
  Chapter 2399 Farewell

"senior, you have helped me a lot, I can’t ask you anymore Something." When Sun Peng refused so, Sect Leader Wang felt distressed.

I want it for you. People will bring something out, it will be enough for you to use in a lifetime. If he encountered this situation, he would definitely accept it, and then sincerely thank others for the rest.

"It's not a precious thing, it's just a little heart. You can accept it." Xiao Guoguo said, Sun Peng hesitated before accepting it, and then continued to ask: "A few seniors I don’t know where I live. After my cultivation base Great Accomplishment, I must find a few seniors to thank you."

Chi Xuan shook his head when he spoke, and said very calmly: "We don’t ask you to repay you. Just be good."

Chi Xuan also feels good about Sun Peng. If it weren't for him, his energy would not come back so quickly.

Although they are looking for energy, they have no intention of hurting others or forcing others. They hope that this energy can be smoothly returned to his hands, because only in this way, this energy It is the essence.

Sun Peng was like giving them a big favor, and the Stone of Ability came back directly, so Chi Xuan also thanked him very much. So Chi Xuan took out a magic weapon, which was discussed by Xiao Guoguo. Xiao Guoguo gave medicine pill and Spirit Stone, and Chi Xuan prepared a magic weapon.

The moment this magic weapon was taken out, everyone knew that it was a treasure, and Sun Peng was a little bit not knowing what to do. The rays of light shining throughout the body of this magic weapon were not ordinary treasures.

"You hold this magic weapon, you can self-protection." Chi Xuan finished saying that, Su Peng still wanted to refuse, but Chi Xuan directly gave him a contract, and Sun Peng became this magic weapon. The owner.

At this moment, let alone other people, Sect Leader Wang is envious. This Sun Peng has gained so many treasures before joining Sect. This is very good luck, and he feels envious. Up.

"Apart from this, let me see what you're almost missing. Let me prepare it for you all at once." Chi Xuan finished speaking, looked up and down, and then took out a protective magic weapon: "This protective magic weapon can save lives. You don't need to be afraid below the fairy." Sect Leader Wang: "..." I don't know if there are any such treasures, he can buy one!

Sun Peng is already stupid. He really didn't expect that these seniors are so generous and have so many babies.

Xiao Guoguo looked at it for a while, then patted his head, and brought out a monster beast from the space. This is from the monster beast group in the space. She took good care of this one. The aptitude of monster beast was brought out later.

"Let’s make a contract. From now on, it will be your Spirit Beast." After Xiao Guoguo said that, not only Sun Peng was stupid, but Sect Leader Wang had no strength to say anything, even He didn't even dare to be jealous, because he found that if he really wanted to be jealous, he had to be jealous of these seniors.

What treasures they take out is just like playing, they need so many things for them, they simply can't see it. But he didn't dare to be jealous, for fear of being discovered.

So, when the power gap is too big, even the jealousy is gone.

And this time after Wang Peng had Spirit Beast, then safety was guaranteed. This Spirit Beast has always lived in space, very powerful and smart, and now Xiao Guoguo has found a master for it, monster Beast did not oppose it, but was very obedient, and really regarded Sun Peng as his master.

"Okay, it's almost there, then we will leave, and wait a few years to see you." Xiao Guoguo said, Sun Peng was a little bit reluctant to them, he knew that they were actually good people.

It's just different from Sun Peng, Sect Leader Wang feels sighed in relief.

These seniors are powerful and extremely short-sighted, which is not a good thing for them. And when he left, he left so many things because he couldn't trust them, for fear that Sun Peng would be wronged here or be harmed by others.

Heaven and Earth Conscience, they just have this heart, and they don't have the courage. Think about the backer behind Sun Peng, they would do it when they are stupid. Therefore, whether it is Sect Leader Wang or Elder Zhou, from now on, they will be polite to Sun Pengke and ensure that he will live happily in this Lie Cloud Sect.

Xiao Guoguo and they are really gone, because they are short of time now, and it is most important for Chi Xuan to absorb the energy group. However, they are not very worried about Sun Peng. With Spirit Beast, no one in Lie Cloud Sect is Sun Peng's opponent. As long as he can stand up for himself, there will be absolutely no problems in the future.

But they still did not leave this plane, but directly found a mountain, opened up the Cave Mansion and began to absorb the energy cluster, and the energy cluster at this time is bigger than the last time they found it, definitely It will take more time.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan suddenly appeared and disappeared again. No one knows where they went. Of course, no one knows where they came from. They are like a legend, only Sun Peng The existence of witnessed all this.

Two years later, Sun Peng is now the Core Formation cultivation base. For a cultivator, it is indeed not easy for a cultivator to reach this cultivation base in a short period of two years.

And he is still a final disciple personally collected by Cloud Sect Old Ancestor, and his status is not lower than that of Sect Leader Wang. Of course, he knew very well in his heart that all of this was brought to him by Xiao Guoguo. If he hadn't had a strong backer behind him, then they wouldn't treat him like that.

In the night, Sun Peng is cultivating. For two years, he has not dared to relax for a moment. That is because he knows that he can't stand in this world without strong strength. Although a strong backer can fight for him to live space, but after a long time, that may not be the case.

Fortunately, his aptitude has changed, and the things that several seniors left for themselves are very precious, which allowed him to be promoted to the current cultivation base in a short period of time. If not, he is afraid that it will take several decades to become a Core Formation cultivator.

The wind blew in from outside, and the door suddenly opened. Sun Peng quickly opened his eyes, staring at the few people in front of him in a daze. He was very surprised, and then stood up extremely excited and said: "Senior, you guys came to see me!"

Sun Peng knew that since he had Spirit Beast, no one has ever been able to quietly speak. It’s close to him, because Spirit Beast can find all the people whose cultivation base is lower than its cultivation base, this whole Li Cloud Sect has the highest Spirit Beast cultivation base.

But this time Spirit Beast didn't make any sound, he should have guessed that he was here.

Sun Peng is naturally excited. He has been waiting for these two years, waiting for Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan to see him, but there has been no news. They suddenly appeared today, Sun Peng felt excited on the one hand, and guessed on the other hand, maybe this is a new difference, they will not come to say goodbye to him.

Although they simply don't need to come and say goodbye to him, Sun Peng feels that way. They should be leaving here soon.

(End of this chapter)

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