
  As requested in Chapter 2406

Xiao Guoguo actually thinks this Ajun is not bad too. If nothing else, just Speaking of the maintenance of this Qiaohui, that is no one can match.

Since Qian Family wants to recruit son-in-law, you can look for this one, so why bother to seek distance? Is there something unspeakable about Ajun himself, or is he too stubborn when he was a child?

Xiao Guoguo thought so, then Ah Jun cleared up his feelings, and then said very seriously: "Although I don’t know who you are, I also know the truth that kindness must be repaid. You are so today. For helping Qiaohui, I will definitely repay such kindness."

"Oh, what does it have to do with you for helping Ms. Qian Family? Why do you want to repay me?" Sun Qianqian asked ruthlessly .

Xiao Guoguo looked at the blushing face of A Jun, and felt a little sympathetic to him. Who made him meet Sun Qianqian, this senior has a venomous mouth, more powerful than himself.

"Yes, if it is to repay the gratitude, we will also find Ms. Qian Family, it has nothing to do with you." Xiao Guoguo also showed no mercy.

"I, I am Qiaohui's friend, best friend, you are my benefactor for helping her! I have nothing to repay you now, I will kneel down for you!"

Then Ah Jun really knelt down as he was talking, Xiao Guoguo was stunned, and said that he was tossing for a long time because he came here to salute them.

"You child is also weird. Why are you kneeling? What use is it for you to salute us?" Sun Qianqian asked, Ah Jun was a little sorry.

He tossed tonight and didn't fall asleep for most of the night, because he was always thinking about these things, and for a while he sighed that they met someone to help, and for a while he felt that he couldn't forget it, and they helped them. , He should always say something.

But think about it, what is there in yourself! They are cultivators, they don't need money, they don't need people, they don't have what they want. After thinking about it this way, I felt that I owed others in my heart, so I thought of this.

He came here to tell them that if one day he can repay his favor and is qualified to repay his favor, he will not forget them.

"Get up, you have a better way to repay us." When Xiao Guoguo said that, Ajun grabbed his sleeve instantly, as if he had understood that they wanted What exactly is it.

"Do you know why we are here?" Xiao Guoguo asked, feeling impossible in his heart. Even the most powerful red carp I encountered before did not know their secrets at all, no Know what they are looking for.

"Although I don't know what a few people want, but this is the only thing worth worrying about in me." When A Jun said this, Lin Lang couldn't help it. in the heart sighed, this child is really clever and thorough, with careful thinking.

"Then tell me, what on your body is worthy of our mind." Xiao Guoguo asked, Ah Jun hesitated, or rolled up his sleeves. He had a sleeve on his arm. Bracelet.

At first glance, this bracelet is not a woman's style, let alone made by ordinary people. It seems to be a magic weapon, but it is a broken magic weapon. And there was just a yellow stone on the bracelet, Xiao Guoguo glanced at Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan nodded, what they were looking for was this stone.

"Why do you have this bracelet?" Sun Qianqian is very curious, it seems that the identity of this kid is not as simple as it seems.

"This is left to me by my father." Ajun said with some nostalgia.

"Your father?" Sun Qianqian and Xiao Guoguo had already calculated that Ajun should have no father next door, otherwise such a big thing would not happen, and the father would never show up. .

"I don't know who my father is. My mother said that he is a good person. When he saves my mother's life in the next year, they are also destined. But the two have been married for only one year. I The year he was only born, he suddenly disappeared, and since then there has been no news."

Speaking of this father, who has never seen him, A Jun couldn’t help feeling a bit of resentment in his heart, if not He has not heard from him for so many years, and neither himself nor his mother will have such a hard time.

"Have you and your mother never looked for him?" Xiao Guoguo asked. They thought this matter was probably not simple.

"How could I have never looked for it. Back then, my mother and I visited the surrounding large and small towns, but there was no news from him. Then we really couldn't find it, so we returned to our hometown."

A Jun said this. Although he looked calm, everyone knew that he was sad. The sadness emanated from the inside out, and they could feel it.

"Does this bracelet belong to your father?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Ah Jun nodded: "Mother said, this is a gift left by my father, saying that it can protect me. But I don’t think it’s useful at all. When I was beaten, I didn’t see any effect."

Xiao Guoguo: "..." How did this magic weapon break?

"The stone on this bracelet is what I want, are you willing to give it to me?" Xiao Guoguo asked tentatively, and then continued: "If you want, I can fulfill your wish ."

"Satisfy my wish, can any wish be okay?" Ah Jun didn't expect such a good thing.

"As long as I can do it, I am not against my moral bottom line." Xiao Guoguo pays attention to fair dealing. She wants this stone, but she doesn't want to take it by force.

Sun Qianqian sighed, she always feels that facing an ordinary person, they have to work harder than facing a cultivator, because a cultivator knows the value of this thing, and also knows what they want, they It's easier to help implement.

But an ordinary person, he may not know what they can do and what they can get for him.

"If you want to find your father, we can also help." Lin Lang took the initiative to say this, in fact, to mention Ah Jun and let him not be stupid. This is a rare opportunity.

"Find my father?!" When Ajun said this, there were rays of light in his eyes with hope. He also wanted to find his father, but he could only offer one condition.

He thought about it for a quarter of an hour, and then said: "I hope you can help Qiaohui and make her live happily."

Xiao Guoguo was a little touched. She once guessed what kind of request A Jun would make and whether it was related to Qiaohui. Didn't expect, I really guessed it.

Sun Qianqian is very depressed, she said that the wishes of ordinary people are more difficult to realize. If it is a cultivator, he wants to become a fairy, and they can help achieve it.

But making a person feel happy is actually not a simple matter. Give her gold and silver treasures, she will feel happy, make her beautiful and beautiful, will she definitely feel happy? This requirement is really difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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