
  Chapter 2678 Recommendations

In Xiao Guoguo’s opinion, the big tree family should find a place to grow, so they try their best Do not block each other's sunlight. They are not ordinary trees, they know how to give each other.

Of course, the big tree family believes that if the small tree cannot get enough sunlight, then they should help. They are really a magical group.

"You said that humans like to fight, I admit, but there is one thing I have to tell you, Wang Chen is not against me, from the beginning to the end is against Chi Xuan and my father Demon Venerable."

Xiao Guoguo has finished saying that, but the tree still doesn't understand very well. In fact, he has always known some of the entanglement between them. It couldn't understand it back then, and it still can't understand it now.

"Chi Xuan, are you speaking?" Xiao Guoguo called Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan nodded, and walked over.

For Chi Xuan, Dashu is also a little bit pressured, after all, I saw a lot of excitement back then.

Although it is a big tree, it is tainted with some thoughts of Human Race, so it feels sorry at the moment.

"In fact, Wang Chen and I do not have much conflict of interest. If we can understand that dealing with Demon Venerable, he doesn't need to target me. Everything he did seems to make him make sense to target me. , In fact, it’s just a cover-up.

He targeted me and Demon Venerable because Demon Venerable and I are the most hopeful breakthrough cultivation bases in this world, people who enter the state of mind."

Chi Xuan finished saying that, Xiao Guoguo felt that some leaves fell. This is scared, or I feel a little excited.

"You mean, he is targeting people who may enter the questioning state of mind?" Dashu asked, and Chi Xuan was definitely nodded.

"Isn't this you lied to me?" Dashu still had some doubts.

"You doubt our character, this is too unfriendly." Xiao Guoguo turned his face very seriously and said.

Dashu: "..." It actually doubts all humans, after all, humans are very cunning.

"Why did he do this? Everyone is in the same world. You have entered the state of questioning. This is actually only good for him and no harm. Of course, if you already have hatred, you will say otherwise Now."

After Dashu finished saying that, Xiao Guoguo directly sent out a torture from the soul: "Do you know the state of mind?"

Dashu: "..." Should it know, or should it not know.

"If you live for a long time, you naturally know more." Dashu replied, and Xiao Guoguo was also convinced. If it comes to the topic of who lives longer, then the tree must be the first.

"So, when you ask about the rule of mind, you also know it." Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, but Dashu was surprised.

"I don't know about this." The tree answered honestly. It knew that asking about the state of mind was only by chance, and it had never been there.

"What does the rule world mean?" Dashu curiously asked, it knew that this was also a chance for itself.

Because it is also cultivation, it naturally hopes that it can learn more about it. It didn't know much about asking about the state of mind last time, so it just happened to ask.

"The reason why we know about things about the state of mind and the world of rules is because Demon Venerable has already passed the state of mind. However, he gave up entering the world of rules for me."


Xiao Guoguo said very calmly, but the tree was completely surprised, and the leaves of the tree fell more severely. Xiao Guoguo thinks, does this have the same meaning as getting goose bumps.

"Abandon the rule world! What do you mean?"

"It means that you can stay in the questioning state for many years. It's okay if you don't come out, but you just want to come out It takes risks.

People who enter the state of questioning can get out only 30%, and those who get out can enter the world of rules. From now on, it is difficult to say whether they can return to the original world.

But Demon Venerable gave up entering the rule world for the sake of fruit. Then his this life is impossible to enter the rule world. This is the rule, he has given up, and now this world has the hope of entering the questioning state of mind. I, as well as you."

What Chi Xuan said is not entirely correct, because besides him there is Zhao Ting. Of course, Lin Lang is a bit short, and Sun Qianqian is not necessarily.

Now that I think about it, people who can enter the questioning state seem to be in their Seven Palaces. Then Wang Chen really wanted to kill them all at once, didn't he?

The tree seems to have thought of this possibility, and his face is even more ugly.

Of course, it is not easy to see its face clearly. Xiao Guoguo judged it through his own thinking. After all, the face of the tree is bark.

"So why did he do this?" Dashu still didn't understand.

Chi Xuan was silent for a while and said: "Maybe this is not his thought, but someone in the rule world doesn't want to enter too much Human Race."

Chi Xuan said that, just It leaves too much room for imagination.

The tree is silent. Xiao Guoguo knows that it also takes time to think, but there are many answers to many things, actually thinking carefully. Dashu probably needs to think about this matter.

"Then let's go first. If you think clearly, then give us a message. I believe you know how to contact us." Xiao Guoguo said, it was because they paid back There are a lot of things to do, and you can't wait for the big tree here all the time.

The tree was nodded, it watched Xiao Guoguo and they left.

In fact, it has something to believe in Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. They don’t have to tell such lies, and the things they tell themselves about asking their minds are also of high value.

"Dashu grandfather, shall we help?" Xiaoshu asked.

"Do you want to help?" Dashu asked. It didn't want to influence the entire group for the sake of its own tree.

But what Xiao Guoguo said, when the nest is upset no egg is left intact, is correct. If he wants to deal with himself, how can these trees be kept?

There is also a small tree, it has finally grown to several hundred years old, is it now under pressure to go through such a trial?

The big tree hesitates, but the small tree has changed a lot. It hasn’t grown to the point where it needs to be considered. It directly said: "I want to help the good guys, but I don’t know if I can deal with the bad guys. That's it."

The little tree said so, the big tree smiled, fortunately knowing to consider his own strength.

"Yes, we have to do what we can, we must first learn to protect ourselves." The tree praised so much, and the tree was very happy.

And Xiao Guoguo and they left, Xie Lingjun didn't understand. He looked at Xiao Guoguo and asked, "Why are you going? The big tree clan is very powerful."

Xiao Guoguo looked at Xie Lingjundao: "You figured out from the beginning that you would have to rely on the power of the big tree clan to get here?"

"No, I originally came here to fuse Divine Soul, but later I knew that so many things happened outside." He was honest, he didn't want to lie to Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, especially his younger sister.

"Fortunately, otherwise the big tree family probably won't help you." Xiao Guoguo said.

(End of this chapter)

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