Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 209: Arrange a blind date (1)

Xia Zetao was stunned by Zhao Yulin's explosive news. After returning to his senses, he directly cast his condemning gaze to Mu Tingfeng not far away. om

It's really knowing people, knowing faces and not knowing their hearts! Who would have thought that in everyone’s minds, the president who has always been a perfect abstinence and a male god, is not only an incomprehensible wooden knot, but also a scum of "abandoning his wife and abandoning his son" for the sake of the mistress. male! This is going to the company, I don’t know how many people’s hearts will be broken!

Therefore, the reason why the president and the wife of the president got divorced was simply because the former president's wife found that the president had derailed and was heartbroken, so she made the decisive decision to take the child and leave the president?

No wonder... no wonder now that no matter how the president shows his weakness or how to make it back, the former president's wife is always indifferent. This is the truth!

The more Xia Zetao thought about it, the more he felt that he had guessed right, and his heart was extremely complicated.

But at this moment, Zhao Yulin, who was angry, turned her head abruptly, staring murderously at the rose flower in Xia Zetao's hand: "What kind of messy flower is this vulgar is dead. From now on. Don’t send it anymore. It’s so big that our company’s trash cans can’t fit in. It’s too much trouble to deal with this stuff."

After speaking, he didn't pay attention to the two big men who were dumbfounded because of her seizures. They hugged Lele and walked away in high heels. Before they left, they slammed Xia Zetao.

Xia Zetao staggered when he was hit, and hurriedly fixed the rose ‘flower’ in his hand.

Finally stabilized, wiped off the cold sweat on his head, but when he raised his head, he ran into the expressionless cold face of his boss. A coolness quickly leaped from behind, and a bad premonition emerged spontaneously.

Sure enough, Mu Tingfeng stared at Xia Zetao silently. To be precise, he stared at the "flower" in Xia Zetao's arms for a long time, and then spit out a word almost cruelly: "The salary increase is cancelled, and... the past few days. The money for the'spend' will be deducted from your salary this month."

With a loud bang, Xia Zetao only felt that a Jiao Lei smashed down his head, instantly slicing him into a dead body and disappearing into ashes.

"Ya...Ya Lidie!" The long mourning reverberated in the quiet alleyway, not aware of it for a long time, but the culprit who caused this tragedy had no mercy at all.

Mu Tingfeng ignored someone who was lying on the ground holding a bunch of roses and corpses, staring blankly at the direction where Zhao Youlin was leaving, and then silently stretched out his hand and stroked his face. Thoughtful.

Zhao Yulin really didn't expect that there could be so many moths out of a ‘door’, and returned home in a humble manner. After seeing the old man’s smiling face, she was even more out of anger.

Reluctantly Duan Yarong and others were there, and Zhao Yulin was not very angry, so she had to swallow this breath. om

"Yorim, I'm back. It just so happens that I'm going to eat, hurry up and bring Lele over." When Duan Yarong saw Zhao Youlin back, she immediately greeted him with a smile, and while leading Zhao Youlin to the dining table, he greeted the king of the kitchen. Aunt brought the rest of the food.

"How did you think about it today?" As soon as she took her seat, Duan Yarong smiled and asked about Zhao Yulin's harvest today.

While Zhao Yulin put Lele in a particularly elevated position next to her, she replied, "I've seen the environment'very good' in the past, and the people are fine."

Duan Yarong smiled and nodded: "The reputation of this kindergarten nearby is still very good, that is, there are some country children..."

"Mom, there is nothing wrong with country children. Although they know that there may not be as many children as there are in the city, they are pretty cute. Compared to country children, I am more worried about the children of the rich. No matter, the most feared is the kind of nouveau riche. Thinking about how many stinky money is in the family, he spoils the whole family with trousers, bullying others and fearing hardship."

Duan Yarong was stunned, and she didn't know what she thought of. She nodded with a sigh, "Is it the truth, or Yeorim is more thoughtful. Now that it's confirmed, I'll have someone go through the formalities in a few days." "


This topic was just revealed, Duan Yarong looked at Zhao Yulin and smiled, then suddenly asked: "I just went to the store to see it? Is business okay?"

When she was out of kindergarten, Ya Rong called Zhao Yulin, and Zhao Yulin told her directly that she would take Lele Shun Lu to the store and go back later.

When Duan Yarong asked about the store, the expression on Zhao Yulin's face was unnatural for a moment, and she coughed slightly and said perfunctorily: "Well, ‘very’ good."

"That's good, you are now taking care of both ends, and you are a little bit powerless. If you can let the people below do the things in the store, let them toss them by themselves. Didn't you say that there are a few girls in the store that are'very' able to do it?" If this is the case, don't worry too much. It's not good to be tired."

"I see, Mom, I have a sense of measure." Knowing that Duan Yarong was worried that she would be exhausted from work, Zhao Youlin responded with a light smile.

After getting acquainted with Duan Yarong, I discovered that this gentle and dignified "female" person, caring about others, would be nagging like ordinary parents.

For this, Zhao Yulin is not disgusted, on the contrary... it is very useful.

People always cherish the things they seldom own, but turn a blind eye to the things they have always possessed, or even abandon them, so this is not human nature.

"Ah..." Zhao Shunrong's soft cough interrupted the two mothers' "daughter's" conversation, reminding them: "Is there something to say after dinner."

Only then did the two of them come back to their senses, looking at the table full of dishes and the old man who looked sad because he was ignored, they stopped talking and ate lunch quietly.

The Zhao family’s dining habits are similar to those of many families, and they are silent about food, but since the arrival of Zhao Yulin and Lele, this unwritten rule on the table has naturally been broken.

Zhao Yulin searched for the delicious food on the table and put it into Lele's small plate, while Duan Yarong kept adding vegetables to Zhao Yulin's plate.

Zhao Shunrong, who loves his wife, was naturally too backward when he saw this, and put all the delicious food into Duan Yarong's bowl without a trace.

The only thing left is the old man sitting alone, watching the younger generation show their sweetness in front of him, while cursing these unfilial sons and grandchildren from the bottom of his heart, while uncle Zhao, who is on the same side, winks ‘color’.

Uncle Zhao stepped forward to serve the old man with a smile. Seeing the old man's bulging appearance, he felt that the old man was getting more and more "sexual".

Halfway through the meal, Duan Yarong suddenly thought of something, put down her chopsticks, and said in a low voice: "Yorim, mom recently asked Bo Zhao to collect some young, talented, and well-known men from major companies. The child’s picture, after dinner, you can go with your mom to see if there is anything you like..."


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