Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 230: Escape from the dead (1)

Before Zhao Yulin spoke, Su Ruixin looked at her up and down, and found that although Zhao Yulin was as embarrassed as herself, she was not injured in any way, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

Su Ruixin also had a meal after hearing Zhao Yulin's questioning but stopped.

Xu was because everything that happened today was beyond her expectations, perhaps because she saw the other side of the people around her, so she felt a little bit of guilt for the daughter-in-law around her who had been ignored by herself.

At that moment, she didn't know what was wrong with herself, and when she reacted, her body had already rushed towards the girl next to her.

Su Ruixin, who couldn't even tell the reason, wisely chose to change the subject: "Let's leave here and talk about these things."

Zhao Yulin was silent for a while, knowing that this is not the time to discuss this, nodded, and began to look for a way to get out of the car.

Fortunately, the car did not overturn when it rushed into the woods. It was just that one side of the door was stuck, and the other side could still be driven.

After Zhao Yulin and Su Ruixin got out of the car door one after another, they discovered that the car had hit a very strong pine tree and stopped.

The low end of the car was dazzling with white eyes, but the front of the car had been smashed into a deformed shape. Fortunately, the side that was hit was an empty passenger seat, otherwise the person in the seat would be dead now.

However, even if he hadn't directly hit him head-on, and barely recovered his life, under such a violent impact, the driver uncle fainted completely.

Zhao Yulin ran to the front window and tried his sniff. After making sure he was still alive, she breathed a sigh of relief. She wanted to try to pull him out of the car, but found that the deformation of the car and the blocking of the branches of the car made the driver uncle The whole person was stuck in the car and could not move.

Zhao Yulin tried several times, but no effect at all. At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the distance.

Zhao Yulin and Su Ruixin slammed their heads back to follow the prestige, expecting the people in the car that followed them to catch up.

"Yorim, we are now..." Su Ruixin was barely calm, but her slightly pale face still revealed her tension at the moment.

Zhao Yulin's eyes flickered, knowing that these people's goals are themselves, and now the uncle driver is stuck in the car and it is impossible to pull him out without tools.

In this case, if they leave first, even if those people see the car and find that they are not in the car, they may still be able to keep the driver uncle alive.

Zhao Yulin's head turned so fast, she made up her mind in just a few moments, bit her lip and slammed her heart down, pulled Su Ruixin up and ran into the depths of the woods, hoping to seize a ray of life under the cover of the woods.

As expected by Zhao Yulin, those chasers who were chasing after seeing the empty car with the unconscious driver uncle alone violently kicked the deformed car, and then immediately divided several roads into the depths of the woods. Chased the past.

Zhao Yulin was wearing high heels, pulling Su Ruixin and she was not running fast. In addition, she suffered a little bit of injury in the crash, but after a while, she was spotted by the group of people.

With a bang, the huge noise disturbed the birds in the forest scrambling to flee.

Zhao Yulin and Su Ruixin clicked at the same time, these people actually... have guns in their hands!

The bullet can't stop flying above his head, the feeling of wiping the scalp is really creepy.

Zhao Yulin reached out for her mobile phone. After taking it out, she realized that her mobile phone screen had split in half when she just hit it, and there was no way to turn it on.

"****!" Zhao Yulin cursed and threw the scrapped mobile phone aside.

Seeing those people getting closer and closer, Zhao Yulin's eyes shuddered, aiming at the timing, and quickly pulled Su Ruixin into a dense bush next to her, whispering: "Mrs. Mu, the target of those people is me. "

Su Ruixin's spirit was tense, and when Zhao Yulin said this, she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

Sure enough, Zhao Yulin stared at Su Ruixin with a serious face, and the next sentence she said was: "You stay here and don't move. Waiting for people to come, I will go out and lead them away."

Su Ruixin was taken aback, her face changed, and she grabbed Zhao Yulin's hand and said anxiously, "How can this work? There are so many of them, and they have guns in their hands! Guns!"

"I know, it's okay. You stay here, don't act rashly, wait until no one is left before you run out. Remember, try to run as far as the road to the east. There are more people over there, so they dare not do it. It’s too exaggerated, and their goal is me. As long as they don’t let them find out that you were in the car just now, it shouldn’t be too embarrassing for you.”

Zhao Yulin hurriedly explained these things, and ignored Su Ruixin's explanation, cleverly broke free of Su Ruixin's shackles, swept the ground casually, picked up a few big stones, got up and ran to the other side.

Su Ruixin stood up slightly, reaching out to grab Zhao Yulin's hand, but it was a little short of it after all, watching Zhao Yulin and her own hands could not be missed, and ran to the front.

Su Ruixin maintained the posture of stretching out her hand, her face pale, her eyes were filled with tears that could not be restrained, she covered her mouth and choked up: "This silly boy, silly boy..."

At this moment, Su Ruixin's heart could be regarded as completely agreeing with this looking immature, but brave ex-daughter-in-law than any girl.

At this moment, Zhao Youlin didn't know that because of her inadvertent behavior, she had added countless impressions to her former mother-in-law and even her future mother-in-law.

If she knew, she would definitely pull the corners of her mouth, expressing helplessly that she really just didn't want to increase guilt just because she was injuring an innocent person, and she had made the most reasonable judgment based on the current situation of the two people. , Someone really thinks too much ==

Zhao Yulin deliberately led people away, and the movements they made were naturally big. The trouble was that those people had guns in their hands. In order to prevent them from being shot into a sieve as soon as their whereabouts were exposed, she had to find some self-defense weapons before that. Just work.

Making up her mind, Zhao Yulin carefully hid beside a slightly hidden bush, quietly waiting for the pursuer who came here.

The sound of the soles of the shoes stepping on the dead branches is like a heavy hammer hitting Zhao Youlin's heart.

Zhao Yulin held her breath, and when the pursuer's shoes appeared less than fifty centimeters away, her eyes grew cold, and she threw back the stones she had just picked up.

The pursuer heard movement behind her and turned her head reflexively. At this moment, Zhao Youlin, who was squatting in the grass, quickly got up and rushed towards the person.

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