Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 207: I am pursuing you (1)

Zhao Yulin opened her mouth slightly, and she was stunned for a long time before she realized that the two men wanted to choose one of them as their own man. . om updates so fast.

Choose choose choose...choose your sister, choose! These two people are talking to themselves, @ 宿铝税 欤 忠谥 識仕飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧飧體襧楧楧吭绺滺銀銀欤チ惁戲br/>

"You want me to choose one of you, right?" Zhao Yulin took a deep breath and asked ‘flesh’ without a smile.

The two men nodded at the same time, looking at Zhao Youlin expectantly, hoping that Zhao Youlin's choice would be them.

Zhao Yulin said in a deep "groan", and the appetites of the two of them were suffocated, and they said each word: "Are you two feeling too good about yourself, let me choose? Okay, I'll tell you two, I don’t want anyone! And even if I really want to choose a man, I will only choose my Jia Lele! It will not be either of you!"

Zhao Yulin said that she hugged Lele up and stood in front of herself and the two of them.

As soon as Lele raised his head, he met the two dark handsome faces, his liver trembled, and his small mouth slumped. These two men were so fierce and terrifying!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Lele also only needs mother, not you, not you!"

Mu Tingfeng and Ye Yan: "..."

Deathly silence spread throughout the pastry shop, depressing and unconsciously wanting to swallow. However, unexpectedly, it was Ye Yan's cell phone ringtone that broke the deadlock in the end. om

The melodious ringtone broke the weird atmosphere among several people. Mu Tingfeng frowned and looked at Ye Yan. After all, he let go of the other's hand.

Ye Yan'pumped' his hand back to answer the phone, but suddenly changed his face after hearing the content on the phone: "Don't worry, I will rush over now. Well, don't say anything, wait. Yes, I will explain to them."

However, after a few words, Ye Yan hung up the phone, but his face was much worse than before.

Clutching the phone in his hand, Ye Yan's eyes stopped on Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng for a while, and finally bit his'lip', and said unwillingly: "I have something urgent to deal with. Let's go. Yoo. Lin, let's... talk to you next time."

Next time? ! Mu Tingfeng's eyes sank, and after secretly making up his mind to go back, he must re-insert the spies who had previously been transferred from Zhao Youlin back in, and always pay attention to this man who has bad intentions towards his wife. No, it is all. The man who coveted his wife paid close attention. Before the signs appeared, all those rivals were strangled in the cradle.

Zhao Yulin obviously complained about this so-called next time. Unfortunately, before she could speak, Ye Yan quickly turned around and rushed out of the store's door. It seemed that there was something very urgent.

As soon as Ye Yan left, Zhao Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, but also found her own dilemma. She was still nestled in Mu Tingfeng's arms at this time.

"Hey, everyone is gone, what are you doing so tightly? Let go!" No matter whether Mu Tingfeng answered or not, he stepped on Mu Tingfeng's leather shoes again.

Hiss... Xia Zetao stood behind the two of them, watching the heels of the ten centimeters high heels step on the leather shoes of his own ** oss so mercilessly, and he was crushed when he came, and he was crazy. It hurts people to look at it.

Xia Zetao dared to guarantee that the former president's wife was definitely taking revenge on the abominable behavior of the president who just arbitrarily advocated eating her tofu. Therefore, she would rather offend a villain than a'female' person.

When a "female" person becomes angry, it is more terrifying than thousands of villains combined!

Zhao Yulin's stepping was so powerful that President Mu, who was extremely determined, couldn't bear it either, her facial paralyzed face was distorted for a moment, and she unconsciously stepped back a few steps, but it could be regarded as letting go of Zhao Yulin.

Zhao Yulin took Lele back a few steps and moved away from Mu Tingfeng. After Qing Shu exhaled, she was about to curse. She turned her eyes, but she saw them staring at them not far away. A few sister papers whispering'privately'.

When I reached my lips, I had to swallow it back again. Afterwards, I realized that everything that had just happened might have been watched by these girls.

Zhao Yulin took a deep breath helplessly, and rushed to Mu Tingfeng's side with Lele in his arms, and then rushed outside with the other's hand.

Mu Tingfeng was stunned, and then let go of Zhao Youlin's behavior, and followed her to leave the pastry shop.

"Huh, how did you go?"

"Yeah, why did you run away? I just watched the beginning and didn't see the ending is very appetizing, okay? Sister Zhao, you come back soon, I can't bear it alone."

"Playing is playing, watching half of the show, just like sneezing half of the time, you can't get it out. It's too awkward! I said, don't go, beg the audience!"

Xia Zetao: "..." The former president's wife was obviously scared away by you! In other words, who is the former president's wife recruiting in this shop, so weird? !

Secretary Xia Da, who didn’t feel that he was a really weird thing, “touched” his chin and sighed in silence for a moment. Suddenly remembered that he was still holding a bunch of magic weapons in his hand, and he slapped his head: “It’s over, forget this. Alas, President, wait for me!"

The few people who left the pastry shop didn't realize that in the corner of the pastry shop was a cute and lovely short-haired ‘female’, who had a panoramic view of what had just happened, and the ‘lip’ corners were slightly raised.

Soon after the few people left, they put the money directly on the table and quietly left, just as unconsciously as she did when she came.

After Zhao Yulin pulled Mu Tingfeng away from the West Point store, she found a corner with no one nearby, threw the people away, and went straight to the subject: "Mu Tingfeng, today we will make things clear."

"Okay." Mu Tingfeng did not change his face, tidying up the clothes that Zhao Yulin had tossed about, and said calmly, "What do you want to say?"

Mu Tingfeng’s easy-going look on the contrary seemed that Zhao Youlin was unreasonably making trouble. Zhao Youlin choked and pressed her lips tightly and glared at Mu Tingfeng: "President Mu, I think I have made it clear that day, we I have been divorced, there is no relationship, and now I have no plan to remarry, can you please stop adding'chaos' to me?"

Mu Tingfeng once again heard Zhao Yulin telling herself that she did not want to remarry. Finally, Meifeng couldn't help but twist it, but soon his face eased and asked a completely irrelevant question: "The latest ones Do you like the rose flower?"

"Rose'Flower'?" Zhao Youlin was taken aback, and it took a while before she understood what the rose'flower' in Mu Tingfeng's mouth was. She couldn't help but'puffed' on the spot and gave her a cold breath, pointing at Mu Tingfeng Dare to believe, "You sent those rose'flowers'?!"

Mu Tingfeng looked at Zhao Yulin's face, and a flash of scarlet'color' flashed across her stern face, but because it disappeared so quickly, no one noticed it.

"It's okay for you to send me so many rose'flowers' every day, what do you do?" Zhao Yulin hadn't recovered for a long time, she looked miserable after being struck by lightning.

Mu Tingfeng would actually give her "flowers", the vulgar rose "flowers" he gave her, is this the sun coming out from the west? !

Mu Tingfeng ignored the shock on Zhao Youlin's face, and naturally said, "Of course it's because...I'm pursuing you."

Zhao Yulin: "!"

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