
  Chapter 2404 as a guest

Xiao Guoguo does not know the situation of these two families, but she is sure, That energy group should be on one of them.

Xiao Guoguo is looking at the two youngsters, while A Jun and Qiaohui are also looking at them at the same time. The two are also very curious about how these four came to them.

Seeing the eyes of the two, Xiao Guoguo is still very satisfied. Being able to look into their eyes so directly in front of them shows that their minds are very clean, and there is no plot against and desire for profit in their eyes.

"Immortal Elder, please use tea. The farm doesn't have any good tea. Please don't be offended." Qiaohui asked the little sister to sit down and pour tea for them. She was a generous girl.

Xiao Guoguo look at Qiaohui. In fact, this girl is very nice and beautiful. Although her facial features are not surprising, she is very attractive. Just now, she seemed to have heard that she was retired. ?

"Thank you, that's great." Xiao Guoguo didn't dislike it, and drank it as soon as he picked it up. The same was true of Chi Xuan, even Sun Qianqian, who is usually very particular, never refused.

Their performance made Na Qiaohui feel heart relaxed. It seems that the cultivators are not so uncomfortable to get along with in the legend. This idea makes her feel more at ease.

"Everyone, what are you here for?" Ajun said coldly, this kid is not very young, courage is not small.

Sun Qianqian couldn't help but shook her head. This kid is not worthy of the gentle girl next to her. Sure enough, the man is not cute at all, but the little girl is the most intimate.

Sun Qianqian didn't want to look at Ajun. Lin Lang liked him very much. This child has personality and can take the initiative. At this time, he is a man who takes the initiative to stand up.

"A Jun! Immortal Elder, don't be angry, he is not very good at talking, but he is not a bad person, but also a respect for the elders." Qiaohui hurriedly spoke for him, Xiao Guoguo looked at Qiaohui, and then Look at Ah Jun who is silent, this child listens to this girl very much.

"It's okay, we are not unreasonable, we are here today mainly to find something." Xiao Guoguo said directly, seeing Qiaohui's face in surprise, and that Ah Jun was He tightened his sleeves.

Xiao Guoguo laughed, she has already seen that the energy group should be in Ajun’s body, but he is definitely not willing to give it to them. As for whether he knows the use of this energy group, then She doesn't know.

"Looking for something? How can we help?" Qiaohui felt puzzled, looking for things is normal, but she doesn't think they can help, after all, they are just ordinary persons.

"You can naturally help." Xiao Guoguo finished saying that. He looked out the door, next moment, and saw three people come in. Obviously these are the two. Adults at home.

It's just that these three people are frowning, obviously things are not going smoothly. The three people were also stunned when they saw them. The two women did not dare to move, but the man in charge bowed to salute: "Immortal Elder is here, and this Qian person salutes you."

Xiao Guoguo: "..." The identity of the cultivator here seems very high.

"Mister Qian don't need to be polite, we just passed by here and have a rest." Xiao Guoguo said, the little girl at home looked at her curiously, didn't she just say she was looking for something? Why is it a rest now?

"Qian Family is extremely honored, Madam, you go back to buy some wine and vegetables, I don't know what you don't like to eat?" The head of Qian Family is also very helpless, he has not entertained any cultivator. Ah, he doesn't know whether people eat or not.

"Mister Qian, you don't need to be polite, we are already bigu and don't eat." Xiao Guoguo replied, everyone was stunned.

Don’t you eat? Can that live?

Xiao Guoguo looked at the expressions of this family, and knew that they were upright people. The thoughts in his heart showed it on their faces, not only for children, but also for adults.

But compared with that, the woman next door and Ah Jun are not like that. They seem to be very scared, and some of them avoid them, which is interesting.

"That. Then invite you all to have tea." Mister Qian could only say so, and then asked the youngest daughter to get some dried fruits out to serve the guests.

Xiao Guoguo didn't refuse this candied fruit, even Sun Qianqian also ate a few, the taste... actually good.

They are very happy to see Xiao Guoguo and Sun Qianqian like them. At least they don’t have the feeling that they don’t eat anything at your house. They will feel sad.

"Mister Qian, when the time comes when we came today, we just happened to see you fighting outside your house, it seems to be related to girl Qiaohui's fate?" Xiao Guoguo curiously asked, she wanted to ask this question a long time ago. I have endured it till now.

Everyone: "..." Does the cultivator also care about these issues?

Seriously, everyone doesn't know what Xiao Guoguo is here for, why they come to someone like them, and they are concerned about such things.

Ah Jun wanted to talk after hearing this. Fortunately, Qiaohui knew him well enough, so he just grabbed his sleeve and refused to let anyone talk. She really didn't dare to let Ajun speak. If this offends ordinary people, she can apologize, but this is a cultivator, and this cultivator is not something they can offend.

"Youngster, if you are so angry, do you know that it will hurt others? How many times did this girl apologize for you today, haven't you seen it?" Sun Qianq said that when she asked this question, her tone was very unpleasant Well, she was not used to A Jun's temper, she felt that Sun Qianqian was wronged.

Everyone's expressions have changed. Is this the cultivator of Shinobu unhappy? They know that if the cultivator is not happy, the whole town can be destroyed by raising their hands.

This is the reason why everyone don’t dare provoke the cultivator. Don’t see if they are in the Qian Family. The rest of the family are shiver coldly at home at the moment. They are worried, worried about Qiaohui and Ajun. Knowing the depth really irritates people, and they are unlucky.

"A Jun!" A Jun's mother is a thin woman. She scolded her severely at this moment. Then A Jun loosened her clenched fist, and then lowered her head.

"Aiya, youngster, it is inevitable to be young and vigorous. We have all been young. You don't know why you should be so strict with him." Lin Lang couldn't help being Ajun. Talking, and Sun Qianqian glanced at him, said with a sneer: "Do you remember the stupid things you did when you were young?"

Lin Lang didn’t know how to pick it up. He really didn’t remember. , But stupid things must have been done, but it’s a bit embarrassing to remember them at this age.

"This is natural, who is young and doesn't do something stupid. I said you don't need to be too entangled, the two of them naturally have their own fate." Lin Lang finished saying that, everyone stared at them. People, these two seem to be very kind.

"hmph, I am for this Qiaohui girl, if not, I don't care about this smelly brat." Sun Qianqian said so, Lin Lang knew that Sun Qianqian was a hard-mouthed person.

(End of this chapter)

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