Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 217: Things revealed (1)

In fact, Zhao Shuncheng is not necessarily because he cares so much about the ‘female’ of Zhao Youlin who is so angry after knowing these things, he just simply doesn’t like to be deceived. Net om

Anyone who suddenly finds that the person next to the pillow who has been with her for many years is not as beautiful as he thought, and has done a lot of dirty things behind his back without knowing it, even if he has never really known her, he will let him The man who thought he had the initiative gave birth to the irritation of being deceived.

"Mom..." Seeing Li Hong's'Jade' fell, Zhao Youxi hurriedly got up from the ground and rushed towards her.

Li Hong's'Jade' fell to the ground and groaned in pain, but it was more of a panic and'chaos'. Zhao Shuncheng didn't even believe in himself. This made Li Hong's'Jade' an unprecedented sense of crisis.

"Mom, are you okay?" Zhao Youxi didn't understand, why all of a sudden the family changed, and the father who loved her the most in the day suddenly changed his face and fought them.

Zhao Youxi, who was crying miserably, could only hold on to his last support, that is, Li Hong's'Jade', hoping to get a safe haven at this time.

"It's okay. Netom" Li Hong ‘Jade’ climbed up from the ground laboriously, preparing to save the opponent’s affairs, but Zhao Shuncheng had already reached out to Zhao Youxi.

"Mom!" Zhao Youxi was taken aback by Zhao Shuncheng's sudden grasp, and she screamed Tong Lihong'Yu' for help.

Li Hong's'Jade' suddenly raised her head when she heard Zhao Youxi's yelling, and saw that Zhao Shunxiang grabbed Zhao Youxi's wrist and dragged it up like he had just treated him, and raised her hand to hit him.

She paled immediately, and rushed forward desperately, grabbing Zhao Shuncheng's hand and shouting hoarsely: "No, Shuncheng no. You Xi is still a child. If you have anything to do with me, don't embarrass the child!"

Zhao Shun turned his head when he was grasped by Li Hong's'Jade', and looked straight at her and snorted: "Child? Once, I thought she was just a child, but this child almost killed me. A child almost ruined me!"

"What?" Li Hong's eyes full of tears widened to the extreme, and he looked at Zhao Youxi on the other side in shock.

Zhao Youxi looked away with a guilty conscience, avoiding her gaze, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

In an instant, Li Hong's ‘Jade’ only felt that the sky was spinning, her ‘female’... almost killed someone? !

Li Hong'Yu' let go of Zhao Shuncheng's hand, struggling to rush towards Zhao Youxi, took her hand and asked eagerly: "Yo Xi, what is going on? How could you kill someone? Tell your mother. ...How could could you..."

"Mom, I didn't kill, I didn't kill..."

"Since there was no murder, how could..."

Before Li Hong's'Jade' was finished, Zhao Shuncheng snorted and threw Zhao Youxi onto Li Hong's'Jade'. om

Zhao Youxi's "legs" had long been frightened, so Zhao Shuncheng let go and almost sat down directly on the ground.

"She didn't kill anyone. If she really killed someone, she can still sit here and talk to us?" Zhao Shuncheng yelled angrily. "She just designed it to make Yeorim fall from the elevator and die in the elevator. Then she stupidly ran to kill herself, admitting that she had deliberately murdered, and asked Yeorim to record her words and keep them as evidence. If that thing is given to the police, it will take care of whether You He killed anyone, She has to eat prison food!"

Zhao Shuncheng got angry as he talked. He picked up a lamp beside him and smashed it on the ground. He cursed, "Why would I have a'girl' like you? I knew you would be so troublesome when you grow up. , I shouldn't have given birth to you in the first place!"

As soon as Zhao Shuncheng said this, Li Hong's "Yu" face and "color" changed. In addition to her own efforts to win Zhao Shuncheng's heart, everything she got over the years was based on these two children. Now Zhao Shuncheng said that it was not as good as it was at the beginning. Not giving birth to this child is simply poking her heart.

Li Hong's'Jade' was still panicked, Liushen is no owner, but Zhao Youxi seemed to think that the situation was not bad enough. She suddenly raised her head and said angrily: "You don't want to give birth to give birth. Dad, you regret it now and it's too late. I'll just give birth. I can’t figure it out, why all of a sudden everyone is standing on the side of that cheap'female' person. So are you and Mu Tingfeng. obviously didn't like her before! Why? Why did it become like this? "

Zhao Youxi's eyes were staring big, as if he was about to eat people, and his face was even more hideous: "Yes, I moved my hands and feet in the elevator, what right does that **** have to press on my head? In terms of background and qualifications, how am I inferior to that cheap'female' person? Except that she stole a child by the means of the messenger, how can she compare to me? Why...Why did Mu Tingfeng treat her differently? Treating each other? It must be something she used, like her shameless'female', why not die?"

"Enough!" Zhao Shuncheng couldn't listen anymore. He raised his hand and slapped Zhao Youxi again. "I don't know how to shame? I think you are the one who is the most shameless. President Mu is Jeong Lin's husband and your brother-in-law. But you have such a thought for him, and you want to hurt Yeorim for it, it's simply..."

"You Xi..." Li Hong'Yu' hurriedly went to help Zhao Youxi, and wanted to persuade her to say a few words, but she was suddenly pushed aside.

"You hit me? You hit me again, for that bitch!" Zhao Youxi clutched her cheek and shouted loudly, "What can't you do? She and Mu Tingfeng have long been divorced. Divorced! They don't have any relationship now, why should I not do it?"


Zhao Youxi ignored Zhao Shuncheng’s anger, as if she was crazy, and whispered to herself: "I will do it tomorrow morning. As soon as she gets on the elevator, the rope will break when she rises to the top. She would fall from above, and she would die in one fell swoop. She died completely. But why... why didn’t God help me and let Mu Tingfeng follow her into the elevator! I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled, there is always One day I must kill her, there is her without me, there is me without her."

"you this…"

"Yo Xi, don't say a few words!" Li Hong's'Yu' is really going to be **** to death by this brainless'girl'. Knowing that Zhao Shuncheng is angry now, this stupid boy kept shooting The mouth bumping really tires her out of life and death!

After Li Hong's'Jade' roared at Zhao Youxi, she turned around and rushed to Zhao Shuncheng, hugged his big'leg', and said with tears: "Shuncheng, don't be angry. You Xi is young and sensible. She is also impulsive. , Feelings will do such a thing, you help her, help her. She is also your'daughter', she is so young that she can't go to jail!

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