Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 208: I am pursuing you (1)

"You just said you..." Zhao Yulin pointed to Mu Tingfeng, eagerly hoping to hear the negative answer from the other party's mouth, to make sure that everything she just heard was just her own hallucinations. . om updates so fast.

Mu Tingfeng twisted his eyebrows displeasedly, as if he was dissatisfied with Zhao Youlin's surprise. How surprised she was when he showed her kindness?

"I said, I am pursuing you."

"Pursue me? Mu Tingfeng, was your head broken by the elevator'door' that day? You chased me?" Zhao Youlin seemed to hear some big joke.

Mu Tingfeng's face turned dark, and it was the first time he pursued someone so hard when he grew up, but he was still suspected in the end!

Opening her mouth, she was about to explain, but she saw Zhao Yulin's face ‘color’ slightly awkward, and those eyes that had suddenly become a bit sharp collided with him without warning, with a hint of startling awkwardness and determination.

"Don’t forget who was the person who didn’t want me and Lele? What do you want to do this kind of trick? Is there anything you want in me and Lele? Or do you regret it? I think the Mu family should There is a righteous heir who wants to take Lele back?"

Lele nestled in Zhao Yulin’s arms and suddenly heard Zhao Yulin’s words, her face turned white, and the hands holding Zhao Yulin’s neck tightened suddenly, and she hugged Zhao Yulin like a koala, as if she was a subordinate. It was the only driftwood under the abyss that could save him.

"Don't don't, mother, Lele don't leave her mother. Lele wants to be with her mother, don't want others, don't want others, mother don't want Lele, Leleguai, Leleguai."

Lele's sudden yelling shocked the two people in the dispute, especially Zhao Youlin, who never expected that her sarcasm of Mu Tingfeng would touch the sensitive nerves of her precious son.

Zhao Yulin, who was messed up by Lele’s crying, gave Mu Tingfeng a fierce look, and eagerly lowered her head to coax Lele: "Lele, Lele, Lele, mother didn’t want Lele, Why can't my mother stop Lele after it’s too late? Good, Lele, don’t cry, it won’t be cute if you cry your little face with "flowers" later."

"Lele wants mother, only mother." The kid was really frightened this time, his little nose twitched, his eyes were red, and his two little hands clung to Zhao Youlin's shoulders. Her clothes and teary face are full of attachment to Zhao Youlin.

When Zhao Yulin looked at him, she was really heartbroken. She immediately threw the big man standing opposite behind her head, and said while she bowed her head and kissed Lele's fleshy little cheek. All good things.

Mu Tingfeng looked at the intimacy of the mother and the son so harmonious that no one could'step in' their feet, and his heart moved slightly. I don't know what kind of thought it was because of his uncontrollable hands. Le stretched over.

"What are you doing!" Zhao Yulin's questioning mixed with anger caused Mu Tingfeng to wake up all of a sudden, and the outstretched hand froze a few centimeters away from Lele.

"Mom..." Lele's big eyes flashed with clear panic, and her small body unconsciously retracted closer to Zhao Youlin's arms, and the whole was attached to Zhao Youlin's body.

Zhao Yulin was also defensive, holding the child in her arms with her hands, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps. If Mu Tingfeng dared to take one step closer, she would look like him desperately.

Mu Tingfeng looked at the two in front of him and saw that he had seen the mother and son like a scourge. Rarely, there was a bit of helplessness in his eyes, and said slightly bitterly: "I...I just want to'touch' and'touch' him."

How ridiculous, that is obviously a child connected to his own bones, but his children have grown up so old, but he has never ‘touched’ him, let alone hugged him...

A trace of suspicion passed through Zhao Yulin's eyes, and she thought, could it be that she was unlucky enough that this man's goal was really... Lele? !

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Youlin's hostility towards Mu Tingfeng became deeper, and she could give him whatever Mu Tingfeng wanted, only Lele.

This child is her lifeblood now, and Mu Tingfeng wants him unless he steps on his body!

"You don't need to be kind. Lele did well before without a father, and there is no need for an extra father in the future."

Zhao Yulin's words were really ruthless. Mu Tingfeng's face turned pale, and he wanted to say something, but found that his throat seemed to be stuck by something, and he couldn't say a word. .

When Xia Zetao arrived in a hurry with the huge bouquet of ‘flowers’, what he saw was this not embarrassing or awkward scene of the two of them.

Pushing the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, Secretary Xia Da, who has always wandered through various banquet rooms, keenly smelled an unusual breath, and combined with what he saw, he realized the moment.

The president, the guy who eq arrears, probably said something to make the former president's wife angry, tut tut, isn't this a good time to make a grand debut and save the scene? !

Secretary Xia Da, who was secretly smug, rushed in front of Zhao Yulin with a swish, and stuffed the heavy'flower' bunch between the two, and said with a smile: "Before...Miss Zhao, this is us. The ninety-nine rose'flowers' that the president gave you were picked in the'flower' shop personally just now. Look, how beautiful."

In Xia Zetao's heart, "female" people are all emotional animals, no matter how angry they were before, facing such a large bunch of roses and flowers filled with the breath of waves, no matter how big the anger is, it will disappear in an instant. Exhausted, no longer exists.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that the one in front of him was unfortunately out of his category.

Zhao Yulin glanced at the rose'flower' in Xia Zetao's hand with disgust, then turned her head to look at Mu Tingfeng, and smiled coldly: "I don't care what your purpose is, send'flowers' every day to please me. I only tell you that if you want Lele to go back, there is no'door'!"

Wh... what's the situation? ! Xia Zetao was startled by Zhao Yulin's sudden attack.

Mu Tingfeng's eyes flickered, and his mouth opened slightly to explain, but Zhao Yulin once again grabbed the right to speak.

"Mu Tingfeng, don't forget, you signed the agreement to give up Lele. Lele has nothing to do with you now. You can regret it or not. Please don't bother us again in the future. Mother and son. Remarry? Tell you that if you want to remarry with me, you must first satisfy my son, otherwise everything is forbidden. Just your dead face that can’t be smiled. I’d love to cry once, even more. Don’t mention living together under the same roof in the future. Also, if I remember correctly, you still have Miss Su out there, then Miss Su is still pregnant with your child in her belly? Please anyway Do a full set of play, first deal with people first, and then come to talk to me about remarriage."

What...what? The president raised a junior outside? And that little third already has a child! No, the amount of information is too big! He needs to be calm and calm!

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