Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 214: Do you think you are worthy (2)

Zhao Shuncheng frowned, what else could Xindao do? Wasn't it because he offended you and made you look unpleasant?

Looking at the expressions on Zhao Shuncheng’s face, Zhao Youlin knew that Zhao Youxi and her son had never told the person in front of them the whole thing. When they thought of the words Zhao Shuncheng had said before, the sneer in the corner of the ‘lip’ became more and more profound.

"It seems that you don't know what nasty things Zhao Youxi did. So, the reason why you came to me this time is because you feel that I have wronged your precious "female" by using power for ‘private’?"

Zhao Youlin took a deep breath: "Okay, great. Since Zhao Youxi still has a wishful thinking, I don’t have to save her too much face. Minister Zhao, I have one thing about this. The record is that Zhao Youxi was ousted this time. You'd better listen carefully to the reason for the Zhao family, and then tell me if I should bring her back to the Zhao family again."

Zhao Shuncheng heard what Zhao Yulin said and couldn't help but frowned. Instinctively felt that what Zhao Yulin would listen to him next would not be a good thing, but he couldn't restrain his curiosity and want to know the ins and outs of the matter.

However, Zhao Yulin did not give him a chance to choose. She took out the mobile phone she carried with him, found a file and pressed the play button. om

Zhao Shuncheng had some doubts at first, but after hearing the two familiar voices from the mobile phone, this doubt disappeared without a trace.

There was no sound in the silent office, except for the quarreling sounds from time to time in the mobile phone.

As the conversation between the two people in the mobile phone came out, Zhao Shuncheng's face changed from being suspicious and confused at the beginning to being stunned, and then becoming pale little by little. In the end, the paleness faded. , Zhao Shuncheng's face was only full of shock and panic.

His ‘female’ son actually... almost... killed someone! The most important thing is that the one who was almost killed was another'girl' of his!

Zhao Yulin has been observing Zhao Shuncheng's reaction since pressing the broadcast button. She cut off the recording when she felt it was almost time, and said, "Now, Minister Zhao knows why I have to drive Ling Qianjin out of the Zhao family?"

The impact was too great, and Zhao Shuncheng was still a little hard to react for a while, so he could only point to the mobile phone in Zhao Yulin's hand with a pale face and said with difficulty: "This is...this is..."

Zhao Yulin smiled: "Remember the elevator crash that happened in the company not long ago? It was not an accident at all, but a deliberate murder, and the person who planned the murder was exactly the one mentioned by Minister Zhao. Innocent Miss Zhao."

" possible..." Zhao Shuncheng stepped back unbearably after being killed by thunder.

Zhao Yulin looked at him with this expression, but she couldn't express her joy.

At the beginning, she did not directly call the police after she had enough evidence to ask the police to take Zhao Youxi away. Another important reason was that she wanted to use this opportunity to completely separate the line from Zhao Shuncheng.

If she had completely ‘killed’ Zhao Youxi from the beginning, not only would Li Hong’s ‘Yu’ not let go of herself, although Zhao Shuncheng would not say anything on the face, he would definitely complain about herself in the bottom of her heart.

The couple are in love with each other, plus the Zhao Yoo-ming who is still abroad, it is hard to guarantee that they will not cause any serious troubles for themselves.

But now it’s different. She held evidence of Zhao Youxi’s crime, but she was left with a life. Zhao Shuncheng would only feel that she was magnanimous, and thus gave birth to Zhao Youxi, a "daughter" who dared to kill her sister. Fear comes.

At this time, she thought about "flowering" to instigate a divorce, and she did not worry that Zhao Shuncheng and Li Hong's "Jade" mother and "daughter" had a rift between them.

The reason why Li Hong's'Jade' has been able to'mix' in the Zhao family over the years is entirely due to Zhao Shuncheng's favor and the birth of a more arrogant son.

Once Zhao Shuncheng's asylum is lost, the days of her and Zhao Youxi at Zhao's house will be completely different from now.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Yulin couldn't help but hooked the corner of her'lip' and jokingly said, "The words are all recorded in full. What's impossible? Why, Miss Zhao didn't tell Minister Zhao about this? That's right. How can you tell others about this kind of thing casually, if you don’t do it well, you will go to jail. Fortunately, Miss Zhao is now eighteen years old, otherwise, at her age, she would do something like this, Minister Zhao. The guardian can be blamed, right?"

When he heard the word jail, Zhao Shuncheng's face turned white, and the gaze that looked at Zhao Yulin was not consciously stained with a bit of panic.

However, Zhao Yulin seemed to be not enough, adding: "At first, when I learned the truth, I was as shocked as Minister Zhao. In desperation, I had to make the decision to expel Ms. Zhao from the Zhao family, just to hope her. How much can I reflect on this? When I drove Miss Zhao out of the company, I said that I can spare her life, but I will not let an enemy who wants my life to stay by my side, hope She did it for herself. But I didn’t expect that not only did she know nothing wrong, she also urged Minister Zhao to come to me. The most important thing was that she didn’t tell Minister Zhao about this matter, which caused a misunderstanding by Minister Zhao and almost caused me a misunderstanding ."

The two passages before and after Zhao Yulin seemed to comfort Zhao Shuncheng, but in fact they were also hinting at him that Zhao Youxi was hiding such important things from him, and he asked him to do this early bird pleading for her. If it weren’t for Zhao Yulin’s heart as a mirror, he was aware When things are not right, I am afraid that the reason why Zhao Youxi did this kind of thing was instigated by Zhao Shuncheng, the father.

In fact, Zhao Youxi didn’t tell Zhao Shuncheng about this. Maybe it was just because of guilty conscience and fear, but after Zhao Youlin’s polish, it completely became the reason why Zhao Youxi asked Zhao Shuncheng to come here to intercede for her at this time. The responsibility was all shifted to Zhao Shuncheng's body and let him be taken advantage of.

Who is Zhao Shuncheng? On weekdays, I'm used to living a peaceful life, and the most annoying thing is getting into trouble.

Otherwise, Li Hong's'Jade' didn't have to spend so much effort to persuade him to give Zhao Youxi this head.

But this time, Zhao Youxi really caused him a great trouble. Zhao Shuncheng didn't show it on his face, but in his heart he was already a little tired of this'female'.

Of course, this is also related to his usual impression of Zhao Youxi.

Zhao Shuncheng has always thought that his baby "female" is stubborn, but the "female" child is inevitably a little squeamish and likes to be coaxed.

But now he discovered that this ‘female’ is not just as simple as stubbornness. She can do things like deliberate murder. What else is she afraid to do? !

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