Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 213: Do you think you are worthy (1)

Zhao Youlin looked at his confession and snorted in her heart, and sighed inwardly: Zhao Youxi, that **** is worthy of this man's kind, that everyone in the world can be wrong, but she is absolutely not wrong. His arrogant appearance and the person in front of him really learned a hundred percent. Net om, the latest chapter visit: om.

Therefore, it is true that what kind of parents can teach what kind of children's "daughters"!

"You just said that you gave me half my life and raised me to this age, and they didn't give me anything, but I defended them better than you, which makes you feel very unreasonable?" Zhao Yeolin looked jokingly. Looking at Zhao Shuncheng, he sneered, "Well, today I will tell you clearly where you are from them. That's right, you gave me half my life and raised me for more than ten years, except for this. , Have you done anything father should do?"

Zhao Shuncheng swallowed with difficulty under Zhao Yulin's ‘force’, and rarely said with a guilty conscience: "Is this...isn’t enough?"

"Do you think this is enough? It turns out that Minister Zhao is always the way to make money. He gave her birth, gave her some food and drink, and the clothes she wore were picked from others, let alone famous brands and not famous brands. Yes. If you treat Zhao Youxi the same way, then I have nothing to say, but in fact, it's not!"

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Yulin's remarks made Zhao Shuncheng's eyes widened in surprise.

Before today, Zhao Shuncheng always thought that although he did not give Zhao Youlin the love of a father and a daughter similar to Zhao Youxi, at least he gave her a wealthy life with food and clothing, but today he knows... things don’t seem to be what he imagined. simple.

Judging from his appearance, I really don't know what kind of life Zhao Yulin lived in the Zhao family before. However, this is nothing sympathetic.

No matter what, this person is also the head of that family. If it weren't for his deliberate ignorance, how could the previous Zhao Yulin's life be so miserable.

It can even be said that more than half of the responsibility for the tragedy of the original owner in the past twenty years lies with the person in front of him.

"Don't understand? Okay, let me put it another way. Minister Zhao knows what kind of life I spent at Zhao's house after my mother died? The "woman" you think of as virtuous and virtuous, comes every day In front of me, I flaunted my power and warned me not to think about anything that I shouldn’t have in the Zhao family. Everything in the Zhao family belongs to your two “illegitimate” children, without my share. You can’t see it. In the days when she used me as a servant, no, sometimes, my status in that place was even worse than that of a servant, and I was insulted and beaten by them at every turn. I couldn’t get enough to eat, and I didn’t wear warm clothes. ."

"I don't know..." Zhao Shuncheng's explanation was weak and superficial, and was untenable at all. Net om

When Zhao Yulin heard this, she suddenly turned her head, looked into Zhao Shuncheng’s eyes full of shock, and almost cruelly tore the scar belonging to the ghost that had dissipated somewhere in this world: "You don’t You know? This is really a good reason. You don’t know what life your "daughter" children spend every day, and you don’t know how your "daughter" children are treated every day in that home. Naturally, you don’t even know. One year in the winter, I had a high fever but no one wanted to call a doctor to see me. I almost froze to death in that cold home."

" really don't know." Zhao Shuncheng wanted to make some defenses for himself, but his tongue didn't listen at this moment.

Looking at Zhao Shuncheng’s struggle, Zhao Yulin smiled and leaned towards him, her eyes like arrows and words like a knife: “Yes, you don’t know anything, you don’t care about anything, just enjoying your wind and snow. Moon, just have fun in time. When something happens, you will run over to me and put your father's face in front of me. Ask yourself, do you think you are worthy? Are you worthy?"

Zhao Shun’s idiom was stuffy, his lips were tightly pressed, his eyes flashed with unwillingness, but he couldn’t say anything to refute what Zhao Youlin had just said.

Zhao Yulin glanced at Zhao Shuncheng's aggrieved appearance, slowly straightened her body, and let out a sigh of relief. She only felt that the stale breath left over from the original owner that had been pressing on her heart finally dissipated a little.

Zhao Yulin, who took the opportunity to get out of her breath, didn’t talk to Zhao Shuncheng anymore.@双氯サ指曩 Disobedience Bilu Langyu, crispy oriole, saddle and salt night talks about the pain, sweet, sweet and rich bag, Cai Qiaoye, bag, bag and trace Barrel crow proudly arrogant forgive me 2け Bo Xie 僬 ⺶ Reading the bad stubborn thievery ⑸ 裉 庋 neon worrying and smashing the poison to rule the nest locust to play first br />

Zhao Shuncheng's face turned white, and he bit his lip without speaking.

The corner of Zhao Yulin’s ‘lip’ clicked: "I’m talking about the same thing. If Minister Zhao has nothing else to do, let’s go back first."

Zhao Yulin's order from the guests, Zhao Shuncheng just woke up from a dream, remembering his main purpose of looking for Zhao Yulin, and hurriedly said: "Something is going on..."

Zhao Yulin turned around and walked behind the desk. He raised her eyebrows when she heard what he said and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's about your sister... You Xi's recent dismissal. I want you to take back your previous instructions to dismiss her and let her return to the Zhao clan..."

Zhao Shuncheng’s tone has softened a lot compared to when he first entered the'door', he has obviously realized that using the majesty of the elders to order Zhao Youlin to follow his will, this path will not work, temporarily showing weakness and let Zhao Youlin sell her one. Face is still more likely to succeed.

It's a pity that Zhao Shuncheng still thinks too much of himself. His words have not yet landed, and Zhao Yulin has already unceremoniously refused: "No, it is absolutely impossible to let her return to the company."

"Why?" Zhao Shuncheng walked forward two steps in shock, angrily said, "Yorim, she is your sister after all."

Zhao Yulin didn't buy his account, and she chuckled, "Stop playing this kind of emotional card with me. I don't even want to recognize your dad. Do you think I still care about a sister like her?"

Zhao Shuncheng's face turned dark. He wanted to get angry, but he had to suppress the anger in his chest, and said bitterly: "Yorim, there are thousands of mistakes, all of them are red jade's fault. After I go back, I will be fine. Teach her a lesson and give you an'explain'. But You Xi... You Xi is innocent, so you look at Dad... Seeing the face of one of my elders, let her come back, OK?"

Zhao Shuncheng didn't dare to call himself father anymore, so he had to ask for Zhao Yulin as an elder.

As everyone knows, Zhao Youlin only finds it funny when he hears this: "Innocent? You think Zhao Youxi is innocent? Do you know why she was driven out of Zhao by me because of what? You said she was innocent?"

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