
  Chapter 2405 Withdrawal

At this moment, everyone seems to understand that these cultivators and What they know and heard is different. Not only are they not arrogant people, they are also very charitable.

And although these two people sound harsh, they have never been malicious to them. This is a rare experience.

"Mister Qian, what's the problem at home?" Xiao Guoguo asked. She hasn't heard the story yet, can you stop me!

Xiao Guoguo asked that, Qian Family's affairs were not glorious at first, but thinking that these four are not ordinary people, maybe they can give them an idea, which is not bad.

"Speaking of making you laugh, something really happened in my family. I only have three daughters in my life, and I don’t have a son, but I don’t feel regretful. After all, I love all three daughters. They are clever and smart, not worse than their sons."

Xiao Guoguo heard these words nodded, but the father is rare and enlightened.

"Since this is the case, what's the trouble?" Xiao Guoguo also didn't expect, this Qian Family father is so good, and logically speaking, this is a father who will love his child.

"Although we love our daughters, some people don’t think so. The family let our adopted children be sons and let us grow old and live with the adopted children. I didn’t want to, but the family The power of is so powerful, it’s not something I can’t listen to unless I want to.

And even if it’s adopted, I’m fine, but I’m afraid that my wife will have a hard time in the future, after all, it’s not my biological , I’m afraid we can’t treat her kindly. And we thought of a way, which is to hire a son-in-law."

"This is really unreasonable. Is there anyone who can force you to adopt your child?" Sun Qianqian asked. I really can't agree with this approach.

But Xiao Guoguo knows that this is also possible. After all, this era is afraid that part of the family's property comes from parents and grandparents. They definitely don't want this money to be taken away with the woman's marriage.

Of course, Xiao Guoguo also thinks that this is an undesirable idea, but they are surrounded by this, they will definitely be troubled, otherwise this one would not think of recruiting a son-in-law.

"My husband in the city, the family income is considered good in the entire town. The eldest daughter is married and cannot hire a son-in-law, but the second daughter must hire a son-in-law at home.

I fell in love with the second son of Zhang Family in this town. The child is good-looking and can study, but his family is poor in these years, so he can’t study for him.

For my daughter, I Changed to subsidize him to study, but didn't expect that he passed the exam this year, but after passing the exam, he was taken by a wealthy businessman and wanted to marry his daughter..."

Xiao Guoguo:" ..." This story sounds familiar.

"So their family wants to retire?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and saw that the other party was nodded. She felt that this matter couldn't be forgotten.

"That's not right, people from your aptitude dare to slap you in the face like this! Didn't you make an appointment when you made the appointment?" Sun Qianqian asked the same, always feeling that Zhang Family is too much. , Isn't this obviously ungrateful?

"Apart from the marriage certificate, there is no agreement." Mister Qian said regretfully, knowing that he would not do things more strictly for the sake of face.

"Actually, I want to say that it is a good thing for such a person to fail to marry. You see that they dare to break the contract just for the slightest benefit. Such a person, what is good, should be fortunate. "

Xiao Guoguo said that, then Mister Qian felt a little more comfortable in his heart. He also advised himself this way, but this breath is really hard to swallow.

"That's not what I said. It's okay if you don't get married. So many years of money can't be wasted. Go back and double the money that has funded them all these years!" Sun Qianqian said.

"Yes, no matter how much money you have, you can't waste it, you can't make them cheaper!" Xiao Guoguo also agrees very much.

Lin Lang looked at Chi Xuan. He actually didn't understand. This is clearly a matter of others. What are these two people so excited for? But he saw Chi Xuan's steady and silent manner, and he also felt that speaking at this time was definitely not a good choice.

"We think so too, but Zhang Family over there is very arrogant, saying that you can report to the government if you are not convinced. But the other party seems to be someone in the government. I am also aware of such things. I’m afraid there will be no results."

That Mister Qian was originally a husband in the city, so he naturally saw him a lot, so he dragged his friends to inquire, and then realized that the rich businessman had something to do with the City Lord. So no one dared to provoke it casually.

Although he can't swallow this breath, it's not that important compared to the safety of the whole family. It's just that he feels suffocated.

"Well, don't worry, let's do it." Sun Qianqian said, taking the initiative to take care of the matter.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Ah, this is her line.

Everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo and Sun Qianqian. They really didn't expect these two people to help. Although they don't know why, they are very grateful. They don't have to ask for money, but they want Zhang Family to admit in this town that everything is their fault.

This marriage was not successful not because Qian Qiaohui was not virtuous, but because their Zhang Family saw profit and forgot righteousness! In this way, the Qian Family feels satisfied, but Xiao Guoguo feels that it is too easy to be content.

"What do you think about this matter?" Xiao Guoguo asked Chi Xuan and Lin Lang, and he saw Chi Xuan's pensive face, and Lin Lang wanted to say something.

"Say it." Sun Qianqian was also depressed. What are the meanings of these two people not speaking.

"I think we are here to find the energy group, you two, did you forget what you are doing?" Lin Lang couldn't help but said, and saw Sun Qianqian waving his hand. : "If you don't delay things, the kid can't run."

"What do you mean, what do you mean that kid can't run!" Lin Lang asked, and found that it was exactly what Sun Qianqian said, that Ajun I ran over by myself.

The two of them are neighbors, they live in the Qian Family, and if Jun wants to see them, he just has to climb the wall... Seeing the skill of this kid, it’s not too much to climb the wall. I just don't know if this Mister Qian knows or not.

I don’t know, otherwise the neighbors can’t take it lightly. His family has three daughters.

"Everyone, senior." Someone outside the window whispered, Xiao Guoguo laughed, and opened the window. This guy jumped in very neatly.

"I said you, they are all daughters at home, you are going over the wall like this, too much, right?" Sun Qianqian asked, A Jun was taken aback, and then a handsome face flushed with shame.

"No, senior, I, I crossed the wall when I was a child, and now I have grown up, I don’t dare anymore, I’m anxious today, this is how it is." A Jun said this, his face grew more and more serious. famous.

Xiao Guoguo knew that this child was also honest, what did he think of, his face was so red that he couldn't hide it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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