
  Chapter 2400 Good Ideas

Xiao Guoguo took a look at Sun Peng, this child is growing very fast , Two years to reach the Core Formation Stage is already pretty good. Of course, she left a lot of medicine pill and Spirit Stone to Sun Peng back then, which should be of great help to him.

"Sun Peng, your cultivation base has improved very quickly." Xiao Guoguo said, and Sun Peng immediately said gratefully: "It is all the rich resources that senior left for me."

Sun Peng knew very well in his heart that even if he was Heaven Blessed Genius, he was impossible to improve at such a rapid rate, and what the senior left to himself could even be worth half of the resources of a sect. If you don't increase cultivation frequently, how can you be worthy of these seniors?

"I just helped you. After all, the journey of cultivation is up to you. We are here this time to tell you that we are leaving here soon, and will we come back in the future? Not necessarily, you have to walk alone in the future, and cherish it a lot."

After Xiao Guoguo said that, he let go of his worries. In fact, they could have walked directly. Peng's stuff is enough. But in the end, they got acquainted with the Sun Family. With such a beginning, there must always be an end.

"Senior." Sun Peng knelt down again and said to Xiao Guoguo several people: "I know that all seniors are experts, and they are bound to be busy. My Sun Peng dare not stay with you. But I beg you seniors. Tell me, if one day, my Sun Peng can also break through the plane, where should I go to find you and repay today's kindness."

Sun Peng asked sincerely, but Xiao Guoguo didn’t think so. Necessary, she told Sun Peng directly: "I am not unselfish in helping you, but just a deal. What you give us is very important to you, but it is more important to us, so you don't have to feel that this is kindness. "

Hearing Xiao Guoguo's words, Sun Peng shook his head hurriedly and said: "The senior thinks that I have never owed you anything, but I feel that your kindness to me cannot be measured by anything.

I know that in this life I may not be able to surpass a few seniors, let alone repay the kindness, but today Junior still wants to cheekily ask, maybe one day, I can stand in front of the seniors and salute again."

Sun Peng understands that with the cultivation base of these few people, it is almost impossible for him to catch up, but this does not prevent him from wanting to repay his kindness, and there are many kinds of kindness.

"If you really want to ask, then I don’t tell you. After you leave this plane, you will enter a higher level plane. At that time, you go to find Sword Sect, maybe we We can see each other again."

Xiao Guoguo has finished saying that, Sun Peng eyes shined, Sword Sect, doesn't that mean these seniors may be from Sword Sect?

However, when Sun Peng raised his head again, Xiao Guoguo and the others had disappeared, and only one voice came from: "Farewell today, cherish each other, no matter when Sun Peng arrives, don't lose yourself. "

Xiao Guoguo They are gone, she doesn’t like the sad scenes too much, and they don’t care about Sun Peng more, but are responsible. She doesn’t care if he is doing well. Is relieved.

After Xiao Guoguo and the others left, Sun Peng stayed in the same place for a long time. He knew that he was not qualified to ask for anything. He could only become stronger. Maybe one day he would be qualified to stand by your seniors.

The Spirit Beast outside the door came in, and Sun Peng patted it on the head and said, "From now on, only you are with me."

Spirit Beast was silent. , It is very fortunate that it has found a good master, it will naturally accompany him all the time. Xiao Guoguo also came quietly and left quietly. They don't want anyone to know their whereabouts, including the people of Lie Cloud Sect. Now that Sun Peng hasn't grown up, let them continue to be his backer.

No one knows that Xiao Guoguo and several people have already left. They no longer continue to search for other energy groups, and now Chi Xuan needs a place for Transcending Tribulation.

In fact, in this world, Chi Xuan will be known as long as Transcending Tribulation, so they now need to find a relatively hidden place so that they will not be discovered by Wang Chen.

"But I think that I will be discovered, after all, such a strong energy fluctuation, how can I not know." Lin Lang was a little worried, the improvement of the cultivation base was a good thing, now Turned out to be a trouble.

"If that's the case, we will leave here." Sun Qianqian said, Lin Lang was taken aback for a moment. What does this mean? Leaving here, could it be...

"Do you want to take them to another world, do you want to open the barrier door again?" Lin Lang disagrees, because he thinks this is very risky.

"There is nothing wrong, since we can come over, we can naturally go back." For Sun Qianqian, she doesn't care about the lives and deaths of other people. All she cares about is Yang Shuo. She stayed alone for this reason. Compared with the overall life and death situation that other people care about, the world is stable, her mind is not that complicated, and the way to deal with things is simpler.

"But if we leave, then Wang Chen, wouldn't he act wilfully?" Lin Lang asked, and Sun Qianqian glanced at him said with a smile: "Who said we are leaving together? ??"

"Not leaving together, isn't he going to Transcending Tribulation?" Lin Lang extended the hand pointed at Chi Xuan, while Sun Qianqian was nodded, and said: "He is going to Transcending Tribulation , He naturally wants to pass, but you don’t need Transcending Tribulation, nor do I, let him pass by himself."

Lin Lang: "..." It makes sense. It feels wrong, it seems that something is wrong.

"No, this Void Realm tribulation thunder, if we are not there, wouldn’t Chi Xuan be in danger?" Lin Lang asked, and Sun Qianqian glanced at Xiao Guoguo and said: "Isn’t there still She will follow, let them find a quiet place for Transcending Tribulation, and they will come back after success."

Lin Lang thought for a while. This is actually a good way. The barrier they used to be is right there. On their turf, there is no interference from the Earth Demon clan, they should have no problem. And there are people from their Seven Palaces. Others don't say that Yang Shuo is at least his own, everyone It shouldn't be too much.

"No, you can go back with me. I'll just watch it by myself." Lin Lang said to Sun Qianqian, and Sun Qianqian smiled: "It's not that I look down on you... Okay, It’s just that I look down on you, have you beaten Wang Chen alone? I’m afraid that if my front foot is gone, your back foot will be destroyed by him."

Lin Lang; "..." A woman speaks so badly , No wonder you can't get married.

But Lin Lang only dared to mumble a few words in the heart. He really didn't have the courage to say it directly. After all, Sun Qianqian could really recognize him when he beat him, and he doubted him when he beat him. Life.

"Did you say bad things about me in the heart?" Sun Qianqian suddenly asked. Lin Lang was so scared that she was sweating, and said with surprise: "How do you know?"

"I didn't know it, but I now know it." Sun Qianqian looked at Lin Lang clenching one's teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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