
  Chapter 2387 Sober

The red carp has been silent in the face of external provocations, just wanting Look at Xiao Guoguo's attitude.

Although this is its territory, it also belongs to others now, after all, they have to absorb the energy here.

Speaking of which, this energy red carp has long been discovered, but when it first started, it was too weak to absorb so much, so it only dared to absorb it by little by little to improve its cultivation base.

Although it became more powerful later, it also deeply understood that not everyone can absorb this energy. The more energy it absorbs, the greater the damage to the body, so it can only A little bit of absorption, dare not force it.

It is precisely because of this that even if it surrenders the energy here, it does not feel much distressed, because the energy itself cannot absorb much, so it does not have a great impact on it.

But didn't expect, people are so calm, they have already hid in the door, they are still indifferent. Is it really inevitable this time to escape the hands of the cultivator?

I don't know the red carp until now. It is the rays of light that appeared yesterday, making it a place that everyone wants to see. Because according to the cultivator I saw at that time, it must be the rays of light that only appeared when the high level treasure appeared.

That’s why there is such a thing today, and no one knows except red carp. There are also a group of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

"Should we take care of it? These people are too messy, don't bother Chi Xuan to absorb energy." Lin Lang asked with excitement, he actually wanted to go out and join in the fun ...No, he meant justice!

"Honestly, let's just watch the changes. Who can be sure that this red carp is a good one?" Sun Qianqian's words also make sense, and Lin Lang is not going to raise the matter.

At this moment, the red carp has been surrounded, and the surrounding area is expert...at least the expert of the plane. Of course, it is definitely incomparable with the high level cultivator he has seen.

They looked at the red carp with hateful rays of light in their eyes. Lin Lang could see it. The red carp seemed very popular.

"Bah, this is my place. I have always settled here, and I have never gone to your sect to make trouble. You old guys are acting like good people here. Actually It’s not for the treasure here!"

Some people don’t like to tell the truth about the red carp. Although they are here with treasure, they must have a saying, otherwise it will be easy to handle in the future. Was ridiculed.

"The rules of the cultivation world, treasures have always been available to those who have the ability. You are just a small monster beast. If you want to monopolize, you should know what price you pay." Sect Master speaks so smoothly and smoothly.

"Yes, what you said is correct. The rules of the cultivation world have always been the rules. This treasure must belong to whoever is strong. Then if you want it, then take it. , I won't stop it."

When the red carp said so, everyone was a little confused. What does this guy mean?

They originally thought that what Golden Carp said would not agree, they would join hands, who would have thought it would be so easy to agree. If they had known this a long time ago, what help would they look for? Wouldn't it be best to come alone?

"Don't you have any crafty plots and machinations?" Someone is so suspicious, don't say he is so suspicious, in fact everyone here thinks so.

"What crafty plots and machinations can I have, I can't beat so many of you. I just remind you that I don't know where this treasure is, you can find it yourself."


red Carp said after he finished speaking, he took the initiative to step aside, which made people feel very puzzled. Because they have already seen it, it is the rays of light shining under the barrier, that should be correct, right?

But when they saw the red carp cooperate so well, they became more suspicious, so they discussed that some of them were responsible for opening the array, and the remaining few people stared at the red carp.

The red carp doesn't matter, anyway, as long as this matter doesn't involve oneself, it's fine. And Xiao Guoguo looked at these people and was very bored. She also knew that these people were not here for revenge, but for treasure hunting, so now they should also do it.

It’s just that Chi Xuan is absorbing energy. She definitely doesn’t want to leave. Therefore, she can only ask Lin Lang to deal with it. Although Lin Lang’s performance is very reserved, she is actually very happy in her heart. He had long wanted to go out and teach this group of juniors how to behave.

"Don't worry, I promise to persuade people with morals after I go out, and teach them some principles of life can settle them, and let them leave willingly." Lin Lang said that, Xiao Guoguo did not want It doesn't matter how you leave to hit him, what she wants is the result.

It's just that Sun Qianqian can't help being coldly snorted. This guy's skin is getting thicker and thicker. He also said that he can convince people with virtue and show her if he has the ability to serve.

"What's the matter, don't you believe it?" Lin Lang is unwilling, what the hell is going on with this woman, she always sings on the stage with herself.

"I don't believe it, do you have any comments?" Sun Qianqian answered directly.

"No!" Lin Lang didn't dare to stand upright with others, but he still invited Sun Qianq out to have a look. He I proved with facts.

Sun Qianqian really followed out, anyway, there is nothing to stay inside, so it's better to watch the excitement. How did Lin Lang know Sun Qianqian's thoughts, and he felt that the other party was impressed by his own demeanor.

Everyone attacked together. He thought he would be able to open the barrier soon, but the facts proved that he didn't think much about it. The barrier was so powerful.

Everyone is a little confused, who left behind this treasure?

However, at this time, the barrier suddenly opened from the inside, which caused everyone to step back. They were stunned when they watched the people coming out of it.

What's the matter, is there anyone here before them? Could it be said that all this is the scheme of red carp.

However, when they turned their heads, they saw Red Carp’s flattering smile and said: "Two seniors, this group of people want to find treasure. I have told them that there is nothing here. treasure. But they just want to believe me. They still bother you. It's their fault. It really has nothing to do with me!" Picking it out by itself was not its fault. It didn't come to look for trouble, and it didn't choose either party. It just wanted to get a good night's sleep.

Everyone also understood at this time, these people must have arrived before them, and they may have found the treasure, but they have not had time to leave.

Everyone looked at Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian. They couldn't see through the cultivation base of these two people. This made everyone feel a little difficult. The cultivation base is higher than their own, and they may not be their opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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