Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 210: Arrange a blind date (2)

"Cough, cough, cough..." Zhao Yulin was eating a ball, and when she heard Duan Yarong's words, the ball slid into her throat, choking hard. om, the latest chapter visit: om.

"Mom..." Lele's eyes widened, her face at a loss.

Duan Yarong was also shocked when she saw this, hurriedly filled a bowl of soup and handed it to Zhao Yulin.

Zhao Yulin took it hurriedly, and took a few shots before she swallowed the ball that was choking in her throat into her stomach.

"It's okay, I just choked and swallowed it." As soon as Zhao Yulin looked up, all the people on the table stood up, looked at her worriedly, and waved to indicate that they were okay.

After talking with a few people, Zhao Yulin hurriedly turned her head to look at Lele. As expected, she saw Lele's big watery eyes widened, and it was pitiful to cry or not.

Zhao Yulin laughed, leaned over and kissed Lele's little cheek, and ‘touched’ his head comfortingly: “Mom’s okay, Lele will continue to eat.”

Lele ‘puffed’ his nose, stared at Zhao Yulin for a while, and nodded obediently when she was sure that her mother was really fine.

Staring at Lele finally picked up the spoon and continued to eat, Zhao Yulin breathed a sigh of relief. Then she raised her head and looked at Duan Yarong with a little embarrassment: "Mom, I don't have that thought yet..."

"You stay in the company all the time, and you see fewer than ten men a day, and all of them are about the same as your dad. Of course you don’t have the same mind. The ages that om’s mother picked for you are all about the same age as you. Everything is carefully selected, so you can see if there is a close eye. It doesn’t matter if you don’t close your eyes. Mom and Uncle Zhao will continue to look for, and I can always find someone who knows the cold, the hot, and considers you. Love the man who loves Lele again."

Zhao Yulin: "..." Mom, are you so impatient to marry me?

Duan Yarong has been worried since Mu Tingfeng said in front of everyone that he would remarry with Zhao Yulin.

Even if Zhao Yulin assured her that she and Mu Tingfeng were absolutely impossible, this worry still couldn't dissipate, especially Mu Tingfeng's attitude that day made Duan Yarong feel that she could no longer wait and die like this.

After thinking about it, Duan Yarong finally decided to take the initiative, and before Mu Tingfeng re-tethered her family Yu Lin, she found a son-in-law who would love Zhao Yu Lin and the child, and put away Mu Tingfeng’s thoughts. To avoid future troubles.

Zhao Yulin looked at Duan Yarong's eagerness to try, and opened her mouth, her face embarrassed: "Mom, what I mean is that I haven't planned to restart a marriage for the time being. This kind of thing needs to be considered for a long time, urgently. No. Net om"

Duan Yarong disagrees with Zhao Yulin's rhetoric: "Yorim, mother either wants you to marry someone right away, or lets you see if you like it. If so, let's do everything first and take your time. It’s not too late to get married if you still feel good after the treatment."

The corners of Zhao Yulin's mouth were slightly stiff, and she said to her heart, Mom, you don't seem to have a slow pace, you just want to find someone to pack and stuff me over!

Duan Yarong's look of expectation really made Zhao Yulin reluctant to refuse her, so she had no choice but to look at Zhao Shunrong next to Duan Yarong for help.

Zhao Shunrong looked away silently, and didn't want to look at Zhao Yulin at all, obviously intending to remain silent about this matter.

As for the other decision-maker with a say in the house...

"I think...Rong Rong's proposal is good." The old man declared his position with a smile, and blocked Zhao Yulin's only way of life.

Father Zhao seems to have finally found a chance to regain a city from Zhao Yulin, and laughed overwhelmingly: "Yorim, Lele is not young anymore. How can a child grow up without a father? It's time for you to find another one for yourself. Husband, I have also found a father for Lele. You can rest assured that you are the candidate. Given our Zhao family's current status in S City and your current status in Zhao's family, what kind of man do you want? Let your mother and Your Uncle Zhao will help you pick one, and be sure to find one that is hundreds of times better than the previous one."

Zhao Yulin: "..." Grandpa, are you adding chaos or chaos? You **** deliberately, definitely deliberate!

The more Zhao Yulin thinks about it, the more it feels like this, who is Uncle Zhao? He is the highest-ranking confidant around the old man. Although Duan Yarong is the eldest wife of the Zhao family, it is not so easy to support the old man to do things, unless he is instructed by the old man.

What's more, will Uncle Zhao go to do this without telling him? I want to know it's impossible!

Zhao Yulin wanted to understand this, and she gave the old man who was disrespectful in the main subject a glance, very depressed.

Duan Yarong felt more emboldened when she heard someone support herself: "That's right, Dad's words are in my heart, Yeorim, have you heard it?"

Facing the repeated bombings of the two elders, Zhao Yulin finally had to compromise and said stiffly: "Then... well, just take a look."

What Zhao Yulin didn't expect was that because of her release, she was destined to be forced to cope with the tragedies of various blind dates.

Because of Duan Yarong's topic, Zhao Yulin's meal was so unpleasant.

After finishing the meal, Zhao Yulin was about to find a way to go, but he was caught by Duan Yarong, who had been prepared for a while, and had to accompany the interested Duan Yarong to see a bunch of blind date photos.

The miserable Zhao Yulin was under Duan Yarong's soft and hard foam, after all she agreed to meet a few days later, a small fresh'meat' who looked good. This is considered to be free from the sea of ​​suffering and hurried back to the company.

Zhao Yulin, who ran to her office to take shelter from the limelight, had not had time to breathe, she saw her little secretary Xiaoli coming in from the outside, her expression of "desire" stopped.

Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows when she saw her, thinking that something happened in the company during her absence, and frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiaoli hesitated and said truthfully: "General Manager, Minister Zhao came over and said to see you this morning. I told him that you won't be coming this morning, but he said it doesn't matter. He just waited outside. What are you doing? The time has come, he will go back whenever he sees you."

"Minister Zhao?" Minister Zhao? Which Minister Zhao? Is it Zhao Shunchang or...

"Um... is the president's own brother, the father of the former Miss Zhao, that is, the general manager's..."

"Oh, it's him." Zhao Yulin groaned inwardly, a quick glance across her eyes.

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