
  Chapter 2419 Array Destruction

Xiao Guoguo can’t help but want to complain, this guy Once discussed with them, he is also a powerful cultivator. He has the final say on all matters in the deep sea.

But looking at it now, a posture that he is a weak person and needs protection. Although this is under others, he shouldn't be so proud of being guarded.

But Lin Lang didn't seem to realize that, letting the Lord of the Deep Sea take care of all kinds of daily life, now he waved his hand and let him walk behind.

If they didn't know that these two are indeed the master and servant, they would have to misunderstand something.

"Who, come here." Sun Qianqian is not used to the problem of the lord of the deep sea, dignified the upright big man, and the angry little daughter-in-law.

"Senior Sun, the younger one is here." The Lord of the Deep said respectfully. Compared to acting like a baby to Lin Lang, he is very afraid of Sun Qianqian.

"You lead the way, it's really embarrassing for the big man to whisper." Sun Qianqian always has a temper to say whatever he wants to say. If anyone is unpleasant, just curse. .

The lord of the deep sea did not dare to say a word, because he knew in his heart that not to mention himself, even his own master also don't dare provoke this woman, this woman is too fierce.

Lin Lang was shocked. Sun Qianqian was not like this before. At that time, she was also known as the cultivation world number one beauty. Even though her personality was serious and reserved, when did she become this way? Spicy?

But Lin Lang only dared to complain quietly in his heart. He didn't dare to ask. He believed that if he really dared to say that, Sun Qianxi would dare to teach him now, and she would never end with him, no Apologize to him forcing his head down, and the matter is not over.

So Lin Lang did it, keeping his eyes on his nose, his nose watching his mouth, and his mouth silent.

The Lord of the Deep Sea is not really scared, he is also an expert after all, but he is not used to it, leading the way in front of so many seniors.

He is a little unconfident, but he gradually discovered that leading the way is really suitable for him to do, because he has lived in the source of the deep sea for so many years, without other abilities, leading the way in the dark. Discovering all kinds of traps, it went very smoothly.

He suspected that Senior Sun let himself lead the way, whether it was not pleasing to his eyes, or did he really analyze his ability.

If Sun Qianqian knew that he thought so, she would definitely tell him very sincerely, thinking too much of you is purely you're not pleasing to the eyes that's all.

They walked for a while, the Lord of the Deep Sea unexpectedly found a checkpoint, and Chi Xuan walked over directly. He was pretty sure that there should be a secret room behind this, but what's in this secret room, Then no one knows.

But the unvoiced voice is getting more and more emotional. Obviously, the energy group is getting closer and closer to them. Perhaps, this is the place they are looking for.

"Wait a minute, everyone, I'll get rid of this." Chi Xuan said so, he was ready to get rid of array. He still has some accomplishments in array.

"Don't move, let this guy come. You don't know to help all day long. Why do you let him follow? Are you in the background?" Sun Qianqian said so, she was called the deep sea of ​​this guy. The lord can only work, who can't let him beat others.

"I, let me be together, I am also good at destroying arrays, two people are better than one." Lin Lang said, if it is his own subordinates, if he doesn't protect his face, that face Sun Qianqian was swollen.

He didn't realize that he had to ask other people's performance while guarding his hands, which was already persuaded.

"Okay, you are idle anyway." Sun Qianqian said so, looking at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang: "..." This woman's mouth is still too poisonous.

Chi Xuan feels that in the struggle between these two people, he still chooses to be silent, because neither one can help, while Xiao Guoguo feels that the relationship between these two people has improved recently. .

Although I don't know why these two people have been arguing, but every time they quarrel is not really angry, but like...

Yes, just like this, they seem to be playing around, not serious. This made Xiao Guoguo couldn't help looking at the two people. They were talented and beautiful. Although Lin Lang was a bit unworthy of Sun Qianqian, there were really few people in this world who could be worthy of her.

I guess I can only find it in the Seven Palaces, but Chi Xuan can't, Wang Chen can't, the rest... She hasn't seen it, so she thinks Lin Lang is actually pretty good.

Although she is now shouting a senior, but Lin Lang has taken care of her a lot over the years, and she can be a family member. Although she could not find this part of the memory, she was still moved.

"Lin Lang senior, come on, I am optimistic about you." Xiao Guoguo said so, Lin Lang looked back at her, optimistic about his use, help is the real friendship.

But Xiao Guoguo just yelled a few words like this, and then sat down to eat. Chi Xuan had nothing to do anyway, so he cooked for Xiao Guoguo. The aroma of the food is really fragrant. Go in the nose.

Lin Lang and the lord of the deep sea broke the array under such circumstances. You can imagine the various sadness in this heart.

Maybe it was to end the rest early, maybe it was to end early and also mixed with eating. Lin Lang spent a lot of time this time, seriously destroying the array, and finally the array was opened two days later. Up.

Array opened Lin Lang and looked at Chi Xuan. He was holding a bowl of noodle soup and handing it over to him. Lin Lang felt that this was the brother, so it would be worthwhile to help him.

"Hurry up and eat, we will continue after eating." Sun Qianqian is already full, but she is still waiting for Lin Lang. Xiao Guoguo feels that with Sun Qianqian's temper, this is already sympathetic to Lin Lang.

"Is there any barbecue?" Lin Lang asked. Although Sun Qianqian still looked impatient, she really brought him a skewer.

Xiao Guoguo laughed slightly in his heart when he saw this, but he dared not show it on his face. This senior has a very awkward character. Don't let her see it. In the future, he is unwilling to treat Lin Lang.

Lin Lang finally ate the kebab, and he was very satisfied, which was not in vain. But if Yang Shuo's previous cooking skills were so good, they would have been brothers alive and dead, and he would save Yang Shuo's life if he died, and the food for the rest of his life would have been lost.

It seems that he suddenly understood why Xiao Guoguo is so devoted to Chi Xuan, isn't it really because the food is so delicious?

The lord of the deep sea looked at Sun Qianqian awkwardly, but only got a cold eye. He didn't dare to say anything. He ate his own noodles. After all, there were all kinds of side dishes and meat in it, more than anything else. Not much stronger.

Although he didn't have barbecue, he knew enough, otherwise there would be no noodles.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo saw black gas drifting out of the open cave door. Xiao Guoguo looked at this scene and her eyes were cold. She was right. It was demonic energy.

(End of this chapter)

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