Xiaoli looked at Zhao Youlin a little entangled, although this Minister Zhao was more reasonable than the previous ones who rushed in without a word. Net om, the latest chapter visit: om.

But he clearly told him that the general manager had not returned yet, and this person had to stay outside to wait for the general manager, poured tea for him, and looked arrogant, except that he didn't go straight inside. Zhenxin is no different from the previous ones.

The little girl wrote all her thoughts on her face. Zhao Yulin wanted to pretend that she didn’t know, and she secretly complained: The old guy didn’t want to break in and push her nose on her face, I’m afraid it’s because she wanted to. , I had to lower my airs a little, just begging for everything.

"Can't bear it anymore?"

"Huh, what?" Zhao Yulin muttered to herself, Xiaoli didn't hear clearly, and asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, is he still waiting outside now?"

Xiaoli nodded solemnly, and Zhao Yulin chuckled lightly and said tauntingly: "It's quite patient. Let him come in."

Xiao Li opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he still didn't say anything, and turned around to shout. om

Before long, Xiao Li led Zhao Shuncheng in.

Zhao Yulin didn't raise her head when she heard the footsteps, and she whispered, "Xiao Li, go out first. You can check with the personnel department about the thing I told you two days ago. I will call Uncle Xiao over if there is anything. of."

Xiaoli responded, and finally looked at Zhao Youlin behind her desk worriedly, then turned and left the office.

As soon as Xiaoli left, Zhao Shun became a horse and returned to her cuteness. He looked impatiently at Zhao Yeolin, who didn’t even give her a single one behind her desk, and said in a bad tone: “Yorin, Dad has come to look for you in person, just like that. Greet dad?"

Originally looking for Zhao Yulin was regarded as a dignity for Zhao Shuncheng, but when she came, she was told that Zhao Yulin would not come this morning, which made Zhao Shuncheng very unhappy. I just felt that this was an excuse that Zhao Yulin did not want to meet with herself. In anger, Zhao Shuncheng decided to wait outside. He didn't believe it. Can Zhao Yulin leave him alone all day?

But in fact, Zhao Youlin did not dry him for a whole day, but only left him for a long time.

Finally, Zhao Yulin came, and people led him into the'door', but she did not expect to be polite and apologize. Instead, she didn't even give him a straight eye from the beginning to the end, completely treating him as one. Transparent people come to treat. om

This made him feel full of confidence when he came, thinking that as long as she was a little softer with Zhao Yulin and opened a mouth, Zhao Yulin would feel extremely annoyed by Zhao Shuncheng who agreed to all her requirements without saying a word.

When Zhao Yulin heard Zhao Shuncheng’s irritated questioning, she paused slightly, raised her head and glanced at Zhao Shuncheng with a sullen face, and frowned, "Who are you? Oh, I remember, you are a developer. Minister of the Ministry. Disrespect and disrespect. Is there anything wrong with Minister Zhao who came to see me today? If there is nothing wrong, please go back first. You can see that I am different from the Development Department. Director Zhao can do nothing if he is okay. The department’s “doors” turned around in a mess, and I stayed there all morning without any care. If there are so many documents on this table, I won’t be able to get off work today, and I’m very busy.

Zhao Yulin's words relentlessly stabbed Zhao Shuncheng's most painful place. The position of the general manager is much busier than the head of the development department.

Of course, with this busyness comes Zhao Yulin's much greater right than her own, which is naturally not so pleasant to be riding on her head by her ‘female’.

Zhao Shuncheng had a dark face, and pointed at Zhao Yulin and cursed: "What kind of attitude is this? I am your dad! I came to you, and you didn’t say anything all morning, but now I’m telling you that you’re busy. Why are you so busy that your father doesn’t recognize it? If you’re so busy, why don’t you come in the morning? You have someone to support you now, your wings are hard, and you dare to challenge your dad? Don’t think there are fathers and elder brothers to help you. I can’t take you to you. I’m telling you, whether you admit it or not, I’m your father. You were born to me. Half of my blood bleeds on my body. This is the eldest brother and sister-in-law, they can’t give your."

Zhao Shuncheng became more and more angry as he spoke, almost to the point where he could not hesitate to say: "Do you really think they are really good to you and treat you as a "daughter"? They are just because they can't give birth to children and they don't want to. Give up the rights of the Zhao family to get the money, and then retreat and accept you reluctantly. You are just a tool for them. You understand the tool?"

Zhao Shuncheng’s provocative “extreme” words finally changed the expression on Zhao Yulin’s face, and she threw the signature pen in her hand to the side. Zhao Yulin looked directly at Zhao Shuncheng’s old face and sneered: "Say enough. Yet?"

"What?" Zhao Shuncheng stunned suddenly, then his face sank, and he wanted to continue cursing, "You..."

Shattered-along with the coolness that rushes straight to the face, there is a ticking sound of water droplets on the ground.

"You..." Zhao Shuncheng looked at his almost drenched clothes and the water glass in Zhao Yulin's hands in disbelief, his face was blue and white, and white and green.

Zhao Yulin put the cup in her hand to the table, secretly regretting it, why didn't Xiaoli just let Xiaoli bring herself a cup of freshly opened hot water, otherwise the splash she just made would surely make this guy call him more than a pig It was miserable and saved a lot of things later.

It's good now. Not only did it not have the effect of teaching someone, but also gave him a free face wash. It's not cost-effective, it's not cost-effective!

Regrettably, Zhao Yulin didn't struggle with this issue for too long. Looking at Zhao Shuncheng's appearance that looked like a "chicken" in the soup, she chuckled: "No matter, even if you haven't finished speaking, I don't want to listen."

"You...you unfilial female! You dare to do something to me!" Zhao Shuncheng was trembling with anger. With the hair that was messy because it was washed by water once, it was really embarrassing and embarrassing. .

"What's the matter with you?" Zhao Yulin walked out from behind the desk and approached Zhao Shuncheng step by step, as if a beast had been'close' to her prey, ferocious and bloodthirsty.

"It seems that Minister Zhao has never heard of the third uncle bringing his third aunt here to trouble me two days ago."

Zhao Yulin's face was clearly smiling, but Zhao Shunzhen felt cold and wanted to back down.

"At that time, my third aunt was like you, Minister Zhao. She was rude to my mother, saying that she could not give birth to children and could only **** other people's children. What happened to Minister Zhao, do you know?" Suddenly, "I slapped her when she said something until she couldn't speak anymore. Does Minister Zhao want to give it a try?"

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