Zhao Yulin shook her whole body, her eyes on Qin Huai were stained with inquiries, and she smiled and said: "What does Mr. Qin mean? I don't understand at all. (((Cartino Novel Network www.novelmtl. com))

Qin Huai did not speak, and those extremely quiet eyes stared at Zhao Yulin silently, like any disguise in this world, there was nothing to hide under his eyes.

It took a long time for Zhao Yulin to hear the man on the opposite side quietly speaking, but what she said was extremely shocking.

"A few months ago, Ms. Zhao commissioned my detective agency to investigate some people. These people were basically all special police colleagues in the same police station, the same department, and even the same squad. Soon after, Ms. Zhao asked We focused on investigating two people, namely, Officer Li and Officer Lu, whom we actually met just now."

When Qin Huai said that, he could pause for a while, and carefully observed the expression on Zhao Yulin's face. He wanted to see some clues on her face, but it was a pity... he was disappointed.

With a sigh, I could only continue to say: "These two men were formerly the commanders and members of the same squad of the special police force, but because of a negligence on a mission, they were transferred from the special police force to the current department, and they were relieved a lot. The benefits were good, and it was actually up and down. The strange thing was that the only two of them involved in the negligence of the mission were given this treatment, and the others were really downgraded and were severely punished."

Hearing this, Zhao Yulin's eyebrows finally loosened a little. No wonder I saw those two people today. It was obviously just a premeditated assassination. With her current status, it would be enough to hold the armed police to death. How could it be possible? Find them both? It turned out to be a transfer.

However, this bright and dark rise... If she remembers correctly, the information about the two people that I asked the detective agency to check before clearly stated that the two people have no background, it is impossible... what is there? Is something still ignored by myself?

Zhao Yulin's heart turned a thousand times, but she calmly looked up at Qin Huai's eyes calmly: "So? What is Mr. Qin trying to say? Even if I did ask you to check these people for me before, what? It's all my business, aren't the people in your detective agency just responsible for intelligence collection? When did they become so gossip?"

At the same time, Xia Zetao, who came not far away, happened to hear Zhao Youlin's words, and her eyebrows frowned, slightly surprised.

The former president’s wife commissioned this man to check some people? Is it possible that unlike the president's expectation, this person and the former president's wife are just an employment relationship? But isn’t the former president’s wife a member of the Zhao family?

Given the Zhao family's current status in city s, isn't it easy to check a few people? Why bother with this kind of detective agency that takes money to do things, the quality is not guaranteed, and it is very likely to be bitten.

The most important thing is...who are the people that the former president's wife checked?

Qin Huai smiled indifferently, and did not take the resistance in Zhao Yulin’s words to heart. Instead, he took a step forward and continued: “Originally, there was only an employment relationship between the employer and the hired person, and it really shouldn’t be mixed with gossip. .It’s just that now Miss Zhao is no longer an employer, and I am no longer employed by Miss Zhao, so the things that Miss Zhao just said are not too limited to me. Now I am an ordinary person, or say Asking Miss Zhao as a friend has nothing to do with the previous employment. Moreover, too many coincidences are screwed together, and I have to pay attention to Miss Zhao, or to pay attention to Miss Zhao’s identity?"

Zhao Yulin turned her head and glanced at Qin Huai, and said with a smile: "Identity? My identity, Mr. Qin, was not clear before, and I should know after today's affairs. I am the eldest lady of the Zhao family, and that city is second only to the Big Four. The Zhao family of the family and the Mu family, the one lying on the hospital bed now is my ex-husband, also a man in the city of S, the young master of the Mu family, the president of the Mu Feng Group."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yulin paused deliberately, turned her head to look at Qin Huai and sneered: "Of course, if Mr. Qin wants to understand more deeply, it's okay. Originally I was the eldest daughter of the second son of the Zhao family, but because of me That biological father married another stepmother and couldn’t tolerate me, so the father took the charge and adopted me under the name of my uncle who had no children, so now everyone outside only knows that I am the eldest of the Zhao family, but they don’t know me. Who is his biological father. Is Mr. Qin satisfied with this answer?"

Qin Huai looked at Zhao Youlin, who was spiky all over for a moment, and the indescribable sense of familiarity rushed forward again, and the long-lasting figure in his mind coincided with the person in front of him without warning. Being together, Qin Huai's heart trembles fiercely.

So that next, he did something that would never be possible in normal times, and walked a few steps forward again, forcing Zhao Yulin to step back several steps, the moment his back touched the white wall of the hospital. , Qin Huai's hand also leaned against the wall beside her, and forcefully trapped Zhao Yulin in that narrow area.

Damn it! What is this **** doing? They dare to stand in front of the public and their former president's wife is absolutely lifeless!

Not far away, Xia Zetao, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was almost mad, wishing to rush forward immediately and punch the stinky man who dared to take advantage of their former president's wife.

If you let the president know about this, the president will definitely go violently. Even if you don’t violently go, he will definitely poison the surroundings with a black face in the last few days. By then, it will not be their passers-by who are unlucky!

Fortunately, Xia Zetao still has some sense of reason, knowing that this is not a good time to expose herself, so she had to resist the urge to run out, bit her white sleeves, and shouted in her heart: Madam former president, hurry up. Use your perverted force to kick this wretched man who eats your tofu, hurry up!

It's a pity that Zhao Youlin couldn't hear the heart-piercing cries of Secretary Xia Da at this moment. She was busy coping with the shocking words from the man who had made an amazing move without knowing it.

"Miss Zhao, this is not what I want to ask. What I want to ask is who are you besides your identity as Miss Zhao Family?"

"Mr. Qin, I really don't understand what you are talking about. Who else can I be besides Miss Zhao Family?"

Before Zhao Yulin finished speaking, Qin Huai interrupted him loudly: "Zhao Yulin!"

"What?" Zhao Yulin was taken aback for a moment, staring at the person in front of her in surprise and doubt.

"Zhao Yulin, don't you think this name is very familiar? Miss Zhao."

Zhao Yulin: "!"

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