
  Chapter 2677 Chat

Xiao Guoguo also wants to chat, so I nodded and talks to Xie Lingjun Going up, they are actually surrounded by big trees, and they can hear everything they talk about.

But the posture still needs to have, although they will not set a barrier, Chi Xuan and Ling Yue can hear them.

"Let me talk first." Xiao Guoguo said in advance, Lingfeng's mouth opened, and the result... Forget it, he can't care about Xiao Guoguo.

"I said, let's start with the order. Although I have appeared in the history of the spiritual family, it is a matter of previous life, this life, I am still your Junior. So I Let me call you senior."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Lingfeng didn't want to agree, but seeing Xiao Guoguo so serious, it was nodded. Because of seniority, he doesn't care.

"Then I went on to say that you were kind to me and entrusted me the affairs of the spiritual family, and Lingyue found me again and made me a patriarch of the spiritual family. This is because I have the spirit bloodline on my body. On the other hand, it is because there is no better choice.

But now you have been reborn. In that case, the position of the patriarch is considered to be returned to the original owner. Because I really I feel that I can’t take on the position of Patriarch of the spiritual family. Please consider it carefully.”

Xiao Guoguo’s words are sincere and sincere, it is obvious that her current situation is to assume the responsibility of the spiritual family patriarch. Is inappropriate.

And even if she can pass this level, she can no longer be the patriarch of the spiritual family, she vaguely feels that if she continues down, I am afraid that she will be farther and farther away from this world of.

Demon Venerable once said asking the state of mind, and there is also the rule world, that is the future of her and Chi Xuan. So taking this opportunity to clarify things is also necessary.

"Okay, I promise you that you don't need to be the patriarch of the spiritual family." Xie Lingjun said.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Huh? This is agreed, is it so easy?

"That, Lingfeng senior, are you really willing?" Xiao Guoguo asked.

"Yes, I am willing, you can not be the patriarch of the patriarch of the soul, you are from the Xiao Family, and always feel that you are not suitable for the patriarch of the patriarch of the soul, but I can tell you responsibly, I am not I’m a pure spiritual family.

I’m not from now on Bloodline Power, and I no longer have the ability to heal. From now on, my body’s Xie Family, my Divine Soul, although it’s Lingfeng, But I’m actually Xie Lingjun. This is my new life.

So it’s okay if you don’t be a patriarch of the patriarch, but I can’t take this position either."

Xie Lingjun said so It's over, Xiao Guoguo was stunned. This question... seems to be such a logic, there is no problem.

"Brother, although you have changed your body, you are still Lingfeng." Lingyue said quickly, for fear that Lingfeng might have any bad thoughts.

"Lingyue, don't worry, I'm still your big brother, but I really can't be regarded as a pure spiritual dísciple. No one can deny this.

Even me. It cannot be denied, you should know that my feelings for Lingjia are as deep as you, but this is the fact, we have to learn to accept it.

So Lingyue, I don’t feel sad, although regretful , But I don’t feel sad, and you don’t need to be like that."

Xiao Guoguo admired Lingfeng very much after hearing this. Although her cultivation base is a bit higher, her mentality is even better in her turn. stable.

The state of mind not only requires experience, but also naturally takes time. I have only lived for a few hundred years. Naturally, it can't be better than those seniors who have lived for tens of thousands of years.

"Okay, I see, brother, I have arranged the position of patriarch. If we can't go back, then the spirit family has Old Ancestor."

Lingyue said With a smile, Xie Lingjun also smiled, but speaking of which Old Ancestor, that is unreliable. Although he is not a patriarch anymore, he still has to find a way to look back.

"By the way, what I want to discuss with you now is another important thing, what's going on outside?" Xie Lingjun asked, Xiao Guoguo looked at the big tree, and then told the outside matter. Xie Lingjun.

He didn't understand until now, why the tree said that, the spirit family is already not in place.

"In that case, we must fight that Wang Chen till the end! There is just one question, are we short of manpower?"

When Xie Lingjun said this, he turned around Looking at the big tree, Xiao Guoguo understood it, like Xie Lingjun. This is The words mean more than they say, this is obviously to let the big tree family help.

"Big tree senior, when the nest is upset no egg is left intact, although the big tree family has always lived in the peripheral zone, but if something happens in this world, the big tree family cannot stay outside Isn't it?"

When Xie Lingjun said this, he was impassioned, and Xiao Guoguo finally understood that this is paving the way for himself, this is an entry point for himself.

"Yes, Dashu senior, if Dashu clan joins, it is not for Human Race, but also for Dashu clan." Xiao Guoguo said, Dashu glanced at them and said: "We The big tree clan never participates in the human race battle."

"senior, this is not just a matter of the human race, if the fight is out of the scope of the human race, then the big tree clan must be implicated "

Xie Lingjun's face was filled with words, Xiao Guoguo nodded, what he said is good, what he said is right, the imposing manner is very sufficient.

"No." Dashu refused without the slightest hesitation.

"Dashu senior, you can’t do this like this. What people say is so reasonable. You can’t be so stubborn. If you can’t do so simply, just send it away. Have you ever thought about the other person? I’m in a good mood."

Xiao Guoguo asked, Dashu glanced at her, and he knew that Xie Lingjun was easy to deal with, and he was very immature. Should he listen to it if it is reasonable?

But Xiao Guoguo can't do it, this girl can be awkward, this is the one that is difficult to deal with.

"As the protection of the big tree clan, I have the obligation to protect them." Dashu said, Xiao Guoguo nodded, as if he agreed with it very much.

"This is natural. After all, you are the eldest member of the tree family. This is your responsibility. Then let's say from this responsibility, if we lose this time, then you The last protective barrier of the big tree clan disappeared."

Xiao Guoguo said so, but the big tree didn’t say a word, Xiao Guoguo continued: "Let’s not say, you just looked at me and Chi Xuan so hard. Isolated and helpless, just talk about the tree family. Do you think Wang Chen will not attack the tree family?"

The tree was silent for a while: "It’s not absolutely not, but we don’t need him here. Things."

Xiao Guoguo smiled, didn't you? That's not necessarily true.

"Why do you think he can't get along with me and Chi Xuan?" Xiao Guoguo asked. Dashu faintly smiled and said: "This is something I haven't thought about for tens of thousands of years. After all, Human I still can't understand the utilitarianism of Race."

Xiao Guoguo nodded, I am afraid that the utilitarianism of human beings, the pursuit of power and benefits, is indeed incomprehensible by the big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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