
  Chapter 2728, very ruthless

Worry-free adults really didn’t expect, it turned out to be like this the result of.

"You, you guys!" Mr. Wuyou looked at his sleeve. What's the situation? His clothes are a magic weapon. How could it be damaged.

Most of the sleeves were destroyed. It was obviously destroyed by spiritual power, which is tantamount to being beaten in the face.

Of course, in Xiao Guoguo's opinion, this is simply too difficult, after all, they tried their best to break a little sleeve.

But in the eyes of Mr. Wuyou, this is already a provocation.

So he attacked again. The attack this time was worse than the last time. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan felt that the pressure was increasing.

But they cannot hold back, because behind them is the person to protect.

And Yuemu and the others are the same. Since their attacks can cause him damage, they can't let go.

So the six people looked at each other, mobilized all the spiritual power of the whole body, and took time out.

At this moment, their spiritual power has formed a huge spiritual power ball. Although it is composed of different spiritual power, this spiritual power ball has no meaning to collapse.

It seems that it is not the first time that they have cooperated like this.

The worry-free adults on the opposite side are slightly frowned. Sure enough, these people have been plotting against for a long time.

Although they have increased their attacks, Mr. Wuyou doesn't think there can be any changes. He hasn't really done anything seriously until now.

In this case, it seems that he has to get serious. Master Wuyou saw that the attack came in front of him, and a spiritual power ball appeared in his hand.

When the forces of both sides collided, everyone spits out mouthful of blood. Because the fluctuations caused by this spiritual power collision are too great, the surrounding ground is cracking one after another, like a spider web.

And Xiao Guoguo looked at the six people behind him. They were all backlashed and all injured.

"Are you okay!" Xiao Guoguo asked. They shook their heads when they saw Yuemu. They were obviously injured, but they didn't threaten their lives.

"It's okay, don't be distracted." Yuemu said so, Xiao Guoguo comforted.

And the worry-free adult actually took a few steps back. I have to say that he was really surprised, didn't expect them to be so good.

Although a few of them jointly dealt with themselves, even so, when did they have been forced to live like this?

So, these people cannot be underestimated. Although they are not level enough, they are not people in the rule world, but they are all very powerful. They should be one of the strongest people in this world.

And at this moment, when Mr. Wuyou felt that he couldn't give them too many opportunities, and a few people must stay here today, things suddenly changed.

"What is this!"

Worry-free can't move, he can't move! Looking at the black demonic energy at his feet, Mr. Wuyou felt angry.

Didn’t you let Wang Chen leave just now? He didn't know what was good or bad, so he dared to come back!

For this reason, Mr. Wuyou refused to attack, because he felt that Wang Chen was actually more difficult to deal with than them.

Don't look at Wang Chen being injured, but a person who can hurt himself to this level and devise a strategy to make himself appear will not be underestimated, and he must not be underestimated.

With such a cautious attitude, Wuyou turned his head and saw someone. This person is not Wang Chen, but Demon Venerable.

"You, who are you?" Wuyou looked at her side demonic energy, which was clearly a demonic cultivator.

"I am Demon Venerable, and Wang Chen had only two mission goals back then, and I was one of them." Demon Venerable replied, the worry-free lord is depressed. What does Wang Chen do? Yes, there are only two mission objectives, how can you kill none of them!

"How do I feel that you are stronger than them, and why do you appear here as a person who asks about your mood?"

Tao, looking at Demon Venerable, very curious. He is clearly asking about the cultivation base of the mood, but the people who ask about the cultivation base of the mood should be staying in the questioning space at the moment, why are they here?

"I was going to enter the rule world, but I heard that this place in the rule world is a place with strict rules and no sense of who.

I, the most What I don’t like is unkind. So I chose to give up. Fortunately, I chose to give up, because after seeing you, I was pretty sure that I was right to give up."

Demon Venerable said, Adult Wuyou feels very depressed, this person clearly refers to Sang cursing Huai, he is saying that he is ruthless.

"Why, you are not convinced." Demon Venerable asked, and coldly smiled: "You can tell me what I said wrong.

According to my own feelings, so many people have been arranged to kill all the excellent cultivators in each world. Don’t you think you are too much? Don’t you think you’re too cold?

I am a demonic Cultivator, I think I don’t have such a vicious mind, but you can do it, so I am ashamed to say that you are the right way?

I think you will be a demonic cultivator sooner or later, since you have to go this way sooner or later , Why not become a demonic cultivator now."

After Demon Venerable said this, Mr. Wuyou felt that he was unstable. This person has the ability to confuse people.

It is not that these words that he said are piercing, but that when he said this, he felt that his mind was ups and downs.

Is this the function of demonic energy? This person's demonic energy is so powerful!

Mr. Worry-free sat down abruptly. He must stabilize his mind now and not allow himself to become a demonic cultivator, otherwise he will have any face to return to the world of rules.

Back to the rule world, thinking about it this way, I seem to have already lost.

But no, they want to defeat themselves on the cultivation base, that is impossible, they want to influence themselves in their mood, and it is absolutely impossible.

Everyone had to stabilize their minds when they watched Demon Race persecute Mr. Wuyou, but that was the case, as if he couldn't hurt Mr. Wuyou.

"Why not do it!" Yuemu was puzzled.

Everyone also didn't understand. Didn't you say that it would disturb the worry-free mood? But how do you think it is a good opportunity to do it now, why not do it now?

But the next moment, they saw Demon Venerable also sitting down, and then the whole person turned into black demonic energy, this demonic energy wrapped his whole person.

Worry-free daoist can't believe it, how could there be such a person!

How could anyone do this? He spreads out all the demonic energy of his body, then his cultivation base is gone?

Isn’t it tantamount to suicide to do this while fighting the enemy? If so, he is tantamount to sacrificing himself and helping others.

What is the relationship between them? He wanted to do this, but he was willing to do it!

The more surprised he is, the more unstable he is at this moment, and his unstable mood will naturally affect his state! At this moment, Mr. Wuyou even felt that he might be affected by this demonic energy and become a demonic cultivator!

(End of this chapter)

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