
  Chapter 2730 to talk about

Xiao Guoguo understands what Chi Xuan means, and there is not much time left for them , So the two Life and Death Sword simply didn't stop, but kept attacking at one point.

No matter how good the magic weapon is, there are flaws. They all know that, after all, she and Chi Xuan are experts in forging magic weapons.

So even though the defense magic weapon of this worry-free lord, although it is very strong, it still allows her to find the weakness, so as long as the attack continues, it will definitely be able to destroy this magic weapon.

It’s just that Mr. Worry-free is simply improper, it’s just a magic weapon, and the most important thing now is to expel the magic power in his Divine Consciousness.

For this reason, he is now looking for the trace of demonic energy in Divine Consciousness, mainly because he is afraid that demonic energy will harm his Divine Consciousness, so he dare not be too eager.

However, even if the demonic energy can hide, it can't escape its own search. After all, this is its own Sea of ​​Consciousness, so it can't escape the search of the worry-free adult.

"What the hell is this demonic energy?" Mr. Wuyou said so, and he moved towards demonic energy directly.

This demonic energy is black, right now at the center of his Sea of ​​Consciousness, I can't believe it is looking for such an accuracy.

Worry-sama did not dare to delay. He felt that the other party already knew his weaknesses and secrets. If he didn't act immediately, I'm afraid there is some danger waiting for him.

But he just wanted to make a move when he saw that the black demonic energy had disappeared.

All this happened too fast, he didn't have time to stop it, so he watched the black demonic energy disappear in front of him, and at the same time, Wuyou was sweating coldly.

That is a kind of fear, a kind of fear that his secret may be discovered. At this moment, he doesn't even care that this is his Sea of ​​Consciousness, so he directly searches for all directions and must do this Catch demonic energy.

But after searching around, he did not find the whereabouts of the demonic energy, so now the situation is obvious. Here, the demonic energy is hidden in the core area.

The worry-free adult gritted his teeth, he didn't expect that his core area will be discovered, and whether the demonic energy will affect it or not is unknown.

It is precisely because of this that he can only think carefully, and then turn to the core area.

This is the area he least wants to visit in person, but now for his own safety, he can only go exploring.

The Divine Consciousness of the worry-free lord is like a piece of white. There is nothing here, just pure white, white clouds, and white walls. Everything looks orderly.

But the core area is not white, but gray. This is the only difference in color within the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness.

So Wuyou felt that the other party might have calculated it based on the color, so he chose this place.

As Divine Consciousness goes inside, the worry-free expression becomes more rigid. Although this is his own Sea of ​​Consciousness, he doesn't like it very much here.

The black becomes thicker as you go inside, and probably because of this, the demonic energy is better hidden, and it is more difficult for him to find it.

"If I were you, I would come out now, at least those killed would have some dignity." Wuyou said, but no one answered him, and there was no movement around him.

It seems that everything is quiet, except for the tumbling black that is constantly restless. Although there is no sound here, these blacks keep tumbling, changing a color and a shape at the same time, which seems to be provocative.

But Wuyou walks in this, as if he doesn't mind at all, he seems to be used to it, or that he simply doesn't care about it.

Although the black here is very restless and angry, they are still locked up by himself. Even now, his Divine Consciousness has personally entered here, it cannot hurt himself. He is not young anymore. Up.

"What's wrong, are you scared?" This time the speaker is not worry-free, but a woman's voice.

Wuyou was very surprised. Looking directly at the other party, a group of black demonic energy turned into a woman's appearance.

This woman looked at Wuyou slightly smiled, with a gentle smile, which made Wuyou even more puzzled. Who is this person?

No, it should be said, who is this Divine Consciousness, why does it appear in her Divine Consciousness, and what is the relationship between her and Demon Venerable?

"Who are you?" Wuyou asked, but he didn't act rashly. After all, this is his Sea of ​​Consciousness. In case the other party wants to self-destruct or something, it will be him who is unlucky.

"I am Demon Venerable." The woman said so. In fact, he is the shadow of Demon Venerable, but can she say it? Will not.

"Demon Venerable, this is a good name." Mr. Wuyou said.

"Actually, this is not a name, just a title. But I am used to it, so I called it that way." The woman said so, her voice was like Demon Venerable.

Mr. Worry-free: "..." This arrogant fellow.

"How did you get in?" What Wuyou didn't understand was this, how did he get into his Divine Consciousness.

"Everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness is his most important but also the most vulnerable place. Although many people feel that their Sea of ​​Consciousness is completely closed, it is also invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, but Actually it’s not like that.

Because everyone has a secret, as long as there is a secret, the Sea of ​​Consciousness cannot be completely closed. Of course, without a secret, it cannot be completely closed. So I just If you find a key, you can directly enter here."

Demon Venerable finished saying that, slightly smiled, and Demon Venerable who was standing outside at the moment was the same. He looked at the worry-free in front of him, at the moment he was Meditate, sit in your own protective cover.

"So, it seems that you have found my weakness." Wuyou said so, not knowing when he exposed his weakness.

"When was thinking, how did I know your weaknesses, did you?" Demon Venerable continued to ask, Wuyou no longer answering, because he really doesn't like being held by the nose. The feeling of walking.

Demon Venerable watched him silently, but didn’t intend to let him go, and continued: "When you are fighting against others, the demonic energy exists, and then I use the demonic energy to feel you. Sea of ​​Consciousness, didn’t expect to find it pretty easy."

Demon Venerable is a bit arrogant to say so, but there is any way he is such an arrogant guy.

"What did you find?" Wuyou suddenly asked, Demon Venerable thought for a while: "I found that you are not without weakness. I found that you are not a good person. People don’t even have a clean background, what qualifications do you have to ask others?"

Demon Venerable said, sneering and looking at Wuyou, while Wuyou adults suddenly raised his head and looking at Demon Venerable He didn't know if Demon Venerable really knew it, or just guessed it casually, after all, people's hearts are unpredictable.

But even so, he still suspects that his secret is known. Especially when he looked at Demon Venerable, he became less and less confident.

(End of this chapter)

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