
  Chapter 2674 See you

Xiyuezhong became the common magic weapon of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. People have the same ability to control Xi Yuezhong, which is considered a secret. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan did not intend to tell anyone about this, because it was not only their own business, but also the other's.

When they came back, they found something was wrong. Zhao Ting remembered about Lingyue and told Xiao Guoguo: "Lingyue and Lei Hao, they are gone."

"Gone?" Xiao Guoguo was a little surprised, where did they go?

Zhao Ting knows that this is the case. Although strictly speaking has nothing to do with him, because they are not there, he has the highest cultivation base and the highest seniority here, so Lingyue left It was time to greet him naturally.

"She said she found her big brother who had been lost for many years, so she was going to have a look. I think this is a serious matter, and I have no reason to stop it, so I let them go together."

When Zhao Ting said this, he looked at Xiao Guoguo, this Lingyue and Lei Hao didn't know him well, and they were both Xiao Guoguo's people.

"Have found her big brother? It is Ling Old Senior. Did he say he got a new body?" Xiao Guoguo said to himself, his face was full of surprises.

Zhao Ting understood at a glance, Xiao Guoguo trusts the other person very much, otherwise it would not be this expression, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with him.

And Xiao Guoguo is thinking about how the spiritual family patriarch Lingfeng came alive. Of course, he was in the Divine Soul state, so he wants to come alive again, or resurrect the body, Either it must have a new identity.

She is actually a little worried, can Lingyue accept such a gap? If it wasn't his own body, then what kind of scene would this siblings meet?

"It's not so easy to find, right? Did they say anything when they left?" Chi Xuan also asked, he knew Xiao Guoguo had been paying attention to the whereabouts of the spiritual family.

Speaking of which, back then they were considered to have dealt with each other, but at that time they were blocked outside and could not enter. He remembered clearly that he wanted to be a blood slave at the beginning.

Yes, the blood of the spirit family has some abilities. Of course, that is only for low-level cultivators. When the cultivation base is high, the mood and Divine Soul are improved, and the restraint of blood has long been weakened.

That Lingfeng, who doesn’t know what’s going on now, he still felt unattainable back then, now finds out that he can only be regarded as his Junior. It feels... as if he is so old.

"By the way, they said when they left, the location of this Lingfeng is uncertain, so they can only look for it slowly, saying that it doesn't have to be long." Zhao Ting With that said, he felt that this was simply an unreliable argument.

"Well, that doesn't really need to be long." Xiao Guoguo thought this way, looked at the sky outside, and wondered if she wanted to help.

By the way, the senior promised to give him three treasures, but as a result, the third treasure has not been given to her yet.

Yes, he didn't know where he went with that tower. Now he can appear alive is the most fortunate. Being a man can't care about so much.

Xiao Guoguo thought so, glanced at Chi Xuan and said: "Otherwise, let's go and find it."

Xiao Guoguo suggested that, Chi Xuan naturally did not The problem is, he just wants to walk around and relax. After all, he and Xiao Guoguo have been tense during this period of time, so they should walk around and take a look.

"Okay, let's go find them." Chi Xuan replied, Zhao Ting actually wanted to ask, the younger sister doesn't know where the other party is, how do you find it?

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan naturally couldn't find Lingfeng. Who knows his current state and appearance. But they can find Lingyue.

When they came, Lingyue had only left for two days, and they were looking for them along the starry sky. Xiao Guoguo wanted to find her and Lei Hao very simply.

So it took two days for Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan to find Lingyue and Lei Hao. At that time, they were holding a piece of spirit jade in their hands and were cautiously determining their direction.

After all, the spirit jade is not very reliable, the direction is changeable. Xiao Guoguo understands that this is the reason why they walk so slowly.

"Why are you here?" Lingyue was very surprised. She didn't expect Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan to appear.

"I heard that Lingfeng is awakened, so I want to follow it. I also have a fate with him." Xiao Guoguo said, Lingyue smiled and thanked Xiao Guoguo from the bottom of my heart.

She is also happy, and of course hope that everyone knows the news, and Xiao Guoguo's performance makes Lingyue feel that what Lingjia has done for Xiao Guoguo is not in vain.

Feelings are all mutual. I pay for you, and you can't treat it as ignorant. This is a normal and healthy state of emotional communication. If one party keeps paying, the other party accepts as it should be by rights, I'm afraid this is not a good state.

"Thank you." Lingyue sighed from the bottom of her heart.

"You are welcome, I want to ask, can this stone help you siblings meet?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Ling Yue nodded in a hurry.

"This is a piece of spirit jade. My big brother and I have been together since we were young. They can sense each other. That piece was in the hands of the big brother, and it disappeared back then. For so many years, my piece There was no response."

When Lingyue said that, Xiao Guoguo's heart sighed. There are many magical treasures in this world, and these two jade stones are not too unusual. But saying that Lingfeng is still talking with just a stone, is it a bit reckless?

After all, is Lingfeng alive? As long as the other's spirit jade is there, it will be able to make the rays of light in Lingyue's hand.

"I will look for it with you. There are many people and strength, and I should be able to find it soon." Xiao Guoguo said, Lingyue nodded quickly.

She also agrees with this statement. There are many people and power. Together, you can definitely find them soon.

Xiao Guoguo glanced at Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan naturally knew what she was thinking, but shook her head slightly to tell Xiao Guoguo not to say anything.

There is a lot to say, but not now. You must know that this is Lingyue's first hope after waiting so many years.

Now she has everything in her mind. If someone tells her that she may not be Lingfeng, then she probably can't stand the blow.

Look at Lei Hao, isn't there a trace of worry in that happiness? Obviously he thought of this too, but he didn't dare to say, after all, it would be nice to make her happy before solving the mystery.

If I said it now, and now Lingyue has collapsed, how can I find it? If you don't look for it, how do you know if Lingfeng is alive?

So Chi Xuan thinks that Lei Hao must be thinking that everything is possible, and he has to try it.

And he thinks so too, he also hopes Xiao Guoguo can be more cautious, and wait until there is a result.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan's meaning, and looked at Lei Hao's expression. She didn't say anything disappointing. She thought it was good. For Lingyue, it was at least a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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