Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 216: Outbreak of contradictions (2)

There was a crisp sound, and it resounded clearly through the entire villa, making everyone in the house including the servants stunned, and cast their eyes on the person who did it in disbelief. om. For more latest chapters, visit: om.

Zhao Youxi was still a little'confused' at first, but she was completely awakened by Zhao Shuncheng's slap. She fell to the ground, clutching her hot cheeks, and shouted in disbelief, "Dad, what are you doing? Why are you hitting me? "

Li Hong's'Jade' was also frightened. After reacting, he rushed to Zhao Youxi's side, knelt down, and said distressedly, "female"'s blushing face, and said with pity: "Yo Xi, does it hurt?"

Zhao Youxi has never suffered such a grievance before, covering her face, even in her voice a bit of crying: "It hurts, Mom, it hurts to death."

Li Hong's "Yu" felt even more distressed when the "girl" was crying, turning his head and shouting at the servant at home: "Hurry up and "get" some cold water to apply to the lady.

After shouting, he turned his head and looked at the person who did it. The tone was also rarely affected by a bit of dissatisfaction, but more of it was the pitiful grievances: "Shuncheng, what are you doing? If you have something to say, hit the child and do it. what!"

Zhao Shuncheng now has all the thoughts of strangling Zhao Youxi, let alone just slap her.

"Speak well? You ask what your'girl' has done, and can you let someone say it well. Net om"

Zhao Shuncheng's roar made Li Hong's'Jade' eyes widened. Since she brought her two children into Zhao's house, Zhao Shuncheng has rarely seen Zhao Shuncheng angry, especially when the anger was directed at their mother's'daughter'.

"Yo Xi, tell her mother, what did you do?" Li Hong'Yu' also panicked and turned to look at the'female' who was in her arms.

Zhao Youxi couldn't think of how things would suddenly become like this, and muttered in a low voice, "What did I do? I didn't do anything?"

Zhao Youxi’s unrecognition of death ignited Zhao Shuncheng’s anger again, and when she raised her hand, she wanted to hit someone again: "You didn’t do anything? You didn’t do anything. People would hold your handle in their hands. If you didn’t do anything, others would be so arrogant. Kick you out of the company? If you didn't do anything, you would be "excited" by others and you would shake everything out of tension, and you would confess your crime!"

Seeing that Zhao Shuncheng wanted to hit someone again, Zhao Youxi hurriedly hid in Li Hong's arms.

Zhao Shuncheng paused when he saw the action of his subordinates, but after all he could not beat him down, he gave a cold snort, waved his hand to the side, and turned around.

Zhao Youxi breathed a sigh of relief, and then as if she understood something, she shouted: "Dad, have you seen that **** Zhao Youlin?"

Li Hong's'Jade', who is holding her'female' close to her, has a slight change in her face. Zhao Shuncheng has seen that little **** today?

She just said that Zhao Shuncheng was so strange today, it must be... it must be the little **** who said something to him that caused him to misunderstand the two of them!

Li Hong's ‘Jade’’s slightly drooping eyes quickly flashed a touch of cold hatred, but she concealed it so well that no one in the room even noticed it. Net om

"Shun Sung, have you been to Yeorim? Did Yeorim and Yoo Hee...have a misunderstanding? You calm down first, and if you have something to say, even if you have convicted you of the death penalty, you still have to give it to you. A chance for her to argue! Maybe... Maybe it was someone deliberately talking'indiscriminately' to instigate the relationship between your father and your daughter. Shuncheng, you must not be fooled."

"Provoking discord? Are you talking about Yeorim?" Zhao Shuncheng asked in a deep voice with a face.

Li Hong's'Jade' did not answer, but the pitiful appearance of forbearance was tantamount to acquiescence.

With a bang, the loud noise of ceramic shattering sounded through the entire villa. Li Hong's'Yu' and Zhao Youxi watched the'flower' bottle passing by their side, blooming on the ground, all over their bodies. Unanimously stiff.

The two were stunned for a while, and after reacting, they began to tremble, feeling scared for what had just happened.

Zhao Shuncheng didn't seem to notice the fright of the two of them. He still felt uncomfortable after smashing a ‘flower’ bottle. He picked up various things on the table and smashed it on the ground.

For a while, there was only the sound of various things cracking in the room.

Li Hong's'Jade' held Zhao Youxi tightly in his arms, and watched Zhao Shuncheng angry in horror.

Zhao Shuncheng smashed a bunch of things, his anger finally lowered, and suddenly turned his head to look at the mother and daughter who were squatting on the ground, his face sank again.

Under the horrified gaze of the two, they took a step forward and pulled Li Hong's'Jade' wrist to lift her up.

"Mom!" Zhao Youxi screamed, ignoring the others and wanted to rush to pull Zhao Shuncheng's hand away, but Zhao Shuncheng pushed him to the side.

Li Hong's'Jade' was shocked when he saw Zhao Youxi being pushed down, and exclaimed, "You Xi!"

Before he finished his words, Zhao Shuncheng had already dragged him up. Li Hong looked at the man in front of him with red eyes, and yelled, "Shuncheng..."

What responded to her was Zhao Shuncheng’s cold snort and the words that shocked her: "At the beginning, I raised so many'women' outside, but I only treated you personally, not only made you pregnant. I took you back to Zhao’s family after taking away my child. What I saw was your good-looking, sensible, understanding, and unexpected... Unexpectedly, I took it away."

", Shuncheng, listen to my explanation, I'm not..." Li Hong's'Yu' really can't figure out that Zhao Shuncheng went out, but when he came back, he seemed to have completely become another person, anxiously wanting to explain , But I don’t know where to start.

Zhao Shuncheng didn't intend to give her a chance to argue, she interrupted her with a'yin' face: "Yorim is also my'daughter' no matter how you say it, even if I have no feelings for her mother, her Half of my blood still bleeds on me. I always thought that even if you didn't treat her like You Hee, you would make her grow up peacefully and peacefully, but you... let me down too much."

As soon as Zhao Shuncheng said this, Li Hong's face and color changed, and she secretly said in her heart that the little **** Zhao Youlin told her in front of Zhao Shuncheng, and immediately pretended to have a distressed look with tears in her eyes. Said: "Who...who told you this, is it Yeorim? Did Yeorim tell you that I have treated her badly these years? Soon Sung, I have always known that Yeorim hates me for her mother's affairs all these years. , But I... I really didn’t feel sorry for her at all. We have been a husband and wife for so many years, would you rather believe in such a “daughter” who has severed the relationship with your father and “daughter” instead of trusting me ?"

There was a slight shake in Zhao Shuncheng’s eyes, but he quickly threw the shake to the back of his head, and threw Li Hong’s jade to the ground with a cold hum: “I’m just because I believe you too much, that’s why you were caught It's so funny! You keep saying that Yeorim is because her mother is resenting you. I think you can't tolerate Yeorim, the child you didn't give birth to!"

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