Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 231: Escape from the dead (2)

The pursuer was startled, and when he recovered and raised his hand to prepare to shoot, it was too late. (((Cartino Novel Network

Zhao Yulin quickly wrapped her eyes around the opponent's gun-holding hand, clasped the man's wrist, and twisted it mercilessly.

The man immediately exclaimed in pain, and weakly released the gun in his hand that had not had time to pull the trigger.

Zhao Yulin took the gun backhand into her hand, turned around and cut the man's neck with a sharp hand knife.

The person's eyes suddenly widened for a few minutes and then completely closed, and his tall body collapsed so softly and passed out into a coma.

After solving a recent crisis, Zhao Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, skillfully adjusted the gun in her hand, and then reached out to touch the man's chest, took out a bullet-filled magazine and put it into her pocket, and looked at it. All around.

The few gunshots just now may have attracted everyone here, and she has to lead them to other places as soon as possible.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Yulin immediately ran in the opposite direction where Su Ruixin was.

Su Ruixin heard a sound of footsteps coming towards her from a distance, her face changed slightly, and she reached out her hand to cover her mouth to prevent herself from being too nervous and making noises to attract people.

Just as those footsteps gradually approached, Su Ruixin's heart suddenly raised her throat, and suddenly a gunshot came from the position opposite to them.

The chasers stopped immediately, paused for a moment, and chased them in the direction where the gunshots were fired.

Su Ruixin heard the footsteps of a few people going away and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but then became a little worried again. The gunshot just now...

The shot that Zhao Yulin deliberately released, unsurprisingly attracted all the pursuers.

Before the people came around, Zhao Yulin found a relatively hidden place to hide, and then closed her eyes with her gun, holding her breath and listening to the footsteps to determine the number of people coming.

One, two, people.

Zhao Yulin opened her eyes quickly, stood up and fired two shots in a direction not far away.

Accompanied by the gunshots, there were also two people's screams. Zhao Yulin's marksmanship was very accurate. The two shots directly hit the shoulders of the two people, which would not kill them on the spot and completely lose their combat effectiveness. , Don’t say holding a gun, now I’m afraid I can’t even climb up.

After a hit, it was natural that Zhao Yulin couldn't stay where she was as a target. She rolled over and hid behind another big tree on the opposite side.

As soon as Zhao Yulin stood still, she unexpectedly heard several gunshots coming from behind her.

After the gunshots told her her way, Zhao Yulin leaned out again and fired a few shots in the direction she had just shot at her side.

It's a pity that those people were already prepared this time, and Zhao Yulin fired so many shots but only shot one person.

Zhao Yulin snorted, took out the empty magazine in the chamber, replaced it with a new magazine, and continued to search for a hidden hiding place.

With the lessons learned, the remaining people became a lot more cautious, but they still started to approach Zhao Youlin step by step.

Zhao Yulin waited for the nearest person to slowly approach, and then jumped out from behind the tree.

Shots were fired at a few people in the air, and a few more shots rang through the grove.

Zhao Yulin rolled on the ground several times before rolling directly into a piece of lush grass.

At this moment, there is only one bullet left in her gun, and one person is left outside, which means that her next shot must hit, otherwise... there will be no life at all.

Just as Zhao Yulin was nestling in the grass thinking about how to improve her last hit rate, a noisy footstep suddenly came not far away.

"What about people?"

"It's around here."

"Hurry up, then? If you don't kill her here today, we will all have to die when we go back!"

When Zhao Yulin heard the conversation, she almost shattered her silver teeth. Damn, this group of people still had accomplices!

If there is only one person left, she still has a certain chance of winning, but now that so many people are gathered together, she is afraid that she will only be beaten into a hornet's nest.

Zhao Yulin bit her lip and stared at the pursuers approaching her step by step, her heartbeat speeding faster than ever.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Just when Zhao Yulin thought that she was probably dead this time, a big, slightly cool hand suddenly stretched out from the side, firmly squeezed her hand and covered her mouth.

Zhao Yulin was startled and was about to struggle, but heard a deep and magnetic familiar voice: "Don't move, it's me."

Zhao Yulin froze, her eyes widened and she looked at the man who shouldn't have been here in disbelief.

Seeing that Zhao Yulin was no longer struggling, the man slowly let go and covered Zhao Yulin's mouth.

Zhao Yulin opened her face, as if suddenly sober, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

That's right, the man who suddenly appeared next to her was the one who couldn't possibly appear here at this moment... Mu Tingfeng, President Mu.

Mu Tingfeng took a deep look at Zhao Youlin, his eyes filled with emotions that Zhao Youlin couldn't understand, and he didn't say a word.

At this moment, no one knew better than Mu Tingfeng the reason why he appeared here.

Early this morning, like Zhao Youlin, Mu Tingfeng got in the car early to go to work at the company.

But what he didn't expect was that not long after the car drove out of Mu's villa, he received a call from another driver in his family.

The driver told him that his wife left him and got in another car, and from his limited description, Mu Tingfeng was keenly aware that his mother was probably in Zhao’s car, and what’s more, it was Zhao Youlin’s. car.

However, these are not the main points. The main point is that besides the Mu's car, there are several other cars behind this car. One of them is accidentally crashing into the car where his mother and Zhao Youlin are.

Mu Tingfeng couldn't tell how he felt when he heard the news. He only knew that he directly called Xia Zetao and told him the ins and outs of the matter, and then he hung up regardless of his persuasion. Call, let the driver drive the car directly to this place.

When I got off the car, I saw that Zhao Yulin's car that had crashed into something unrecognizable, and soon after I heard gunshots from the grove, Mu Tingfeng only felt that his blood was cold and bitter at this moment.

Who shot this gunshot? His mother or... she?

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