Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 215: Outbreak of contradictions (1)

Zhao Yulin coldly watched Zhao Shuncheng’s face’s color change several times, and smiled lightly to add the last handful of straw to the fire: "Director Zhao, as you said, I owe you half my life, and there are more than a dozen. No matter whether the year is good or bad, the gift of nurturing is indelible. Therefore, I did not do too much about Miss Zhao this time. is updated so fast. must not know that the elevator fell that day It was so thrilling, if someone just happened to pull me at the time, I might not have the chance to stand in front of you so unscathed."

Zhao Shuncheng was shocked when he heard the words, and was silent.

Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows indifferently: "Minister Zhao should understand that no one in this world can be so magnanimous and easily let go of a murderer who wants to kill herself. The reason why I let this matter go, I only put Zhao The young lady drove out, nothing more than she was still thinking about your little face of Minister Zhao."

When Zhao Shuncheng heard that there was something else that didn’t understand, Zhao Youlin was telling herself plainly that half of his blood was flowing on her body, and she owed him half of her life, but she saw that he gave Zhao Youxi his face. Leave a way to survive.

Half-life in exchange for another life, Zhao Youlin no longer owes him anything. Now and now, he has no reason to ask her to do anything for him under the guise of this name.

Looking at Zhao Shuncheng’s "yin" face, Zhao Yulin made a summary statement for the conversation between the two with a smile: "Minister Zhao, I am willing to let Ms. Zhao go, but it seems that Ms. Zhao doesn't How to get this feeling, when I didn’t know it, I ran to you and chewed on the root of my tongue. This is a bit unkind. Although Ms. Zhao is now half of Zhao’s family, if I call the police, they will not face each other. It looks good, but since Ms. Zhao is not kind to me, I can only treat her unrighteously. It is a bit troublesome to'hand over' this recording to the police, but it is okay to'hand over' it to Grandpa."

Zhao Shuncheng's face changed completely after hearing what Zhao Yulin said.

"Don't... don't! Don't be impulsive. If you'hand over' this recording to your dad, not only will You Xi be finished, I will also suffer." Zhao Shuncheng was shocked and hurriedly confused. ''S stepped forward to discourage.

Zhao Yulin looked at Zhao Shuncheng's panic, and a hint of mockery quickly flashed through her eyes. This man was indeed more selfish than she thought.

Since she just started mentioning the mistakes of Zhao Youxi, he had never been so panicked except for his ugly expression on his face? Only after personally hurting his own interests would he show such a big reaction.

Zhao Yulin looked away silently, reluctant to look at Zhao Shuncheng’s ugly face, but pretended to have an embarrassed expression on her face, and hesitated: "But if I don’t tell grandpa about this matter now, in case Miss Zhao looks like Treating Minister Zhao like this, bluffing in front of Grandpa, causing Grandpa to misunderstand me, will I be more wronged than Dou E by then?"

Zhao Shuncheng's face was slightly dark, and he said with a straight face: "You don't have to worry about this matter. After I go back, I will definitely teach the child a good meal, and I will never let her go out and talk about it. Net om"

Zhao Yulin stroked her chin and groaned: "Since Minister Zhao has said so, I will believe you this time. I hope that Minister Zhao will go back and discipline Miss Zhao and stop letting her do anything stupid. I It’s because Minister Zhao’s level is open to her. Others may not be as magnanimous as I am. Furthermore, please also ask Minister Zhao to restrain Ms. Zhao, no matter how eloquent she is, she will talk about it in front of others. "Chaos' fall, you have to know that there is no real evidence to convince people of any excuses."

The threat in Zhao Yulin's words is self-evident, but her way of speaking with a "stick" and a sweet jujube makes people unable to refute it.

Zhao Shuncheng made a few more polite words with Zhao Yulin, and left with his tail in a dingy manner.

Looking at the big ‘door’ of the office that was closed again, Zhao Yulin bends the corner of her ‘lip’ unconsciously.

At this moment, the ‘door’ of the office opened again, and a familiar figure came in from the outside, looking worriedly at Zhao Youlin.

"General manager, are you okay?" Xiaoli thought for a while and turned back a little uneasy. Seeing Zhao Shuncheng go, he ran over immediately.

Zhao Yulin was stunned, and smiled lightly: "What can I do? It's someone else who is in trouble. The show just started."

As Zhao Yulin said, she glanced at the direction where Zhao Shuncheng was leaving, and a trace of banter quickly crossed her eyes.

"What?" Zhao Yulin's last words were whispered, and Xiao Li was far away and didn't hear clearly.

"Nothing." Zhao Yulin retracted her gaze, raised her head to look at Xiaoli, and asked, "How is the matter for you to ask?"

Seeing that Zhao Yulin did not seem to be in trouble, Xiao Li replied with a sigh of relief: "The personnel department has basically implemented it. It is said that people will apply for the job in these two days, and they should be recruited soon. ."

Zhao Yulin nodded in satisfaction, picked up the pen on the table, signed a document and handed it to Xiaoli: "Well, I see, you can let them do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may have had a harder time recently."

"Huh?" Xiaoli took the file and looked at Zhao Youlin with some suspicion, but after all, she turned and left without asking anything.

Zhao Shuncheng did not go back to his office after leaving Zhao Yulin's office, but went straight back home.

Li Hong's "Jade", who is at home, did not go out of the "door" today. It was a little surprised to see Zhao Shuncheng come back at this point.

However, she quickly recovered and greeted her with a smile: "Shuncheng, is the company okay today? Why did you come back so early?"

What makes Li Hong's'Yu' even more surprising is that Zhao Shuncheng didn't see her approaching and hugged her in his arms immediately, or directly took her hand into the'door', but stared fiercely. Gave her a glance.

The sudden change caused Li Hong's'Jade' to be caught off guard, and the smile on his face became stiff for a moment.

Zhao Shuncheng was so angry that he had nowhere to send it. Seeing Li Hong's'Jade', the culprit who made him speechless in front of Zhao Yulin, naturally had no good face.

"Where's that girl from Yoo Hee? Where did she go?"

Li Hong's'Yu' heard Zhao Shuncheng's unkind tone, and his heart burst, and he hesitated: "Yo Xi...Yo Xi didn't go out today. I just had lunch and went upstairs to rest. What are you looking for? Did something happen?"

Zhao Shuncheng hasn't answered yet. A figure has already walked down the stairs, covering his mouth sleepily and saying hello: "Hey, Dad, you are back." It was Zhao Youxi who the two were talking about.

When Zhao Shuncheng saw Zhao Youxi coming down, his face suddenly turned dark. Before Li Hong could react to Yu, he walked quickly to Zhao Youxi and slapped him in front of him.

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