Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 229: Abnormal protrusion (2)

"I am on the road from the south of the city to the east of the city near the Bay Mall. The car following me is a somewhat old yellow car. The license plate and windows are covered, and the faces of the people inside cannot be seen clearly, but It looks like there should be four or five people. I don’t know if they have guns or not, but the moment they hit us, they seemed to want to beat us cruelly.---End of this book, the romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )

As Zhao Yulin said, the body shook violently again.

Unexpectedly, the body swayed, and there was a terrible neigh.

When Xiao Jingyao heard this movement, his heart clicked, and he shouted at the phone: "What's the matter? General manager, please give me a reply."

Zhao Yulin finally grasped the door of the car to stabilize her figure, and heard the shout from the phone: "It's okay, I was hit again. The car is not stable."

Xiao Jingyao on the other side of the phone sighed lightly, and said in a deep voice, "I will send someone over to you now. Since these people want to hit you, let the driver try to drive on the highway by the bay and find it on time. Get out of the car and hide to delay time. The other person is very likely to have a gun in his hand. You have to protect yourself. Remember, try to delay time and keep in touch. Our people will pass by right away."

"Well, I see." Zhao Yulin hung up the phone, turned her head and glanced at the approaching vehicle, closed her eyes, and whispered, "Uncle, drive the car to the highway by the bay. "

"Miss, there are usually no people on that road, just in case..."

"There is no one over there, but there is a sea!" Before the uncle driver could finish speaking, Zhao Yulin quickly interrupted him.

The uncle driver was taken aback: "Miss, what do you mean..."

Zhao Youlin pursed her lips and sighed, "I really have to fight for that."

The uncle driver did not speak, and the accelerator under his feet began to desperately stepped on, and the car rushed directly towards the road Zhao Yulin said.

After Zhao Yulin had explained to the uncle of the driver, she turned her head and glanced at Su Ruixin apologetically: "This time, I am afraid that my aunt will escape with us."

"Ah, oh!" Su Ruixin stared blankly at Zhao Yulin's calm face after talking on the phone, and after explaining to the driver, she sat back in her original position. Her calm appearance really made people unable to see the slightest sense of tension at the moment of life and death. .

What's the matter with this girl? ! Looks really...too unharmonious!

Rao came out of a big family like Su Ruixin. I don’t know how many times I have experienced kidnapping, extortion, and framing famous daughters, wealthy mistresses, and they can’t help feeling nervous and trembling when encountering such things. , Let alone such a little girl who knows nothing about the world.

Shouldn't ordinary people, especially girls, face this kind of thing, shouldn't they all turn pale and scream out of fear at this time?

Is this child really like her son with facial paralysis? Or is there so few tendons in this girl's head that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers?

What Su Ruixin didn’t know was that Zhao Yulin’s calm appearance was not that she was not nervous at all, but because she knew it was useless to be nervous at this time, and if she lost her composure because of nervousness, she would really be able to. Killed them!

In the few years in the special police force, Zhao Yulin almost always came back from a walk in front of the gate of ghosts every time she went out. Although it is impossible to get used to doing many things, she still gave her experience in dealing with such emergencies. And to keep a clear head when facing this situation.

Therefore, it is not that Zhao Yulin's head is lacking as Su Ruixin said, on the contrary, her head has never moved as fast as it is now.

As the uncle driver said, there are basically no people in the bay at this time, but there is a sea in that place, and there is an unusually dense forest on the side of the road. If you can hide into the woods smoothly, it will not be a problem to delay the time, just this Not everything in the world can develop as people imagine.

Xu was too nervous because of the first time he ran into this kind of thing. The uncle driver, who always drove very smoothly, was focused on whether the car behind could keep up, instead of paying attention to the front.

Finally, at a corner, I was shocked by the sudden emergence of another car, and the steering wheel quickly moved to the side.

The car left the road directly and drove in uncontrollably towards the small woods on the side of the road.

Zhao Yulin heard a harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground, and then the whole car seemed to be flying, rushing directly into the woods from the highway.

The rustle of branches on the car body and the grinning wind mingled with the panic and exclamation of the people in the car.

Zhao Yulin only felt a gleam of light in front of her eyes, and the tree shadows whirled, accompanied by a heavy muffled noise, a figure quickly rushed towards her, and there was a moment of blankness in Zhao Yulin's mind.

I don't know how long it took, when Zhao Yulin opened her eyes, she only felt a little heavy on her body, as if she was being held down by something, and then there was a bit of painful groan.

The memory returned in a flash, and Zhao Yulin was shocked, her eyes widened and she looked at Su Ruixin who was pressing on her body: "Mrs. Mu..."

Su Ruixin also woke up at this time, touching her sore head and straightening up in a daze.

A hole was knocked out on Su Ruixin's forehead, and the red blood flowed down the corner of her forehead to the edge of her eyes, looking a little shocking.

Zhao Yulin's face changed slightly, she hurriedly got up from the car that had been deformed by the crash, and reached out to help Su Ruixin's head.

Fortunately, the wound didn't look too deep, and it didn't hurt the arteries. It just looked a little scary.

Zhao Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, and took another look at Su Ruixin's other places, and found that except for some small abrasions on her arm, there was not much injury.

"Do you feel any discomfort, dizziness, or body pain?"

Su Ruixin held her head still a little dizzy, and when she heard Zhao Yulin's eager question, she replied truthfully: "It's okay, just a little dizzy."

"Dizzy? Is it a bit concussion? Will you feel nauseous?" Zhao Yulin became more nervous when Su Ruixin said dizzy.

"That's not true. It should just be a violent knock just now. Just take it a little longer." Su Ruixin said as if thinking of something, suddenly raised her head, looked at Zhao Youlin and asked, "How are you? Did you hurt anything?"

Zhao Yulin was startled, her eyes on Su Ruixin became more complicated, she bit her lips tightly, and said with some difficulty after a while: "I'm fine, it's Mrs. Mu... just why..."

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