
  Chapter 2729 Appreciation

Wuyou feels that I have not been so alarmed for many years.

He is still very confident in himself. Even in the rule world, few people are his opponents. How can these people in the lower world pose a threat to him.

The few times he fought against each other just now, he just thought it was a bit interesting, because they really dared to fight against him, he wanted to see what kind of abilities they had.

But didn't expect, I was careless for a while.

Yes, he was careless, otherwise how could they catch themselves. He is actually trapped here now, still affected by the demonic energy.

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Wuyou feels very angry.

He hasn't felt this way for many years. The feeling of uncontrollable anger and wanting to burst out makes him feel like he has lost his sense of measure.

The fact that he was persecuted by a group of ordinary people and lost his sense of measure is enough to make him angry. If this matter is known by the rulers, what face does he have.

Therefore, these people cannot stay.

He thought Chi Xuan was good and wanted to train him to replace Wang Chen as his own pawn, but Fairy changed his mind. He needs such a disobedient pawn, so he should choose another one.

Although Mr. Wuyou feels depressed and annoyed, he doesn't think Demon Venerable can really hurt himself, so he confidently starts to expel demonic energy.

Demon Venerable coldly smiled, he doesn't know what he has added to this demonic energy.

Although he has never entered the rule world, he is not easy to provoke. Although he may only be one of hundreds of cultivators injured by him, other people don’t care about Demon Venerable. Reported.

Mr. Wuyou could not move for a while. He felt that his situation was more serious than he thought. At this moment, he couldn't expel the trace of demonic energy in his Divine Consciousness.

So, what the hell is going on!

Whenever something was supposed to be true, it doesn't work anymore. Now you have to take this matter seriously. The worry-free lord directly stretched out his hand and threw a magic weapon out.

Whether Demon Venerable, Xiao Guoguo, Chi Xuan, they all can see that it is a high level magic weapon. Rays of light are shining on this magic weapon, surround the worry-free adult, this should be protection.

"It seems that the situation is not good." Xiao Guoguo said, and Chi Xuan nodded said: "It should be a magic weapon for protection. It is not easy to destroy such a magic weapon."

"No, I'm not talking about our situation is not good, I'm talking about the other party's situation is not good." Xiao Guoguo told Chi Xuan with a smile, Chi Xuan was taken aback for a while, this was nodded, yes, the other party's situation is not good. wonderful.

Guoguo said nothing wrong. If the other party's situation is good, how could he have taken out all this protective magic weapon.

Just his energy to look down on people, just his mentality of holding them as ants, simply impossible. As if saying a word is a reward to them, as if opening their eyes to look at them and disgusting the price.

In his heart, they should be extremely useless and particularly annoying, so when fighting against them, he always waved his sleeves and hands, as if to drive away flies. .

But now, Demon Venerable has made a move, and the opponent throws a magic weapon. Although it is only a protection magic weapon, not an attack magic weapon, it is enough.

When they come step by step, they must try to let him see the power of the ants.

"It's time for us." Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo nodded, the two of them had a very good understanding, and the Life and Death Sword flew out of his hands.

On their side, Zhao Ting and the others are already meditating and recovering. Wang Chen no longer knows where they went, and Beibei and Yuemu have to add spiritual power.

Now the main force is them and Demon Venerable. In this case, they will attack, keep attacking, let this person know that they are not soft persimmons that can be controlled and dealt with casually.

Mr. Worry-free opened his eyes slightly and watched the Flying Sword fly by in front of him, and then was blocked by the protective magic weapon outside.

But he was still very surprised. They didn't even fear themselves at all. They didn't think this magic weapon was powerful, and they were still taking the initiative to attack.

Do they think this will have any results? They are too naive.

Even though I think so, Wuyou still has a change in his mentality. I have to say that he feels that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan seem to be more worthy of his attention, as if they are different from what he thinks.

He believes that these people in the lower realm are all spineless, including the part of the rule world that has outstanding talents.

It’s not that he has never met in the rule world, but almost all of them are temperless. No matter what you say or ask them to do, they will agree.

Some people have become subordinates of the great character of the rule world, and some have become affiliates of these forces. Not only does he have no ability, but he also obeys orders to cause troubles, making the entire rule world uneasy.

He dislikes this situation very much, especially the more ordinary people enter the rule world, the more serious the situation becomes. From that time on, he decided to prevent these people from constantly entering Rules.

Even if it is one in a thousand years, he still feels that it is too much. In that case, it would completely cut off their possibility.

So he collected a lot of his men, and then put them in various worlds, let them kill these people.

Sure enough, fewer people have entered the rule world over the past ten thousand years. There were only one or two in the previous hundred years, but now there are only a few people in ten thousand years.

But he thinks Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan should be the kind of people who can enter.

If such a person enters the rule world, it shouldn't be controlled by others without spine.

Even though he thought so, he continued to force the demonic energy in his body out, and he didn't mean to let them go. Because he felt that these two people not only wouldn't bow their heads to others, they were also too tough, maybe outsiders in the rule world would move closer to them.

If this is the case, there will be two big forces in the rule world, which makes it even more boring, and the rule world will become even more chaotic.

So he can't tolerate their existence. From now on, he has to take these two people seriously.

Life and Death Sword is one of their Life-Source Magical Treasure, and now Two Swords is cooperating, trying to break that defense. Although the opponent's treasure is very difficult to deal with, but the Life and Death Sword is not bad, they have made a transformation to the Life and Death Sword, and the current Life and Death Sword is much better than before.

"There is a weak spot!" Xiao Guoguo said, and she finally found the weakest point of the barrier.

"We have to hurry up." Chi Xuan said.

They really have to hurry up, because according to his calculations, it will take two hours to get rid of this array at the earliest. If this goes on, this worry-free meditation should be finished, and there will be no chance for them at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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