
  Chapter 2398 Punishment

Sun Peak Lord was taken away like this. Naturally someone would do the punishment Sun Peng only felt that a rock in his heart had been removed. The wish for so many years, didn't expect so easy to come true.

In fact, he had to enter the Cloud Sect to help his grandfather wash away his grievances. He did not meet the seniors today, so even if he can enter this sect, he wants to keep climbing up and climbing to a high position. It is not easy to punish Sun Peak Lord.

Therefore, Xiao Guoguo and the others equivalently helped Sun Peng realize his wish, and did ahead of schedule what may not happen in several decades in the future.

Xiao Guoguo didn't notice, but Sun Peng remembered in his heart that they were equivalent to his benefactors. Although Xiao Guoguo has always said that they are equivalent exchanges, he said that Sun Peng treats them as benefactors at the moment.

No one thought that Sun Peng suddenly knelt down and knocked his head three times in the distance, as if he was paying homage to his relatives, but the next moment he suddenly faced Xiao Guoguo and several people, and knocked one head again. , This is to express gratitude.

For the cultivator, this kind of etiquette is too heavy. The cultivator has always been arrogant. Even in the face of a senior expert, he just bows his head and kneels to beg for mercy and for himself. His wealth and life.

However, at this moment, Sun Peng really does this for the sake of feelings. This is no longer as simple as life-saving grace.

"Stand up, the man has gold under his knees, how can he easily kneel." Xiao Guoguo said that she avoided it, and she didn't want to accept such a thank you.

"Senior, senior's kindness today is heavier than life-saving grace. I am grateful for you to wash away my grievances for my grandfather." After Sun Peng said this, he saluted Xiao Guoguo again before standing. Up.

Xiao Guoguo has no way, but this at least proves that Sun Peng is not an ungrateful person. Although it is an equivalent exchange, Xiao Guoguo still hopes that the other party will be a good person, so that he will feel better.

"Wang Peng, let me ask again, are you really sure in this sect? In fact, I can let you enter any small sect in this plane, as long as you want." Xiao Guoguo this time I asked Sect Leader Wang in front of him.

Sect Leader Wang became nervous. If Sun Peng refused to enter their sect, it would be a loss for Lie Cloud Sect, so he wanted to persuade him. But before he could speak, Sun Peng was very determined and nodded and said: "To be able to re-enter Lie Cloud Sect, that is the expectation of my grandfather and father, and I must realize it."

Sect Leader Wang sighed in relief, and Xiao Guoguo sighed said: "Sect Leader Wang, Sun Peng wants to enter Lie Cloud Sect. What do you think about this?"

"This is naturally good. All are welcome." Sect Leader Wang didn't expect such good luck, and Sun Peng himself agreed. In fact, compared to other Sects, they really have no advantage.

"That's good! I don't worry about Wang Peng being wronged here." Xiao Guoguo said, Sect Leader Wang hurriedly stated that Wang Peng will not suffer any wronged here, absolutely not.

Xiao Guoguo knows no, but she deliberately asked Wang Peng this way, also to make him feel good in front of Sect Master. After all, he gave up a better opportunity and chose Lie Cloud Sect, Sect Leader Wang needs to be grateful.

"By the way, what should we do with this Elder Zhou?" Xiao Guoguo asked Wang Peng again, and Wang Peng confirmed this time. Xiao Guoguo asked these questions simply for his own good and for his ability It left a good impression on everyone, except for Sect Leader Wang, it was Elder Zhou. These are the only two people he has been in contact with so far.

"Elder Zhou is greedy for profit and damages the reputation of sect. I think he should be revoked as Elder, and it is necessary to reflect on the things he has done and the mistakes he made in the thinking tower."


The punishment like Sect Leader Wang is actually very serious. Not only did he lose his identity, but he was also locked up in the Tower of Thinking. Who knows how long he will be able to come out. This is obviously a heavier punishment, in order to make others feel at ease and satisfied.

But even if it is clear in his heart, Elder Zhou still dare not say anything, because Sun Peak Lord's previous punishment is still in sight, he does not want to become the second Sun Peak Lord.

"That's fine too." Xiao Guoguo agreed, and Elder Zhou felt hopeless, but at this time, Sun Peng suddenly spoke.

"Sect Master, Elder Zhou said that he had made some mistakes, but he was also confused by the Peak Lord Sun. I think this is forgivable. So I asked Sect Master to open up the Internet and forgive me. Elder Zhou this time."

Sun Peng took the initiative to intercede, Sect Leader Wang simply didn't expect, but Xiao Guoguo laughed. Sure enough, this is a smart person, and she shouldn't have to worry about his future.

There are only two people he can contact now, one is Sect Leader Wang and the other is Elder Zhou. The grievances between him and Sun Peak Lord cannot be resolved or eliminated, so there is no need to do it well for him, but the remaining two are different. One of them has mastered the entire sect, and the other one, then It will be Sun Peng’s 1st Step in this Lie Cloud Sect. The reason is very simple. He Sun Peng wants the name of benevolence and righteousness!

For the cultivator, benevolence and justice are very rare things, because they are rare, they are especially precious, and everyone admires such people.

So, Sun Peng did spend a lot of time in order to control everyone's opinion of him, even Elder Zhou let it go. But having said that, if one day Elder Zhou still wants to make trouble for him, then when the time comes is not too late to do it. At that time, the old and new accounts will be settled together.

Xiao Guoguo very much agrees with Sun Peng’s actions, so he didn’t mean to stop him, and Sect Leader Wang saw that Xiao Guoguo listened to Sun Peng’s words and felt surprised and thankful at the same time. , Okay, Wang Peng is a grudge.

"Since you are helping to intercede, then I will let go, make an exception, and not punish him. But Elder Zhou, remember that the person who saved you today is Wang Peng, and you will do well in the future. If I find that you are against him, your ending will be not much better than the current Sun Peak Lord." Sect Leader Wang’s conversation is full of warnings to Elder Zhou. It means that they can't afford to offend this guy, at least now they can't afford to offend. Elder Zhou immediately understood, and quickly thanked Xiao Guoguo and Wang Peng, and solemnly vowed the guarantee that he would never trouble Wang Peng in the future. Xiao Guoguo was satisfied.

But apart from this, Xiao Guoguo still has a few things to give to Sun Peng, and this is the basis for him to settle down in the future.

Sun Peng watched Xiao Guoguo take out a storage bag, and then gave him the storage bag and said: "This is my gift to you. It can help you to raise your cultivation base and become a daoist as soon as possible."


Sun Peng is really sorry, Xiao Guoguo has helped him so much, why is he embarrassed to take things?

(End of this chapter)

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