
  Chapter 2417 Means

After hearing this, everyone was stunned. This woman almost wanted it. Jun's life!

Zhao Lang couldn't believe it, Madam Zhao was worried and scared, and A Jun was also dumbfounded. When did this happen, why didn't he know?

"You, what are you talking about?" The woman started to back up, she was scared, she knew that her Senior Brother would not treat her, but this group of people, not necessarily, their cultivation base is very high , They don't like themselves very much.

"A Jun, your bracelet." Xiao Guoguo said, and A Jun took off the bracelet that he had been wearing. At this moment, Zhao Lang saw it. The bracelet was broken.

"You! How dare you..." Zhao Lang did not expect that his Junior Sister would be so vicious and merciless.

"You have also seen it. This is a defensive magic weapon that you refined with your own hands. Tell me who would hate their mother and son so much and kill them so that this defensive magic weapon is completely broken."

Xiao Guoguo asked, Zhao Lang stared at his Junior Sister with hatred in his eyes.

If he didn't leave this magic weapon back then, would he still see their mother and child? It is not enough to seal my memory. In order to cut weeds and eliminate the roots, I even started on their mother and son.

In other words, if she didn't attack A Jun first, then the wife must have been doing well. Can A Jun grow up as a child? Zhao Lang felt scared when he thought of this.

"Seeing that, she just can't give up on you, but she doesn't have such scruples on others. For such a person, you should just take a break with her."

Xiao Guoguo can't pass it, and Sun Qianqian also agrees with this statement. A Jun's defensive bracelet was completely damaged when he was attacked. This person's cultivation base should not be much different from Zhao Lang.

"Why are you sure that it is me? Maybe someone else!" The woman yelled, and then Xiao Guoguo tapped on the bracelet. There was still a trace of spiritual power fluctuation on the bracelet.

"Familiar yourself, your own spiritual power." Xiao Guoguo gave it a slight flick, and the spiritual power fluctuated directly into her veins like a piece of smoke. The woman was a little frightened, looking at everyone, she didn't know how they would treat herself.

"Haven't you heard a word? What you did will leave some traces after all. What you did back then should have a saying now."

Xiao Guoguo said that, the woman retreated quickly and wanted to run away directly. She is not the opponent of these people, so maybe Xiao Nian will be thrown here. However, she did not expect that Xiao Guoguo would have been wary of her escaping a long time ago, so all the surrounding areas have been closed.

"Do you think you can run away?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the woman looked disappointed, and then said indifferently: "You have to try it, you can't just sit and die."

"I really admire your spirit. This is because your cultivation base is low. If it's over a few thousand years, maybe it's a human being." Xiao Guoguo said, a woman coldly smiled, she is not afraid of life and death, there is nothing to be afraid of Of it.

"Zhao Lang, what do you think of this woman?" When Xiao Guoguo asked what, Zhao Lang directly saluted and said: "Please also senior to decide, I have no complaints."

After hearing this, the woman began to laugh crazily. Sure enough, no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't get his heart. If I knew it, why bother?

"Since you said that, then I will be the master. She shot a child back then, and she has to pay it back." After Xiao Guoguo finished saying this, he slapped him directly. past.

Xiao Guoguo's palm could completely kill the woman, but she didn't plan to do that. Xiao Guoguo just abolished her cultivation base, which is already a show mercy.

"You won't kill me?" the woman asked, tears in her eyes. Cultivated for so many years, her cultivation base has completely dissipated. Although she has recovered her life, her heart is empty.

"I'll give you a chance to reform yourself." Xiao Guoguo said so, the woman knelt on the ground and said: "Thanks Senior, don't kill."

" Don’t worry about thanking me, there is one more punishment for you. Back then, you sealed Zhao Lang’s memory, now I will extract your memory, from now on, forget all this."

Xiao Guoguo did this because, on the one hand, the woman had treated Zhao Lang this way, and on the other hand, she was also to prevent in case, she did not believe that this woman would be completely relieved. In that case, it is better to erase the memory and forget everything. There will be no revenge.

"no! You can't do this!" The woman didn't want to do this. Although she didn't have a cultivation base, as long as Zhao Lang was there, he was impossible to ignore him.

But if you forget all this, then she will never be possible to pester Zhao Lang again!

"You will do it yourself in the future." Xiao Guoguo said, a spiritual power directly penetrated into the woman's Sea of ​​Consciousness, clearing all the things about Zhao Lang.

The woman was dumbfounded, she still remembered who she was, but she didn't know why her cultivation base disappeared.

"You can arrange her whereabouts." Xiao Guoguo said, turning around and left, and Ajun and Qiaohui only took a look and followed.

Zhao Lang knew that he had no choice. He finally delivered this Junior Sister to an Elder he trusted. Externally, he said that there was a problem with the Junior Sister cultivation and the cultivation base was completely abolished, in order not to stimulate her. Everyone in sect kept silent about what happened to her, and those who violated her will be expelled from sect.

Although disciples is puzzled, she also knows that Sect Master's will cannot be violated, so after returning, this woman thinks she is a little dísciple, and since then began another period of her life.

And Xiao Guoguo looked at Ajun and Qiaohui, she asked Qiaohui: "You still have a wish. Let me say it now."

Qiaohui knows Xiao Guoguo and them It’s impossible to stay here forever. They are all seniors. Although she has her own business to be busy, she glanced at Ajun and saw that Ajun was nodded. So Qiaohui summoned her courage and said, "Can you bother you seniors? The wind in Wind City stopped."

Xiao Guoguo didn't expect that their third request turned out to be this, not for themselves, but for the people here.

"Wind City, because of this weird wind, people’s lives are very difficult. If this wind can be allowed to disappear, then everyone will live better." Qiaohui said, she dared to make a request like this. Because Xiao Guoguo can control the wind group, their strength can be seen from this.

"There is no problem." Xiao Guoguo agreed so that it was naturally okay. After she took away the Wind Spirit Power, she would find a way to prevent the wind from forming again.

The people of Wind City couldn't think of it. They woke up when they opened their eyes, and a big mountain appeared outside the city. This mountain would block the valley where the wind mass was formed... directly blocked.

Xiao Guoguo They have already left with the Wind Spirit Stone, and even moved a mountain from another place, directly letting the wind disappear completely.

The people of Wind City don't know who helped them, but since then, they can get out of their homes instead of hiding in their homes on windy days.

They finally saw the clear sky and breathed the fresh air, and they could finally grow more food.

(End of this chapter)

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