voice suddenly turned from the side, and Zhao Yulin's heart trembled with lingering fear.

"General manager."

Zhao Yulin flicked forward, stood up straight and followed the reputation, facing Xiao Jingyao's slightly surprised gaze.

"Uncle Xiao..."

Xiao Jingyao walked to Zhao Yulin's side, looked at her slightly pale face, and said worriedly: "What's the matter? I'm not feeling well? Your injury..."

Just now, Zhao Yulin took Mu Tingfeng and left. Xiao Jingyao could only stay behind to clean up the mess, and did not accompany Zhao Yulin to check. She didn’t know how bad Zhao Yulin was. It’s really hard to see her face so bad. Some worry.

"I'm fine, it's all skin injuries." After confirming that the person was not Qin Huai, Zhao Youlin quickly calmed down, "Uncle Xiao, how is the police station going?"

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