
  Chapter 2402 Don’t Dare to Escape

The Earth Demon clan’s site buildings are all very tall, because they The needs of life, which makes Human Race look very short here. Of course, this is not important, because Human Race's status here is very low, no one cares about their thoughts.

But now, this Earth Demon clan has no Earth Demon, and Human Race is naturally gone. Xue Lao has been here for three full years.

What he sees every day is the black demonic energy that keeps gathering, and the monster beasts that have been demonized. They seem to be boring to do nothing, and they always like to fight.

So in the past few years, he has seen a lot of monster beasts lose their lives, and their inner core has been absorbed by the victorious monster beast. Sure enough, the world of monster beast is more difficult to survive and crueler than human cultivator.

But it doesn't matter, the most important thing is Wang Chen, he has not come out.

In the deepest part of the Earth Demon clan, there is a cave. Xue Lao didn’t understand why the Earth Demon clan had to dig such a deep cave, but now, Wang Chen lives in it. .

In fact, many times, Xue Lao thought about whether or not to just run away without the other party's attention. If he leaves here, perhaps this Wang Chen simply won't know.

But he didn't dare, he didn't dare to bet on this probability, because he didn't know what Wang Chen left in his body back then. Over the years, he only knew to check his meridian again and again, but he hadn't found anything, but he didn't believe it, he didn't believe that Wang Chen really had no success.

It's like he treats his subordinates. If he wants absolute loyalty from his subordinates, then the mind control is not enough, and he must take the other's life in his own hands.

To save others by oneself, he felt that Wang Chen would not be kinder than him, so did he really have no means to deal with people like them back then? So Old Xue wanted to escape, but in the end he didn't dare.

And Xue Lao knew that although he was left here, there were still two powerful subordinates beside Wang Chen back then, and they should be on par with each other.

But for so long, he has not heard Wang Chen say anything about those two people. At this time, he never brought those two people, which made Old Xue very puzzled.

At the beginning, he originally thought that Wang Chen had any other players and prepared to surprise him, but now he feels more and more that maybe...the two people are already not in.

As for whether they are still alive, Xue Lao doesn't know, he is thinking, in recent years, Wang Chen's cultivation base has reached this level, is it really his own cultivation?

It’s not that he said that Wang Chen’s status in the Seven Palaces was not obtained by his cultivation base. He was not the one with the highest cultivation base among the seven people, nor was the one with the best aptitude. He It's just more savvy.

At the beginning, he looked like for the world, which convinced everyone and made him the boss. But since he took control of their three people, Xue Lao has already understood what kind of personality this Wang Chen really is.

So, why does he have the highest cultivation base among the seven now?

Every time I think about this, Xue Lao feels that his back is chilly, and of course he feels more anxious. He is afraid that the two people are really the cultivation base given by Wang Chen, and he himself might become Next.

Therefore, he always wanders between fleeing or not, wanting to escape, but still dare not really escape, which makes him more and more anxious.

"Rumble!" There was thunder after another. Xue Lao knew that it was because of too much demonic energy. The fall of thunder and lightning was also a warning and punishment.

Xue Lao looked up, and it turned out that monster beasts came back one by one. They were surrounded by black demonic energy. These demonic energy were brought back by the monster beasts, while thunder and lightning It is a warning and punishment for them.

But monster beast’s physical stamina is very strong. They relied on their strong defense to directly enter this plane. After reaching this plane, they are safe, because the outside of this plane is layered. Hidden barrier.

Otherwise, the Earth Demon clan back then could not make their home here with magic power, so this barrier now also protects these monster beasts.

Finally entered the safe zone, the thunder and lightning are no longer accompanied by the shadows, these monster beasts are also seriously injured, but they just can't feel it, desperately start to the area around the crack crawl.

When Old Xue saw this situation, even he felt that his scalp was numb, because this situation has not been seen a few times, but it has been the same in the past two years. These monster beasts seem to be controlled, they want to get out all the black magic power in themselves first.

"It's terrifying." Old Xue couldn't help saying that. Those monster beasts have already reached the peripheral zone, and an array, a powerful array, is set up there.

This array was also set up after Wang Chen arrived. It took him a full three months. After three months, the monster beasts left the back to collect magic power. Every time they came back, as long as When you reach the edge of the array, there will be a strong force to absorb the magic from them.

These magic powers converged into a black cloud, then entered the deep valley and became a part of there. From the top down, Xue Lao can no longer see the bottom of the valley. Even with Divine Consciousness, he can't do it, and the magic of black can't penetrate.

Xue Lao really doesn't understand why Wang Chen did this? Are you really willing to become a demonic cultivator in order to be strong? Xue Lao thought of the Demon Venerable back then, maybe he wants to be the second Demon Venerable.

Wang Chen is getting stronger and stronger, and Xue Lao is getting more and more scared, but he can only stabilize his cultivation, because he knows that he can't run away. And he didn't dare to think, if he really ran away, where would he go?

I don’t know why, Old Xue thought of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. He shook his head and gave a wry smile. Where did he have a chance to take refuge there? He did too much, and they were impossible to accept himself. .


Wind City, a place full of wind and sand, the people here have had a hard time.

Most of them here are ordinary persons. The cultivator thinks that the conditions here are too difficult and simply refuses to come. Therefore, although the ordinary persons here have a hard time, everyone is still in harmony.

Wind City will enter a period of violent wind erupted starting in September every year, and it will only stop in April and May of the following year. Before that, they need to store supplies, and they need to store all the food in the cellar, so as to guarantee their lives during the period of violent wind erupted.

Of course, it's not that they can't go out on that day during this period. It's just that they dare not go out at the worst, and there are probably more than 20 days when they can't go out.

But the supplies here are very scarce, and the grain output is not high, so everyone's life is also very poor. Xiao Guoguo looked at this all around, as if he had returned to Far Ancient Era all at once. The Wind City and surrounding areas are indeed too shabby.

(End of this chapter)

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