
  Chapter 2418 The Old Place

Xiao Guoguo They left suddenly, Ajun and Zhao Lang simply did not have this Chance to go, but Xiao Guoguo left a gift for them.

Madam Zhao looked at the two medicine pills in her hand, which were left by Xiao Guoguo.

Her tears fell, she was very grateful, because this was his deep in one's heart buried desire, she also hopes to be able to accompany Zhao Lang and Ajun more, she can't bear them.

"Senior, I will definitely repay your kindness!" A Jun knelt on the ground, moved towards Xiao Guoguo and kowtowed in the direction they were leaving.

The regret in mother's heart was made up. As a son, he must remember such kindness.

After that, they have been living in the small town until a few years later, when the sons of Ajun and Qiaohui grew up, they did not leave here, even Zhao Lang did not go back.

When their children grow up, Qian Family has become the largest family in the town. Although there are still not many people, each one is very powerful.

They have become the core of the town, and Ajun and Qiaohui have always been willing to help others. Although their cultivation base has not improved quickly, they have always been loving.

At this time, Xiao Guoguo and the others have already rushed to the next location, they still have a lot of way to go.

They are not going to use the energy clusters they found this time, because they have to find enough energy clusters and then go to another world Transcending Tribulation. They don't know they will meet who next time, but they will keep looking for it like this.

What's strange is that Wang Chen seemed to be quiet during this period, and he didn't know what he was doing. Why didn't he react at all. The cultivation world seemed to be quiet.

It is precisely because of this that this provides them with an opportunity, otherwise if he does it now, they will not have time to find energy.

The fault zone, when I came last time, I was looking for the natural power of Xiao Guoguo. This time I came back here again, but I was looking for the power of Chi Xuan.

Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo and saw her face as usual, which was relieved. Since leaving the Qian Family, they have found another energy group in one and a half years, but the two energy groups combined are not enough for Chi Xuan suddenly Void Realm mid-term.

Now Chi Xuan is looking for this energy cluster in the depths of this fracture zone. They must hurry up, because no one knows when Wang Chen will do it.

In fact, they always feel that Wang Chen is so aggressive, it seems that it is not purely to deal with them, after all, whether it is Xiao Guoguo or Chi Xuan, simply is not his opponent.

And they are here, if you really hold the hate, then come here to find them, but there is no movement for a long time, then it is a bit strange.

Therefore, in such an unpredictable situation, they need to hurry up and see if they can take the initiative.

"It's okay, last time we were able to get out from here, this time must be no problem." Xiao Guoguo said, Chi Xuan is also relieved, he is not worried about not being able to get out, he is worried about Xiao Guoguo The mentality is affected.

And Lin Lang looked at Sun Qianqian, the two of them were actually not feeling well.

Chi Xuan is now recovering Yang Shuo's memory, but after all he hasn't remembered it after so many years, and the feeling in his heart will be much less than that of them.

This used to be their hometown, who would have thought that it would be the most uncomfortable for them to be like this.

But even so, they have to accompany Chi Xuan on this trip, not only because they want to help Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, but also because they want to come out.

Of course, although I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, it will not form a Heart Demon. After so many years of cultivation, their mentality has long been very mature. If this is not the case, they would not dare to come back.

A lot of things here are all human beings, and there are more mountains and meteorites that are constantly exploding or disappearing, but for them, many things can still find memories of the past. For example, there are still some buildings on a particularly large suspended meteorite, and they can still know where it is from the text on it.

They even want to find out where they have lived, but where is so easy. The two were depressed, and when they walked along the road, the two seldom spoke, and there was a lot less quarrel.

Xiao Guoguo also knew that they were cherishing in their hearts, so they didn't say anything. Chi Xuan and she also walked forward silently, only the sound of the piano hummed. Here spaceship can't move, they just follow the sound of the piano directly with the unvoiced sound, there is no one here, only four of them.

After walking like this for more than ten days, I saw a huge meteorite.

Last time they found the force of nature in this way, this time they were prepared, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were more careful. They looked at the place in front of them, and there were still many towering trees. It was obvious that this meteorite was huge and almost formed a natural world.

"Lin Lang, this is not..." Sun Qianqian was a little surprised, but they knew that this was where Wang Chen used to be.

"Yang Shuo, this is the Cave Mansion of Wang Chen's cultivation." Lin Lang said that, Yang Shuo also had the impression that they were always together, and many things were clear.

"Why are everyone else's Cave Mansion destroyed, only his is still so good?" When Sun Qianqian said this, she was actually a little depressed and jealous.

Although it has been so many years, and she knows that it is impossible in her heart, she still hopes that her Cave Mansion can be preserved, even if she goes back and takes a look.

"Let’s go in and see, why Yang Shuo’s energy group is here." Sun Qianqian said so and walked in first,

The array here is actually able to It is really unexpected to use, but this array is the same as a decoration to Sun Qianqian, because they know each other too much, and cracking the array is just a matter of raising their hands.

Xiao Guoguo follows them this time, it is very relaxed, but the more you walk in, the more you can realize the status of the Seven Palaces back then. Everything in this yard is an exquisite product, and it is also invaluable to cultivators.

"This Wang Chen, normally always pretends to be simple with us, look at his furnishings, they are all good things, they are all elegant treasures," Lin Lang said. Having said that, while putting away these things, it is rare that they are still well preserved after so many years.

Xiao Guoguo agrees very much. She doesn't want this guy's things, or she doesn't need Lin Lang to collect it, so she will put it away. With that said, they walked in front of a rockery, but this rockery is really a mountain, although the cultivator's handwriting is different from ordinary people.

"Wait, there should be any settings here, we should be more careful." Sun Qianqian said, everyone was nodded, especially the Lord of the Deep followed Lin Lang with a frightened look.

(End of this chapter)

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