
  Chapter 2403 Wind City

Xiao Guoguo entire group went straight ahead and they came to the surroundings of Wind City In a town in, they have attracted everyone’s attention since entering this town.

After all, there are basically no outsiders coming and going here, they come suddenly, and the dressing is very different from the locals, everyone will naturally stare at them.

However, when they saw that the magic weapons Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were carrying with them were two swords, they didn't dare to stare at them. They only dared to look at them quietly.

Xiao Guoguo also didn't expect, this time the voiceless will guide them here, there is not even a cultivator here, I can't believe that energy will exist here.

However, thinking about it this way, I heard the noise. It turned out that someone was fighting in front of me and the people around me were fighting. Xiao Guoguo just stood looking at it from a distance. This kind of fist-only contest is not a big problem.

"Bah! I see who you dare to say bad things about Qiaohui in the future, I can't spare you!" He was a thin man, tall, but also very thin.

"A Jun, we say that the fat girl is ill of none of your business! Why are you taking a mouse!" The youngster who was beaten was not convinced. Although he was afraid of being beaten, he still couldn't bear it. I want to be provocative.

"Skinny monkey, don't say it!" The guy on the side pulled the boy named Ajun, as if he was afraid of him doing it again.

"Tell you, she is Qiaohui, you are not allowed to call her fat!" After Ah Jun finished yelling, the blue veins on his neck came out, and he was about to rush to beat people again. At that time, a woman rushed out of the yard and grabbed this Ah Jun.

"Ajun, don't hit people!" The girl looked mellow, she was a bit fat, but not very fat.

"Qiaohui, I have to beat him to make his mouth dirty." A Jun said this, but the girl shook her head and pulled him into the yard.

"Oh, fat girl used to like Ah Jun. No wonder that Zhang Shoucheng Young Master came to resign. It turned out to be like this." Someone whispered, Ah Jun turned his head fiercely, his eyes seemed to This person kills him.

The scene calmed down. Everyone looked at a woman. This woman was also somewhat rounded, and she was also more than 40 years old. Everyone looked at her suddenly, which made this woman feel a little flustered.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not telling the truth. This fat girl just let people retire her." The woman said so, everyone shook their heads, this coincidence Although Hui is a little fatter, she is a nice person and very filial.

In fact, most of them have sympathy for Qiaohui. Although she was retired, she actually did nothing wrong. Then Zhang Family retired because Qiaohui’s father was improper. The gentleman in the city is now, because their family has become so prosperous, everyone knows this well.

So everyone is very dissatisfied with the woman's statement. It is pitiful enough for a little girl to be retired. If you still talk like this, isn't it going to kill people?

Fortunately, they are Wind City here. The rules are not so strict. Otherwise, how will Qiaohui meet people in the future? Everyone didn't agree with the woman's actions, even the youngster who had been beaten by Jun before did not agree.

And at this moment, I saw a little girl rushing out of the yard, holding a bottle gourd in her hand and smashing it directly. There was a scoop of water inside, all of which was poured on the woman.

"Make your mouth smelly! Make you squirt!" The little girl was only in her early ten years old, and her appearance was very pretty, but such a pungent temperament made everyone forget that this girl was so good-looking. Very beautiful thing.

"You girl, do you dare to pour me water, I won't kill you!" The woman said she was about to do it, but Ah Jun stood up and pushed her down directly.

"Oh, oops, hit someone, hit someone to death." The woman lay on the ground and couldn't get up. Everyone backed away. This woman is also notoriously difficult. , No one don't dare provoke.

"Since you think like this is going to be beaten, then I can just kill you for the people!" Ah Jun said that he really wanted to do something, and Qiaohui didn't care about being sad, and hugged him directly. Holding his waist, Ah Jun said so, he really dared to do so.

"You...you little bastard, an unregulated wild species, I...I dare you lower oneself to somebody's level!" The woman saw Ah Jun really moved to kill , No longer dared to entangle, turned around and ran.

And Qiaohui looked at Ah Jun, who was still, and felt very uncomfortable. He was scolded again. Yes, Ajun has no father since he was born.

"This child is Interesting." Sun Qianqian said so, looking at that Ajun, this child is very good.

"You still find it interesting, I think the hostility in this child's heart is too heavy." Lin Lang said.

And Xiao Guoguo finally knew where they were looking for, this pair of youngsters, it seems they have to deal with each other once.

Everyone hasn't dispersed yet. Although they want to leave, they are worried when they see Ah Jun like this. Their front feet are gone, and Ah Jun can go to the woman’s house to settle the accounts, so he talks about it. Start to persuade.

They are all old neighbourhoods for many years. Everyone can't see them when they look up, and no one wants something wrong. At this time, the adults from the two families are not there. The Qian Family adults are going to Zhang Family to talk, and the Ajun's mother also followed. The remaining three children are here, and they are afraid of accidents.

But at this time, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan four people came over, and everyone's eyes were suddenly shifted. I have never seen such a handsome person before, why would they appear here?

The moment Ah Jun saw Xiao Guoguo and the others, he pulled the fat girl behind him. The pungent little girl also guarded his elder sister, staring at Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo and Not very scared.

No one knows that these people are who, but they are definitely not ordinary people. Although they haven't seen a few cultivators in recent years, these people feel that this is a cultivator.

"You guys, I don't know why I came to our town. I am the mayor of this town. If you have anything, you can find me." An old man with a beard ran over and he I heard that there was something here, so I rushed over, but didn't expect saw these people after I ran over.

"Hello Old Mister, we are here to find someone." Xiao Guoguo said, smiling at Ajun and Fatty, well, looking at Qiaohui.

Both of them were stunned. They looked at each other. They didn't know what happened, but it was certain that they did come to find themselves. But the two felt that they were at least an ordinary person, so why did they look for them?

Everyone dispersed one after another, because there is Xiao Guoguo and they are here, no one dares to make a mistake. And Qiaohui let the four of Xiao Guoguo into the house.

It can be seen that although the yard is small, it is clean and tidy, and the pungent little girl is also very diligent. At the moment, she is tidying up the tables, chairs and benches in the yard.

Entering the house, it is very bright inside, which shows that the condition of this house is good.

Xiao Guoguo glanced at the two sisters, yes, the family conditions are not good, this sister would not be so well-educated, and dress better than ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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