
  Chapter 2675 Invitation

Xiao Guoguo actually has some sympathy for Lingyue, for the spiritual family, even for She, Lingyue, she gave a lot and gave up a lot. The only thing she felt regretful and could not let go was Lingfeng, so Lingfeng almost became her obsession.

And he was helped by other siblings, which can even be said to be a favor, so Xiao Guoguo is willing to try it together to see what the result is.

In fact, she also hopes to have a beautiful solution. Who doesn't like a beautiful reunion?

So the four people went to find Lingfeng together, they directly took the spaceship, Lei Hao was in charge of the control, and Xiao Guoguo picked up the spirit jade.

If Divine Consciousness is strong, only Xiao Guoguo is the strongest among them, so she is responsible for helping Lingyue. This spirit jade can feel each other with the other one because the two stones contain the same energy.

And this very difficult to deal with compressed energy, they were separated from a stone, they have been consumed, and now because the time is too long, the consumption is severe. That's why it is so unclear. There is a little rays of light shining, and one accidentally leads to the wrong direction.

What Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan want to go is to feel the energy in the stone. It is said that the two stones are divided into two, so the energy is the same.

So now as long as you sense one of them, everything will be perfect, right? After they feel it, they can help search, and it's definitely more reliable than the stone itself.

The rays of light shine on the spirit jade, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan hold their hands tightly, and the stone is suspended between them, and the two are feeling it with their hearts.

The spirit jade energy cannot be dissipated, so they are very careful. After feeling the energy fluctuations, they sit on one side alone. They did this because they had a division of labor. During the search, two of them were in charge of one direction, so that was good, nothing was left out.

So, they determined the direction and first found the spirit jade. Besides, whether it is a trap or they think too much, as long as they find the spirit jade, they will figure it out.

And with the help of Xiao Guoguo's Chi Xuan, their speed has indeed increased a lot. Originally, Lingyue and Lei Hao had both gone for five days and hadn’t gone out many planes, but Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan’s Divine Consciousness very difficult to deal with, they felt it, and after a while, they were able to continue. Okay, because they have already searched with their Divine Soul.

So the speed increased a lot, and then as they moved forward, they found that the light of the spirit jade was getting brighter and brighter. Xiao Guoguo thought about it, and then said to everyone: " Think about it, if this stone gets brighter and brighter, does it mean that we are getting closer and closer to the goal?"

Xiao Guoguo said that, everyone felt that it made sense.

"I think so." Chi Xuan agrees with Xiao Guoguo's ideas.

Lingyue also thinks that this is the same thing, otherwise this stone...Bah, this is not a stone, this is a spirit jade! Otherwise, why is this spirit jade getting more and more dazzling now?

"Then can we understand that, let's go straight ahead, when will the rays of light become dark, then we will pass that area?"

Everyone : "..." What you said seems to make sense.

Everyone agrees with Xiao Guoguo's statement, and they also feel that this statement is actually very reliable. Although we still have to delineate an area, it is better than finding a needle in a haystack like this.

"Let's go forward, keep going forward!" Lingyue decided so.

She is also anxious, how can she not worry, that is her big brother, her closest person, she is the person who wants to see him most.

"Go, let's move forward!" Xiao Guoguo also felt that he should show such courage.

They fly all the way forward like this. The spaceship is very large and the flying speed is not fast, because if they cross the area, the flying is too fast and it will be more painful when looking back.

They have been flying like this for a long time. Looking at the area in front of them, Xiao Guoguo and everyone are stunned. This place is familiar. They have been here.

"A land outside the country." Lingyue said, Xiao Guoguo nodded, yes, this is a land outside the country.

"Then let's go find it?" Lei Hao hesitated, he didn't understand, why did Lingfeng get here?

"Naturally, I'm looking for it, it's okay, I'm familiar with this place." Xiao Guoguo patted his shoulder and said, very confident.

Everyone laughed, this place is quite familiar to them, it is naturally inaccessible to ordinary cultivators, but they don’t have this worry at all.

"You said, is it possible to be on the site of a big tree?" Xiao Guoguo asked the three of them, and all three of them shook their heads. They thought it was impossible.

"As you know, the big trees are not hospitable." Chi Xuan summed it up like this, summing it up well.

"When we came, we finally passed away. My big brother doesn't know what we are in now. I'm afraid it will be difficult to go there."

So Lingyue said. Xiao Guoguo couldn't help but glance at her. In fact, this girl was psychologically prepared for Lingfeng's situation.

"Okay, let's follow along, after all, it's not too big here." Xiao Guoguo said, everyone followed Lingyue, and she followed the rays of light in their hands.

But as they go on like this, they are getting more and more alarmed, because according to the rays of light's guidance, they are really going to the big tree's site.

What they originally thought impossible, who would have thought that it turned out to be the final answer.

"Here, did the big brother really go to the site of the big tree clan?" Lingyue couldn't believe it.

"Let's go and ask." Xiao Guoguo decided happily. She was curious why Lingfeng would appear here. In other words, why did things related to Lingfeng appear here?

However, when they reached the edge of the big tree clan, they saw a few people. The cultivation base of these people is not high, and all of them don't have much energy, so they stay on the periphery.

"Who are you?" one of them asked, looking at each other warily.

Xiao Guoguo is not interested in knowing who they are, but since the other party asked, he had to answer it, otherwise it would seem impolite!

"none of your business! Get out!" Xiao Guoguo finished his answer, feeling that he was really a polite person.

Chi Xuan and the others Helpless, this girl’s temper, so are these people, such a wide road, so many trees, none of your business!

This person was stigmatized. He was planning to find Xiao Guoguo to settle the accounts. These people are so arrogant. Without a lesson, they don't know what arrogant and conceited are!

However, just when they were thinking about taking action to teach others, they saw Xiao Guoguo standing next to the woods, and then without speaking, they walked directly inside.

Everyone: "..." Hurry up and attack them, hurry up and hit them with branches!

Everyone shouted in their hearts, but in fact it was of no use. The small trees took the initiative to clear the way, even shaking the leaves and branches, as if they were welcoming them.

(End of this chapter)

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