
  Chapter 2397 Sincerity

Sect Leader Wang of Nalie Cloud Sect is very happy to hear this, finally There is another sensible, knowing to tell myself what happened. He glanced at Elder Zhou and asked very angrily: "You said, what happened on earth?!" Sun Peak Lord has this hatred in his heart. He didn't expect Elder Zhou to react so quickly. , Screamed first, and looked like he was pleading guilty, but in fact it was clear that all the responsibilities were on him. Although most of the responsibility lies with him, he can't let this Elder Zhou stay out of the matter.

But Sun Peak Lord simply couldn't stop Elder Zhou. He only listened to Elder Zhou talking about the matter from beginning to end. Then Sect Leader Wang's face became more and more ugly, he looked at Sun Peng , This is a Fire Element single spirit root, aptitude is still good, the key is that the backer behind them is powerful, this Sun Peng enters his sect, it is only good for them.

"Sun Peak Lord, is Elder Zhou's statement that these all are true?" Sect Leader Wang asked Sun Peak Lord this way. In fact, he had already identified this matter in his mind.

Sun Peak Lord knows that now that sophistry is useless, it is better to admit it directly, and then beg for forgiveness, perhaps there is a possibility of being forgiven.

"Sect Master was obsessed and obsessed for a while. When you framed Senior Brother Sun, he said that he stole the treasure of Sect. Actually it was me. I put the thing in his secret room. Inside, I tried to plant the blame." Sect Leader Wang also knew what Sun Peak Lord said. This incident caused a sensation back then, and because of this incident, a treasure of sect Always whereabouts unknown.

"The treasure, why didn't you find it back then?" This question is purely curious, because that treasure has not been found, it is also a huge loss of sect, so he just asked by the way maybe Can you know whereabouts.

"The treasure is also very strange to me. I obviously put it in the secret room of the Senior Brother Sun and put it under the table, but it disappeared."

When Sun Peak Lord said this, Sect Leader Wang still had a slight suspicion. After all, it was a treasure that Sect inheritance has been using for so many years. Although no one knows what that treasure is for, everyone thinks it is very precious. It's best to get it back.

"Sect Master, you believe me, if it wasn't because the treasure simply didn't find it back then, Senior Brother Sun wouldn't just be expelled from Sect, he would definitely not be able to save his life."

Sun Peak Lord said so, Sun Peng glanced at him, and then at Xiao Guoguo. With this glance, Xiao Guoguo has guessed what this treasure is.

Sun Peng recalled what happened back then. It was something like a crystal ball. It was said that there was a huge ability in it, but no one could absorb it, so it was inherited by inheritance, but he was back then. It's just a child who doesn't understand anything, but feels that the ball is very bright, so he touched it with his finger.

But he didn't expect that the ball broke directly and turned into a piece of dust, leaving only a dark green stone. He was still a child at the time, so he grabbed the stone in his hand. Later, father discovered it and hid it in the storage bag.

But it is very strange to say, because the stone is no different from ordinary gems, and there is no spiritual power fluctuation, otherwise it is impossible to keep it until now, and it would have been snatched away.

But since Xiao Guoguo and the others came, he understood the special place of this stone, because the senior expert can actually see it, it means that it is not an ordinary stone at all, he guessed nothing Wrong, the treasure of the year really became a stone.

But Sun Peng was silent. Why should he explain to this Sun Peak Lord that he caused his grandfather to be so miserable, and indirectly harmed himself and his father, and even arranged for someone to ask him for it. life.

He doesn't hit a person when he's down. It's already the limit, save people? That is basically impossible.

Although Sun Peak Lord explained this way, no one knows whether Sect Leader Wang believes it or not. Xiao Guoguo even wonders whether Sect Leader Wang will lock up the Sun Peak Lord.

After all, that is the treasure of their sect. Although they already have it in their hands, they don't know it. Xiao Guoguo did not tell these people, but watched Sect Leader Wang deal with the matter.

"Sun Peak Lord, no matter where treasure is now, you really framed others back then, and it also led to today's results. You must be punished." Sect Leader Wang said, Sun Peak The Lord knew that his results would not be too good, so he lowered his head and said, "dísciple is willing to accept punishment, and dísciple really regrets it."

Sun Peak Lord said so, Sect Leader Wang glanced at Xiao Guoguo and asked. "How does the senior think this person should be punished?"

Xiao Guoguo smiled, and said to Sect Leader Wang: "You can ask the wrong person about this matter. I am not the victim, nor am I being bullied. If you really want to ask, you should ask Sun Peng."

What Xiao Guoguo said is very meaningful, and how to deal with it is actually Sect Leader Wang’s own business, but the other party thinks It was a trick and wanted to please them, but Xiao Guoguo was unwilling to let him do it.

If you really want to ask, then ask Sun Peng, after all, he is the protagonist of the matter, and they are only here to help.

"Yes, so too. So Sun Peng, what kind of punishment do you want him to get?" Sect Leader Wang looked at Sun Peng with kindness in his eyes, like his own Junior.

But Sun Peng knew that all this was only because of Xiao Guoguo who supported him. If there were no seniors, then even if he was kneeling here now, he wouldn't necessarily be in charge.

"Sect Master, although Sun Peak Lord committed such a mistake, it is really die without regret, but God has a good life, and I also hope to spare his life. You have my grandfather because He was punished for stealing sect treasure, so I hope he will be punished in the same way."

After Sun Peng said this, Sun Peak Lord almost fainted, but Sun Peng's grandfather was deposed. The cultivation base was driven out. If that is the case, he might as well not let this life.

"no! Sect Master! I would rather be destroyed by sect!" From aloof and remote, he became an ordinary person who was bullied. He didn't have the courage. At this time, Sun Peak Lord realized that he was simply inferior to others.

"Sun Qin, I know how to punish you. Sect also has its own rules. It is not your decision." Sect Leader Wang has no affection for him at this moment, if it weren't for him The same sect was framed by greed in the past, and there will be no such things as today.

Xiao Guoguo didn't interrupt after hearing this. Since it was Sun Peng's own wishes, then there was no need for them to interfere. But she really underestimated Sun Peng, this guy is also very decisive, and will not relent. I believe he can live well even in such a sect.

"Sect Master! Sect Master I was wrong, please spare me!" Sun Peak Lord was still shouting, but how could Sect Leader Wang allow him to continue this trouble? Sun Peak Lord and Sun Family Patriarch was taken down together, and the entire world was quiet.

Of course, after seeing the ending of Peak Lord Sun, Elder Zhou was also very worried. He didn't know what punishment he would face.

(End of this chapter)

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