Zhao Shuncheng's face changed slightly, and he realized that he was threatened by Zhao Youlin, so he raised his hand and wanted to shave her ears.

How could Zhao Yulin hurt herself? As early as the moment Zhao Shuncheng raised her hand, she had already entangled the opponent's hand with a crutch, making her unable to move, let alone beating.

Zhao Shuncheng struggled for a while but failed to ‘draw’ his hand from Zhao Yulin’s hands, his face was dark, and he shouted in a low voice, "You learn this kind of ‘messy’ thing just to beat Lao Tzu?"

Zhao Yulin smiled, and used her skill to push Zhao Shuncheng to the side, patted her hand and said, "You should use what kind of moves to deal with any kind of person. I don't need to be too polite to you. ."

Zhao Shuncheng was pushed and staggered. As soon as he stood still, he heard Zhao Youlin's words and almost vomited blood: "What kind of soup did the eldest brother and sister-in-law give you so that you can protect them like this? You were born to me. , I gave you half your life and raised you to such a big age. What did you eat and wear before marrying was not mine? What did they give you? Now you turn your face and you don’t recognize people? You can do it, you Really!"

Zhao Yulin has never seen a shameless person like Zhao Shuncheng. Judging from all the memories of this body before, this man has never done her father’s responsibility for even one day, but now he can treat herself so naturally. Putting on the air of his father is really unbearable to look straight. om

Zhao Yulin took a deep breath, looked up at Zhao Shuncheng's annoying face, and sneered: "It turns out that Minister Zhao came to calculate the ledger with me today, so let's do the calculations today."

"Then the relationship is good, we..."

"Who is with you and us, you shut up." Since they are all ready to tear their faces, Zhao Youlin no longer has the need to be merciful.

Zhao Shuncheng was drunk by Zhao Yulin, and his face was even more somber, as if dripping water.

Zhao Yulin, regardless of whether he is high or not, sneered with one hand on his hips: "First of all, let me correct you, I... not born to you, you are not so capable. I was born to my mother, and you But she only provided a small'sperm' when she gave birth to me. Other than that, you have done nothing for us."

"Don't go too far, no matter how I say it is you..."

"It's you, don't go too far!" Zhao Yulin almost interrupted Zhao Shuncheng's words with a low growl,'yin' with a calm face and step by step towards Zhao Shun: "What did you just want to say? What else did you want to say? It’s also my father? I really don’t understand, where did you come from, and say this kind of words so confidently in front of me. 网om"

"Is what I said wrong? I am your father. This is a fact, a fact you can never deny, you can't deny it!" Zhao Shuncheng was scared back several times by Zhao Yulin's sullen face and color. After stepping, he sucked in a cold breath, and then realized that he had been suppressed by Zhao Yulin, her face was slightly dark, and she straightened her back and retorted stiffly.

It's a pity that this hard spirit quickly disappeared under Zhao Yulin's subsequent aggressiveness.

"Yes, you are my dad, but when my mother was pregnant with me, where were you? You spent time and wine and raised a "girl" outside, and that's fine if you raise a "girl", you give me the whole thing. It's really a good thing to have two younger siblings here!"

Although Zhao Youlin and Zhao Youxi are sisters, they are actually less than one year apart. That is to say, Zhao Shuncheng engaged with Li Hong's "Yu" even earlier when Zhao Youlin's mother was pregnant.

Zhao Shuncheng didn't expect that Zhao Yulin would mention this matter at this time. He couldn't help but feel a guilty conscience on his face, and said, "Your mother can't be pregnant... I feel sorry for her to go out to relieve it. This is also excusable. Yes, it’s understandable. I admit that I really am sorry for your mother for this matter, but nowadays, which men don’t have many'women' outside? Why are you and your mother a virtuous thing? put……"

Zhao Yulin smiled coldly, understandable? How shameless is a man to say such a thing? In the end, he raked back, saying that they were biting on this kind of thing? He didn't think about what he had done that was infuriating between humans and gods, and others would be worried about it.

This man is like this, making mistakes but never reflecting on what he did wrong, but racking his brains to come up with various reasons to rationalize what he did wrong, and even directly shift the responsibility to others.

Zhao Yulin suddenly didn't want to argue with this man too much, and she vented her dissatisfaction: "My mother almost got in to give birth to my dystocia. Where were you at that time? You were you giving that'girl' The house I bought was gentle with her! When my mother was dying of illness, the butler called you, what are you doing? Ha ha, you took that'woman' to the banquet held by your fox friends, grandiose Introduce her to your friend, and never cared about my mom’s face. The butler got through your phone, but you told him that you didn’t have time to go home, and asked the butler to find a doctor if he had something to do. If it didn’t work, just let my mom. It's fine to fend for itself."

"These things, how can you..." Zhao Shuncheng's face was cyan and white, and he took two steps back, staring at Zhao Youlin in disbelief with his eyes widened.

"What? It's strange why I know these things, and still know so clearly?" Zhao Youlin sneered, her eyes full of irony, "If you want people to know, unless you do nothing, you are afraid that others will know the good things you have done. No? If you really want to know that you are afraid, why bother to do it in the first place?"

In fact, these are just things buried deep in the memory of the original Zhao Yulin. Zhao Yulin didn’t know why she was so angry at this time. When she had inferred all this from the clues in the memory of the original owner, she Not so angry.

Perhaps the original owner had no grievances with Zhao Shuncheng, but her strength was too weak, too weak to protect herself, let alone confront Zhao Shuncheng head-on.

So she could only unwillingly bury this resentment, this hatred in the bottom of her heart. Over time, even she herself was deceived. She didn't know that this hatred, this resentment had long been incorporated into her bones and blood, even if she died, it was passed on to the current Zhao Youlin.

Zhao Yulin's words made Zhao Shuncheng unable to refute, and a guilty conscience faintly grew in her heart, but more of it was unable to accept that one of her elders was being trained by a junior, and her face became more ugly than before.

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