
  Chapter 2676 Recognition

Is there such a big gap between people? They want to go in and have to keep asking, but the big tree family simply ignores it.

And now, this group of people want to go in and have a look, but they still give way. The treatment is much higher than that of Sect Master. Why is this? What is the identity of this group of people?

Of course, they are not stupid, they are very clear in their hearts that this group of people can make big trees treat this way, absolutely not simple, and treat absolutely not simple people, you must learn to tolerate.

Therefore, they watched Xiao Guoguo and the others disappear before their eyes, did not dare to say a word, or even dared to think about it, in case they meet Sect Master, will Sect Master have it? Danger.

So, it’s not easy to thank Sect Master for this child when encountering such a heartless subordinate. This is not my own person, or I will not worry about myself.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at the stone getting brighter and brighter, they were really a little nervous, why did Lingfeng come here? Could it be that there is help from the big tree family here?

But the big tree clan seems to never have too much contact with the outside world. Why did you help Lingfeng this time? Or is it just a stone?

No matter what, you will definitely be optimistic about Lingyue in a while, don't be hit too much. Once a person can't bear the pressure, it is easy to collapse. No matter when it comes, they always have to ensure that her mentality does not collapse, and Divine Consciousness must be stable.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan approached the big tree. When the branches got out of the way, they saw a person sitting under the big tree, apparently undergoing cultivation. Unfortunately, it was not Lingfeng.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the tree. The tree opened its eyes. It was still the face with folds and the expression. Xiao Guoguo felt that it was as if they hadn't been long since they met last time.

"Big brother?" Lingyue walked over with a surprised look, but seeing Xie Lingjun, Xiao Guoguo could predict the mood at the moment.

Lei Hao Khan was all down, and he thought if it wasn't, how could he comfort Lingyue so that she would not be sad.

"Big brother!" Lingyue shouted again, no one knew what she was thinking at the moment, only that she firmly believed that the person in front of her was Lingfeng.

"younger sister." Xie Lingjun opened his eyes, and the moment he looked at Lingyue was also surprised.

"It's really your big brother!" At that moment, Lingyue seemed to have encountered the biggest surprise in her life. Xiao Guoguo's expression made Xiao Guoguo sad. Of course Xiao Guoguo is also happy for her, and finally, the dream of many years has come true.

Lingyue quickly arrived in front of Xie Lingjun, threw herself in his arms, and then started crying while holding Xie Lingjun. Although she knows that she should be smiling at this moment, she can't do it.

So many years of worry, so many years of missing, and so many years of missing, at this moment have all turned into grievances and joy. Even she, who has been cultivated for so many years, still can't control this emotion.

Sure enough, cultivation can improve oneself, but rationality and composure are also for outsiders. It is really easy to calm and collect with your bloodline relatives.

Everyone was silent, watching Lingyue howling and crying, while Xie Lingjun slowly patted her back, always carefully comforting her.

Although Xie Lingjun at this moment looks much younger than Lingyue, the two of them will always be siblings. At this moment, Xie Lingjun is still one by one, comforting his Little Sister.

"Brother, you, how did you become like this." Lingyue lifts the head and glanced at Xie Lingjun, then asked intermittently.

"This child is my benefactor." Xie Lingjun said this, and gave Lingyue the veil, and Lingyue himself was somewhat sorry.

She has been cultivated for so many years. Now that she loses self-control in front of so many people, she always feels sorry.

"Look at you, how old you are, don't cry, Lei Hao should laugh at you." Xie Lingjun said, Lei Hao came over immediately, how dare he.

"Big brother." Lei Hao shouted, Xie Lingjun was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Lingyue to see if Lingyue had no objection. This was how Lei Hao's shoulder was patted.

Xiao Guoguo has been standing by, she didn't expect this Lei Hao to pass the level so easily! This Lingfeng doesn't work, we have to test it if we should test it.

Xiao Guoguo is relieved at this moment, don’t worry, naturally I have prepared peanuts and melon seeds to continue watching the excitement. She thinks that Lei Hao, a young man of Interesting, is patted hard Lei Hao The shoulders of this middle-aged uncle are almost as good as you brat.

Hehe, she was so hard to provoke and didn't laugh.

Chi Xuan conveniently stuffed Xiao Guoguo with a strawberry in his mouth. He held a tray in his hand. He didn't eat it, but stuffed the strawberries one by one into Xiao Guoguo's mouth. .

Let's watch the show, can't talk, can't complain.

Xiao Guoguo understands what he meant, and eats fruit calmly. This strawberry has finally been preserved. This thing was given by Wei Ling at the Dongcheng branch school last time. She likes to eat, saves a lot, and shares half of her own.

So she eats sparingly, but Chi Xuan is helping her plant them, and they are all planted in the space. If they can go back safely, then there will be food.

Xiao Guoguo feels that strawberries are not sweet anymore. She misses Lingshu and Xiao Tai a little bit. They don't know if they are awake or not. If they know that they just left like this, they will be angry.

"I have fuse together with him now, so I am still your big brother, but from now on, we will have one more relative." Xie Lingjun said so, Lingyue nodded, she knows The big brother is a kind person, so that's fine.

"It's fine if you can come back, I don't want anything else, and I am very grateful to him." Lingyue said. After this time, Lingfeng has already told everything that happened. them.

Xiao Guoguo also didn't expect that Lingfeng would do this, and the Dashu clan really helped. Xiao Guoguo knew that at this time, it was time to express his gratitude. But Lingyue had no cards in front of the tree, and she had to do this matter.

After all, she is now the highest cultivation base in the spiritual family, and they used to deal with the tree more.

"Dashu senior, this time, many thanks for your help." Xiao Guoguo stood up and said, and paid a serious salute to Dashu.

"You don't need to be so polite. If you said to help, you brought the small tree back at the beginning, it was a kindness to our big tree family." The branches of the big tree shook, as if they were waving their hands.

Xiao Guoguo nodded, she didn't expect the Dashu clan to be so reasonable.

After all, they are tree races, impossible and Human Race have the same way of thinking, so she can't ask them that way. Didn't expect the big tree senior's kindness like an elder. Xiao Guoguo discovered that when people's realm of thinking improves, they seem to be able to see everything more clearly.

"patriarch, let's talk." Xie Lingjun said suddenly, and Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

Her patriarch of the spiritual family is temporary, alright, she has not been the patriarch of the spiritual family for a long time, and now he is back, the identity should be given back to him.

(End of this chapter)

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